Bindass brings to you 'Dadagiri'- a show where four daring students revisit the horrors of being bullied on the first day of college by surviving three dadas in three rounds and compete against each other for a winning sum of Rs. 50,000 in cash.

Now relive the experience of that dreaded 'first day of college', as Bindass, the youth entertainment channel from UTV group, introduces TV's meanest game show Dadagiri. A first for Indian Televsion, Dadagiri premieres Monday Jun 9, 2008 at 7.30 pm. A show where four daring students revisit the horrors of being bullied on the first day of college by surviving three quintessential dadas in three rounds and compete against each other for a winning sum of Rs. 50,000 in cash.

Giving details of the new show Zarina Mehta CEO Bindass said, "Dadagiri Beat the Bullies is the Meanest Show ever seen on Indian Television. It's a test of Physical Strength, Brains and raw courage. The five hosts of the show are totally first of a kind & we hope the audience loves every minute of this pioneering Game Show. Dadagiri launches on the 9th of June with a large 360 degree marketing campaign on TV, Radio, Web, Mobile, & Outdoors. I am very proud of the entire team that has worked on the show from Encompass as well as Bindass."

In the first round the students encounter Vishal -The Beast: An uncouth, foul tempered fellow with an overbearing personality and a strong fist. He enjoys bossing around every one and making mincemeat out of people especially juniors. Into protein shakes & weight training, he has flunked his third year three times. His message to the world goes 'Maarunga chaar, ginungaa ek'

In round two, the contestants are held up against Shraman - Mindstein' who is the college topper and by far the most intelligent guy in college. He is always busy cracking theorems and logic, hates people who cannot answer his questions and feels it to be his duty to enlighten the world.

Round three, along comes Esha -The Goddess: spoilt, nasty, the meanest girl in college. She loves putting people down, is extremely moody & has a very short temper! She particular hates ugly faces! So watch out for the BULLIES!

The three Baddies give tasks according to their own personality, which the contestants should complete in order to win. A contestant gets eliminated at the end of every round. He or she goes straight to the in-house chef – Juicy offers them his "exotic delicacies" of Maggot macaroni with crushed caterpillars, Stinky shawarmas, & Hare bhari chipkali for the loser to "delight" himself upon eaten out of a toilet pot!!!

The one contestant who survives all the three rounds and the bullies wins the game show and walks away with Rs.50,000/- in cash, right there right then.

Dadagiri is produced by Encompass, created by Roshan Abbas, Directed by Yule Kurup with Anuradha Ghakkar as Creative Consultant & Shyam Rajagopalan as Supervising Creative Director. From the Channel side the show has been supervised by Shalini Sethi - AVP Head of Programming (Bindass Channel), Arif Ali Creative Director, Pallavi Gupta Executive producer & Madhavi Malhotra who has produced the packaging supervised by Dipankar Bose.

So to see whether the contestants survive or the bullies scare them away… tune into Bindass and watch 'Dadagiri' starting June 9th at 7.30PM every Monday to Thursday.

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Shyam Thumbnail


Madhavi Thumbnail


Pallavi Gupta Thumbnail

Pallavi Gupta

Arif Ali Thumbnail

Arif Ali

Comments (12)

this is what happens when india tries to copy american television, and it also goes to show that the people who stood and watched the beating are a bunch of spineless wankers

13 years ago

for u 5 son n daughter of sluts.. khud mian kuch hai nahi.. aagaye saabko marne... khud ko kuch karana aata hai nahi.. dusro ko marana sikhvalo innse.. n yaahh miss Esha -The Goddess ur not godess ur biggest slut.. marna easy laaga jaab khud ke kaan ke niche ek baaji na taab roa gai.. bitch...

14 years ago

next time she slaps someone, I hope a bunch of females run up to the stage and beat her up!! she slaps a contestant and no one says a thing, but soon as he slaps her back everyone has a problem with it. this show is so crappy. who treats contestants like that and talks so trashy to them? such a bad message to send out to others. i swear, if this show was out here in the states and i was a contestant on there that got slapped by one of the host, i'd be super rich by now. i'd sue them for every penny they are worth. They should fire her. if only we got to see her face as she was being slapped!

14 years ago

I dont understand how could the indian film industry hire a girl host like that. were they thinking that she would bring up the ratings of thier failing show. i gusse it just shows how cheap a tactic they have to use.1 word BUDGET.
another thing id like to point out to that girl who got slaped. If your reading this. lucky it was that guy who slaped you. if i had that chance to slap u. you would be put on that low budget tv show and being disapon ur ugly face for eva.
another thing i would like to point out is that the other guy host. at that point u would think that its right to protect that girl from the guy by bashing him up. but it just show how low u are not being able to understand how the other guy felt.
U are a disgrace To INDIA
and a disgrace to your family.
Budget productions are fine
that girl needs to be fired. or even so SUED
last thing to point out. if she thinks those guys with ugly faces and time portal old school hair style
are ugly. she need to look at her own self
what she lacks is a personality,brains,style,attatuide
and god what eva she was wearing, she could be a drag queen,or even some cheap ass prossti
GOOD LUCK with ur life

15 years ago

There are many American TV Shows that make Americans look like idiots. It''s nice to see that this Indian show has viewers just as dumb as our typical white trash American. This show is horrible and is making viewers dumber by just watching it. But like I said before, America has many TV shows just as dumb as this one. So go India! Shows like these really bring great pride to your people and country. Well done! Now keep playing your idiotic game show and we’ll keep laughing at you. Not with you that’s for sure!

15 years ago

that fukin bitch slaped thet guy i wish shes got brain damage pleese show this to her and that man he thinks hes hard ill bang him in the baterd start punchin him ill fuknim kill u DICK fukin go shag that bitch dick show this to the basterds

15 years ago

The cowardly Co-host who assaulted the participant after he slapped the girl - WHAT A COWARD!! I fight for a living (mixed martial arts) and I would love to come on the show and see how he reacts if it was ME who slapped the girl and not some mild mannered and well behaved indian who has more class than he will ever have. What producers need to realise is people around the world watch this - this is India to them. In England the girl would have been sacked(and perhaps sued) and the guy would be behind bars right now. What am I saying? Such a ridiculous show (and a cheap, knock-off poor man''s version of Fear Factor) would NEVER MAKE IT ON AIR!

15 years ago

cant really imagine a reality show as dirty as this... why are these show allowed to be aired... its only going to make the country worst... and about Esha... wat the f**k does she think of herself?? i know its all acting and is done for popularity... but if it was true... and if i was there at the boy's place who slapped her..... i would have done even worst... its absolutely f**king her mistake.. she has no f**king rits to slap her... this is a crap show which should never be aired at first place...

15 years ago

hi, this is rahul i am eagerly keen to participate
in this show.my comment is that vishal and isha
challenges are very interesting. so i am looking
forward to do this challenges whatever challenges
will be kept in front of me.i will be ready to do.so contact me on this no:9819557237

15 years ago

This show is garbage TV. Reality TV in general is garbage and this show is really dumbing down entertainment.

A show where the host resorts to slapping a contestant hard is unacceptable. Did she think that was acceptable behaviour even for pretending to be a bully. It was wrong of the contestant to hit a woman but what was even WORSE was the male presenter and whole crew beating him down and swearing. You have all degraded your people, yourselves and your country. Everyones actions makes it seem that India is a backward country. As a British Indian I am disgusted.

15 years ago

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