Amit Verma's reel and real life mix-up...

Amit Verma recently encountered a creepy incident with a fan who wanted him to marry Benaf in real life, and was ready to do anything for that to happen...

Amit Verma who is all set to get wedded in reel life to Benaf Dadachanji aka Baby in Star Plus and Hats Off's show Baa Bahu aur Baby, faced a very creepy incident while shooting for the promotional activities for the show at Ahmedabad.

According to our source, "Birju aka Amit was dressed as a groom and rode on a horse for the promotional activity. There was one young girl in the crowd who silently walked along with Amit, and after the entire sequence, she went towards Amit and asked him to marry Baby in real life, which left Amit totally embarrassed".

When contacted, Amit Verma confirmed the news and said, "Yes, she was a young girl who came to me, asked my real name and then said she wanted me to marry Benaf. She even started to cry when I told her that the marriage sequence was just happening in the show. I felt so embarrassed when she told me that she is ready to even talk to Benaf to make things happen. She also expressed that she wanted to marry Birju as she loved his simplicity. However, since Birju and Baby are made for each other, she wanted me to find for her a guy as simple and nice as Birju. She just would not allow me to move, and kept saying the same thing that Benaf and I would make a good pair together".

"I tried to convince her that acting and real life is totally different and that we both are the best of friends and there is nothing more to it. Finally, after all the efforts I put in, she became normal and took my autograph and left. It was a very creepy experience which I will never forget in my life", adds Amit.

Reporter and Author: Ranjini Nair

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Amit Varma Thumbnail

Amit Varma

Baa Bahu Aur Baby - Season 2 poster

Baa Bahu Aur Baby - Season 2

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Star Plus

Comments (9)

It is a time waste movie and the story of the movie is not good and it is fails to attract the audience.

7 years ago

Dude he is taller than all the actresses he has been paired with...

14 years ago

@Adaa-- Sonal Sehgal who played the famele lead in HK was 5'7" and Amit is 5'9". Hope u r cleared now so stop positng similar comments for all the articles on amit.

14 years ago

Wow, he should visit the DMG forum! He would be really freaked out!

14 years ago

well....this sort of reaction from a fan is unheard of

14 years ago

poor gal.. i can undrstnd her feelings... we get so used seeing reel couple's on screen chemistry , dat we really want them 2 b 2gtr 4 real life too..

14 years ago

i fail to understand why I-F reviews r so negative??:s
its Rahul Bose and Paresh Rawal's movie, so will def watch it.

15 years ago

i don;t care..its rahul bose's movie ..will watch it anyways

15 years ago

i never trust dese reviewz.
the movie looks good

15 years ago

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