Pros & Cons of Netflix - Adam Sandler & Brad Pitt Discuss

For a conversation for Variety’s Actors on Actors issue, on newsstands on Nov. 12, Pitt and Sandler discuss how Netflix has changed Hollywood.


Netflix is a streaming giant - An undeniable truth that is. However, not every step or decision that the streamer has taken over the years has turned out to be as impactful as they would have desired to be. Also, even though it has an array of options to stream, there are some pros and cons of the service and who better than legendary actors Brad Pitt and Adam Sandler to come together and talk about it.

For a conversation for Variety’s Actors on Actors issue, on newsstands on Nov. 12, Pitt and Sandler discuss how Netflix has changed Hollywood.

“You were one of the first to go to Netflix,” Pitt tells Sandler. “You crossed the picket line.” 

“I sure did,” Sandler responds. “I didn’t even know I was doing that. They were interested in working together; they were so passionate. I’m just tight with Netflix. They love providing opportunities for many different types of comedies.”

Pitt points out that he’s not against streaming movies, but he sees the pros and cons. “I guess my point is, I’m all for change,” Pitt says. “I’m not going to fight. I see the positive more and more. I see a really interesting material get made … On the other hand, people talk about lamenting the death of the cinematic experience. Is that gone, because the home experience has gotten so good?”

“I don’t see it being gone,” Sandler responds. “I don’t think stuff goes away forever. I just think this is where it’s at right now.”

Pitt points out more pluses — and one minus — associated with Netflix. “The upside of films through streaming is a lot of them get more eyes on it; more people actually see them. The downside: There’s so much material that they can become disposable.”

Sandler doesn’t buy that argument. “It seems like stuff that is exciting to see, though, does get talked about a lot, where you say, ‘OK, I’ve got to check that out.'”

But there is one indisputable benefit to working with Netflix. “What I love is we don’t have to do much press,” Pitt says. “It’s nice, isn’t it? We don’t have to get out there. We’re not fighting for eyes. We’re not trying to put butts in seats, as they tell us we need to do.”

Pitt and Sandler in one frame - I am game for anything.

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