Siva Manasa Puja stotram Adi Sankaracharya

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Posted: 6 years ago

Ratnaih Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram,

Naana ratna vibhooshitham mruga mada modanvitham Chandanam,

Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha dhupam Tada,

Deepam deva dayanidhe pasupate, hrud kalpitam gruhyatam.


I offer you an imaginary throne made up of precious jewels,

I offer you bath in the water of melted snow from the Himalayas,

I offer you holy silken cloth to wear,

I adorn you with very many precious jewels,

I offer you musk and sandal,

I offer you Bilwa and Champaka flowers,

And I offer you the dhup sticks and deepam

But all these I offer in the portal of my mind,

Please God who is merciful and who is the Lord of all beings,

Accept my offerings and bless me.


Souvarne nava rathna Khanda Rachithe, patre Grutham Payasam,

Bhakshyam pancha vidham Payo dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam,

Saaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karpoora khandojwalam,

Tamboolam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthya prabho sweekuru


Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented with camphor, and betel leaves - I have prepared all these in my mind with devotion. O lord, please accept them.

I offer you Ghee and the sweet payasam in golden vessel ,

Decorated with nine type of precious gems,

I offer you five different dishes made of curd and milk,

I offer you panakam made of sweet fruits,

I offer you tasty sweet scented water to drink,

I offer you the lamp made of camphor along with tinkling bells,

And I offer you betel leaf and nut,

But these are offered by my mind with utter devotion to you,

So Lord Kindly accept and bless.



Chathram Chamarayoryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam,

Veena venu mrudanga kahala kala geetam cha nrutyam tada,

Sasthrangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyetat samastam maya,

Sankalpena samarpitam tava vibho , poojam gruhana prabho.


I offer you a pretty umberella

I offer you couple of decorative fans,

I also offer you shining mirror,

I offer you Veena, flute  Mrudanga and a very big drum,

I offer you song and dance,

I offer you full prostration,

I offer you several types of prayers,

But all these I offer you my Lord, in my mind

So Lord kindly accept my worship.


Aatma twam Girija Mathi  sahacharaa, prana sareeram gruham,

Poojan te vishayopa bhoga rachana, nidra samadhi sthithih

Sancharah padayo pradakshina vidhih , stotrani Sarva  giro

Yadyath karma karomi tattad akhilam, sambho tavaradhanam.


My soul is your temple my lord,

My lifesources  are your attendants,

My body is your home,

My acts to please my senses are your worship,

My act of sleep is the deep meditation on you

All my walks with my feet are your pradakshinas

What ever comes from my mouth are your prayers,

Oh Lord, everything I say and do are your forms of worship.


Kara charana krutam vaa karma vakkayajam vaa,

Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham,

Vihithamavihitam vaa sarva metat Kshamaswa,

Siva Siva karunabdhe sri Mahadeva Sambho.


Please pardon Oh lord

All those acts committed by me,

By hands, by action, by body or by word

By hearing, by my sight, or by my mind,

Whether they are proper or improper..

Shiv O Shiv , Oh, ocean of mercy,

Oh, The greatest of Gods and Oh benevolent one.


Matha cha Parvati Devi,

Pita devo Maheswarah

Bandhava Shiva Bhaktascha,

Swadeso Bhuvana trayam


My mother is the goddess Parvati

My father is the Lord Shiva,

My friends are the devotees of Shiva 

And my native place is all the three worlds.



Edited by ltelidevara - 6 years ago