Imlie 11thMar 2024 Written Updates & Daily Discussions Thread

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago


Episode begins with Surya showing Imlie and Binny the wedding pic of Binny which was supposed to be evidence against her. Imlie feels happy that surya realised Binny’s truth n will now throw her out , but she is shocked as Agasthya does nothing such , on the other hand he burns n destroyed that pic and agrees to marry Binny as Daadi sa wished.

Imlie is horrified with his behaviour and Binny is so pleased ,Daadi sa is thrilled that Agasthya’s unborn child in Binny  with now get a father in Surya , 
She wants the wedding to be arranged ASAP . She decides to discuss Shubh muhurat for the alliance with pandit ji.  

Imlie is devastated , She confronts Surya for faking all this investigation n accusing Imlie and seeking info for Raghu. It was all facade . Raghu declares it was a facade but his investigations were still on n he was marrying to learn the truth .

Later Surya reveals to Malti that he was marrying for her sake n for Raghu’s sake, she mattered the most in this world for him.

Daadi sa announces that pandit ji has found Shubh muhurat next week, asks Govind to start arrangements , Alka to ready jewellery , Rajni to contact tailor for their new clothes as very little time was left . Daadi sa checks with Binny if  she was OK with this hurried wedding , she is only too pleased 

Sonali is not impressed with this hurried wedding . She asks Daadi sa to wait a while as Binny was a new entrant into this family and Surya too had recently arrived . They should get to know them better . Also she knew Imlie Surya bonding and was unhappy to cause hurt to Imlie .

Imlie tries to persuade Binny not to marry Surya as he was marrying her for the same if investigations for Raghu , the moment he found out he would dump Binny , but she defies Imlie’s claims and states she will make sure Surya can’t leave her .

The house is decked up for the ceremony pre wedding ritual for Binny and Surya . All are happy m villagers arrive with dhol etc n make merriment . 

Same as yesterday 

Surya realises that Imlie’s weakness is Agasthya babu. So showing her his face will be the only way to make her confess.

He confronts Imlie faking to be Agasthya and says he was now going to marry Binny , so what can she do to stop him now ? Imlie is shocked n confused .

Edited by Sutapasima - 2 months ago