Aditya Chopra is winning hearts, YRF releases official statement

YRF's official statement on Covid-19 vaccination drive for Hindi film industry's 30,000 members...

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Priyanka Chauhan

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Aditya Chopra

Yash Raj Film's head honcho, Aditya Chopra is making headlines for his act of kindness and generosity amid the difficult times of Coronavirus. Aditya has decided to vaccinate workers of the entire Hindi film industry, and has also requested the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray to allow him to purchase 60,000 coronavirus vaccines!

As reported earlier, YRF under the guidance of Aditya Chopra will be getting 30,000 registered members of the film industry vaccinated and for the same procure 60,000 coronavirus vaccines. All the expenses for the complete procedure will be taken care by YRF.

Details attributed to YRF's official statement and the procedure that they will follow:

The official statement readsL "Aditya Chopra has come forward to vaccinate the daily workers of the entire Hindi film industry. YRF has urged the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Uddhav Thackeray, to allow the company to purchase 60,000 COVID-19 vaccines and take care of all the expenses related to the immunisation programme for these workers."

YRF has sent a letter to the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) stating, “With the film industry going through an unprecedented time, there is an urgent need to restart at the earliest so that thousands of workers can start earning their livelihood again and protect their families. Yash Raj Films, through The Yash Chopra Foundation, would like to offer its support in this regard. We have sent a request to the Honourable Chief Minister of Maharashtra to allocate and allow us to purchase COVID-19 vaccines for 30,000 registered workers, who are members of the film industry's federation in Mumbai at the earliest.”

The letter further adds, “The Yash Chopra Foundation will bear all other costs too associated with vaccinating the workers such as raising awareness, transportation of workers & setting up of all the required infrastructure for the immunisation programme. We hope our kind request is approved which will enable our members to be safe and also get them back to work at the earliest.”


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Aditya Chopra

Comments (4)

Great...this is fantastic...

3 years ago

Not everything is about sushant.

3 years ago

Whether or not for pr publicity. Such gestures are welcome if it helps the people. So kudos to him if this is implemented .

3 years ago

Another PR exercise by him to project his good image, after all everything went downhill for him and Johar after Sushant's death. Well good one.

3 years ago

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