Donal Bisht on love post Bigg Boss 15, upcoming OTT project and the pandemic

India Forums got talking to Donal Bisht about what has she been up to, what's in store ahead, and dealing with the pandemic. Here's the quick conversation we had with her.

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Donal Bisht

Donal Bisht, who was last seen in Bigg Boss 15, is gearing up for an OTT project soon and the actress has also been keeping her fans entertained with a regular dose of photos and posts on social media. India Forums got talking to her about what has she been up to, what's in store ahead, and dealing with the pandemic. Here's the quick conversation we had with her.

What have you been up to?

I have been working really hard towards the dreams i want to achieve and not keeping any stone unturned towards a good future.

You have got a lot of love from your fans, how do you feel about it?

I thank them all for the love that comes my way. My fans have made me who I am and I shall owe them this thank you forever. They have seen the real me too and the love I have received from them post them knowing me in person has been even bigger. I shall make them proud always.

Where do you see yourself next? Any films in the offering?

I see myself on the big screen, that's what I am working towards. It has been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. There is a project on OTT which I shall start shooting for very soon. The announcement has been made and I am looking forward to start shooting this soon.

How difficult have the last 2 years been for you? How did you manage to sail through the period?

The Pandemic has scared us all, no doubt. But I have tried to stay positive and looked forward to what comes next. I also feel the last 2 years have given us a lot of time to ourselves and with our families. It got us closer and that is one thing that was good. I started working on my craft and started watching good cinema. The last 2 years gave me time to watch good content and work on myself.

Workwise, luckily, I did not get affected as much. I  wanted some break from television so as soon as I decided to take a break, Covid struck, so I used it to spend time with myself and my family. As a person, I am extremely positive so it was just an extension of me.

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Donal Bisht

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Bigg Boss 15

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Want to wish her good luck

2 years ago

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