Is this the beginning of Chandra and Nandini's 'Love Story'?

Chandra Nandini will now showcase an interesting track, where Chandra and Nandini will start growing in love and friendship...

Shachi Tapiawala Rathod Thumbnail

Shachi Tapiawala Rathod

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Star Plus show Chandra Nandini will now showcase an interesting track where Chandra and Nandini will start growing in love and friendship. 

Chandra will soon come to know that Nandini had to leave her education half way and that she is now keen on getting educated. He will encourage her to pursue studies but will soon discover that the Gurukul's of his kingdom forbid the women to educate themselves. 

In order to help her, Chandra suggests Nandini to disguise herself as a man and take admission in the Gurukul. Nandini will soon be seen sporting a beard, turban and a traditional student outfit of the historic era. In order to ensure her safety, Chandra will accompany her to the school. 

While they take admission in high spirits, Nandini will start facing problems when it comes to living with the boys in the dormitory! 

For example, rash as the boys are, a boy sleeping beside her will happen to accidentally touch Nandini while sleeping and watching this Chandra will fume and will be seen doing things (like go sleep in between Nandini and the boy) as a protective husband. 

Is this the beginning of the love story between Chandra and Nandini?

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Rajat Tokas Thumbnail

Rajat Tokas

Shweta Basu Prasad Thumbnail

Shweta Basu Prasad

Chandra Nandini poster

Chandra Nandini

Colors thumbnail


Comments (25)

watching the show for Rajat Tokas..he is nailing it 100%

7 years ago

Rajat Tokas and Shweta Basu Prasad atogether are doinga wonderful job as Chandra Nandni. loving them

7 years ago

the track is oh so intresting..Rajat Tokas is rocking it as usual..

7 years ago

Loving their chemistry !!!! Can't wait for next episode ! Chandini rocks!!!!!

7 years ago

loving you as chandragupt Rajat Tokas...you are a gem

7 years ago

take care of your health Rajat...
love your acting as always

7 years ago

Rajat and Shwetha you guys are doing good job . Rajat as always rocks . keep up the good work.loving Chandini

7 years ago

rajat tokas ur the best. slowly & steadily things r growing. love u.

7 years ago

Rajat Tokas Chandra Nandini is having its best episodes nowadays!

7 years ago

Rajat tokas eagerly waiting for upcoming chandra nd chandni scenes. All the best.

7 years ago

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