Kanye West forgets lyrics of own song

Singer Kanye West forgot the lyrics to his own song at Kris Jenner's birthday party.

Singer Kanye West forgot the lyrics to his own song at Kris Jenner's birthday party.

When the 38-year-old rapper got the mic, he forgot the lyrics of his song "See me now" and quickly improvised with one of his rival's tracks instead, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

"Kanye said, 'I don't remember the words!'. So he started singing 50 Cent's 'In da club' instead. The whole crowd was chanting (the song's lyrics), 'Go Shorty! It's your birthday!'," the New York Post newspaper quoted a source as saying.

Later in the evening, Jenner who turned 60 on November 5, made a lengthy emotional speech.

"Kris made a toast and thanked everyone. She was very emotional and it seemed to go on forever, but Khloe grabbed the mic and screamed 'the speech is over!'," the source added.

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