AbhiMaan FF || Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar || Chapter 3 UPDATED (Page 3)

LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

A/N: Hi everyone! I know everyone was a bit disappointed with the way the current track is ending so this is just something that I kinda wish actually happened in the show. Let me know what you think! This is just the premise to set the scene for the story ahead, hence why I kept it short, more chapters will be up soon... 


AbhiMaan FF || Abhi Na Jao Chhod Kar || Chapter 1 

Armaan’s insides turned to ice as a heavy weight settled in the pit of his stomach.   

Where was she?  

The question echoed in his mind like a relentless drumbeat, each thud matching the frantic rhythm of his thoughts. He had found her bangle here. She had to be nearby. He searched desperately through the crowded streets, his eyes darting from face to face, each one a potential glimpse of her familiar features. But she was nowhere to be found. It was starting to get dark.  

Abhira! Abhira! Abhira! Her name filled his head, bursting out in hoarse screams as he uselessly searched for her in a nearby abandoned road. Hot tears coursed down his face, tremors up and down his arms. In the heat of the moment, with chaos swirling around him, Armaan's mind raced with a torrent of emotions. 


What if she was hurt? What if Yuvraj had already taken her away? The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine, a cold dread creeping into his veins. This couldn't be the end. Not like this. Not when there was still so much left unsaid, so much left to be done. 

He wasn't losing that. He wasn't losing her. 

He began searching a stranded road nearby and then, just when he was about to lose all hope, he saw her. A flash of familiar hair caught his eye, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. Relief flooded through him like a tidal wave as he rushed towards her, his heart pounding in his chest. 

"Abhira!" he called out, his voice trembling with emotion as he finally reached her side. She turned towards him, her eyes wide with concern, and in that moment, all his fears melted away. But before he could wrap her tightly in his arms, he was rudely pushed away by another figure behind her. 


Before he could react, a group of men closed in around him, their menacing presence suffocating. Two of them grabbed his arms, their grips like iron shackles, restraining him from approaching Abhira.  

“Ahhh, finally you came,” Yuvraj sneered. “I was beginning to think you were gonna let me take her without a fight.”  

Hatred burned in Armaan’s veins, a searing fire that threatened to consume him whole. Every fiber of his being screamed for retribution, for justice to be served. Oh, he was going to kill this man.  

Yuvraj’s fingers curled around Abhira’s chin, his touch both forceful and possessive. A growl clawed its way up Armaan’s throat, his gaze snapping towards Abhira's sudden cry. “But you’re too late Armaan. My Baby finally came to her right senses and came running back to me… her one true love.”  

His menacing figure loomed over Abhira, his hands skimming her form as he pressed into her neck with a grotesque intimacy, lust blazed fiercely in his eyes. Abhira found herself trapped in his overwhelming grip. 

"GET-OFF-HER!" Armaan shouted, charging towards them. 

He had forgotten about the others, a fact driven home with brutal force as a fist slammed into his stomach, driving the air from his lungs, doubling him over. Before he could recover, another blow found its mark, this time squarely on his nose. Pain exploded like fireworks behind his eyes and blood filled his mouth, eventually dripping down his chin.  

"ARMAAN!” Abhira cried out. “Leave him alone!” She scowled at Yuvraj. 

If Abhira ever needed her Khadoosmaan to act aloof towards her, to feign indifference, it was now. She thought back to his words the day before, and how he had vowed to never come after her. He should’ve stuck to his words! He would have been safe! Why, oh why had he come back to this? One look at him kneeling on the ground, dirty and bleeding, told her.  

He had come back because he cared about her.  

Here he was, bearing the brunt of the cruelty that now engulfed them, all because of her. He had sworn to never come after her, but she should’ve known that in his heart, he had never truly left her side.  

"Get rid of him," Yuvraj ordered his men, his tone dripping with disdain, "I don't care where or how, just make sure he never crosses my path again.” 

Ignored and forgotten, Abhira watched in helpless horror as Yuvraj's men prepared to carry out his ruthless commands. “And you!” Yuvraj snarled at Abhira. “You come with me NOW or I’ll send him straight where I sent your mother.” 

"If you hurt him again, I'll never come with you!" Abhira hissed.  

Yuvraj pondered for a moment, then gave in. “Fine. Let him go.” He addressed his men again. “But if he puts up a fight, you know what to do…” 

With a vice-like grip, Yuvraj seized Abhira's arm, his fingers digging into her flesh like claws. Disregarding her cries, he dragged her away from the chaos, his movements rough and forceful. Abhira stumbled, her heart pounding with fear as she struggled to keep pace with Yuvraj's relentless stride. She cast a desperate glance back at Armaan, her eyes pleading for him to go away, whilst he still had time, to save himself from any more pain.  

Desperation fueled Armaan’s determination as he watched Abhira get taken away. He summoned every ounce of strength within him and with a final surge of effort, he unleashed a powerful blow, catching one of his assailants off guard. The man stumbled, his grip faltering for just a moment. It was all the opening Armaan needed. With a burst of speed, he broke free from their clutches, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards Abhira again.  


Behind him, he heard the shouts of his pursuers, their anger fueling their determination to capture him once more, but he kept running. He had no time. He had to stop her.  


Abhira turned around, hearing the desperation in Armaan’s voice. Why couldn't he stay quiet? Didn't he know what would happen to him if he kept screaming like that? He would end up-  

“You want to end up so dead don’t you Armaan?” Growled Yuvraj as Armaan quickly closed the gap between them. The air crackled with tension as he spotted the glint of metal in Yuvraj's hand, his pulse quickening at the sight of the gun. His first thought was to get Abhira as far as possible from it.  

Yuvraj’s men had also caught up to them, but they halted abruptly at his signal “I’ll handle him myself… I really have to start firing some of you.” 

“She’s my wife, Yuvraj! She’s not going anywhere.”  

“Abhira’s mine!”  

“Abhira, you don’t have to do this, please…” Armaan's plea hung in the air, heavy with desperation. 


“ABHIRA. IS. MINE.” Yuvraj roared, his words reverberating with menace. 

“Over my dead body.” Armaan retorted, his tone deadpan yet resolute. 

“So be it…”  

Yuvraj pointed the gun straight towards Armaan. 

As Yuvraj's finger tightened on the trigger, Abhira's heart lurched in her chest. Without a second thought, she threw herself in front of Armaan, her body a shield against the impending danger. The deafening crack of the gunshot echoed through the alleyway as the bullet found its mark, tearing through Abhira's flesh with searing agony. A sharp cry of pain escaped her lips as she stumbled backward, the force of the impact sending her crashing to the ground. 



CHAPTER 2 (Page 2)

Edited by LegalEagle - 3 months ago


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Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 3 months ago

Really well written. Look forward to more soon 

8Lucky88 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 months ago

Amazing start, loved reading your version. Excited to read more 

Jhanak1234 thumbnail
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Posted: 3 months ago

Nice... Look intresting smiley27

Redblueblack thumbnail
Most Liked (March 2024) 1 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 months ago

Yes yes yes!!! This is what this fd desperately needs!!!!! Thank you so much humare armaan poore karne ke liye 😭😭😭😭😭

This is so well written!! Love the first chapter and waiting desperately for more!!! 


Thank you 🤗🤗🤗

-cynicalmess- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 months ago

Well written. Please continue

Oishiii thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 months ago

Exactly what we expected to see on air

Fantastically written.

LegalEagle thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

Thank you for all your lovely comments, appreciate them all smiley27 Next chapter will be up very soon! 

Milalal27 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 months ago


do tag me

very wonderful

MeghaBis thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Expressionist (February 2024) 1 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 months ago

That's what we longed to see onscreensmiley19. Beautifully writtensmiley27 Please update soonsmiley31