The Final Battle of Arjun & Karna as per the Epic

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Posted: 7 years ago
Posted: 24 June 2016 at 10:13am | IP Logged
Note. An honest presentation of  Epic Narration in the wake of SPK 's Distorted Final battle

Karna addressed Duryothan." Friend. Arjun is not equal to me in any way. If he has Gandiva I have Vijaya. But I have one deficiency. I have no competent driver like Krishna.If Salya becomes my charioteer I will certainly slay Arjun." 
Duryothan convinced Salya with great difficulty.
In the morning Karna along with Salya ascended his chariot.
Karna said. Salya let Dhananjaya behold the might of my arms.Urge the horses to run fast." 
Salya laughed and said." Radhey, When you hear the twang of Gandiv then you will not boast such words.Karna shouted." Proceed Madra Raj""
Salyastill continued his praise of Arjuna and Karna fumed at him and after a while proceeded further.
Karna loudly announced." If anyone show Arjun to me I will offer him whatever he want.Abundent wealth,beautiful damsels everything. If he asks I may give my wives and sons also."
Salya again ridiculed him." Karna don't indulge in useless bragging. You will definitely see Dhananjaya before your eyes. I suggest you to fight with him well protected by your army."
Salya then said." Angraj you are like a jackal and Arjuna is like a lion.
Karna then boldly said." You need not tell me about Arjun. I know I was afflicted by the curse of my Guru and that of a Brahmin.But still I will fight with him who is intelligent and who has many achievements to his credit.Still I will slay that hero of great prowes.
The Samsaptakas again attacked Arjun and made him furious.He looked like Rudra at the end of yuga and slaughtered them with  his winged arrows.
Karna fought with great vigour and rooted Pandava army mercilessly.
Then Karna vanquished Yudhishtir and insulted him thus." You are not a true Kshatriya. Rather you are suited to study Vedas and do homas. Don't try to fight with brave people like me. Go there where Phalgun and Govind are.I won't kill a person like you."Saying so 
he left Yudhishtir
Yudhishtir wounded severely by Karna's shafts retreated to his sibir with great pain.
In the meanwhile Karna and Bheema fought severely  but Bhema overpowered Karna.

Edited by ltelidevara - 24 June 2016 at 5:05pm
Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago


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Posted: 7 years ago
As the battle progressed Arjuna slaughtered Samsaptakas,Bheema the Kauravas and Karna the Panchalas.
Then a great battle happened between Partha and Aswathama.
After a while Arjuna cut off the traces of steeds and made them run away.
Then Arjun said." Madhav  ! That Karna is casting angry glances at me. Now we both should fight till death.Take me to him."
Krishna anyway is worried about Yudhishtir.He said." Parth. Your Eldest is not seen anywhere on the field. He was harassed by Karna before a while.We should first go and check him.Then you can engage in fight with Karna."
Arjun approached Bheema and enquired." Bhrata Bheem where is Eldest? " Bheem answered reluctantly." Eldest retreated to his camp. His limbs have been scorched by Karna's arrows."
Bheem then asked Arjun to go and enquire the welfare of Yudhishtir while he himself will take care of their troops .
When Krishna and Arjuna entered they saw Yudhishtir safe and sound.
Yudhishtir thought that they came to Him having killed Karna in battle.He is overcome with joy and said." Finally Arjun, you are able to kill that Karna the cause of our troubles.Duryothan troubled us only because of having Karna on his side.Now tell me,how did you do that?"
Jishnu looked at him with surprise and said." Eldest Karna is not slain yet. I just fought with Aswathama and vanquished him.We came here to enquire your welfare. But I promise I will definitely slay that Karna who wounded you so severely."
Yudhishtir shivered with anger and addressed Arjun thus." Why did you come here deserting Bheema?You broke my heart by not killing Karna yet. We always relied on your might to win this battle.I think even the Devine prediction at the time of your birth went wrong. What is the use of your celestial chariot,sword and bow? How nice it would have been if you came out in the fifth month itself aborted from mother's womb? Fie on your Gandiva. Fie on your valour.Give your Gandiva to Krishna. He will slay Karna for me."
Arjun drew his sword filled with rage to kill Yudhishtir.Krishna took hold of him and asked." Parth! Why did you lift the sword? Is there any rival here? We came here to see Yudhishtir and he is fine.Why are you so angry?"
Arjun replied casting angry glances on his Eldest." Madhav! I have taken a vow.Whoever asks me to give my Gandiv to others I will slay Him with my sword.So now I have to slay my brother. Still I request you to guide me in these circumstances.I will follow your word."
Krishna said." Parth,What is this? Why are you gripped by anger today? How could you kill your elder brother just for a vow? Your brother said those harsh words because he is afflicted by Karna's shafts.Now this son of Dharma should not be killed. Your vow also should be kept.So listen to me carefully.Dishonour is equal to death. Address this Yudhishtir as ' thou" and censure him blame him. That is death for him. I assure you he won't take it as offence. You can worship his feet later."
            Arjun got relieved and followed the advice of his Madhav.He blamed Yudhishtir thus,
" Eldest,Sitting two miles away from the battle field don't say such words to me.Bhrata Bheem who is fighting with great heroes singlehandedly can say such words to me.The great Bheemsena the scorcherer of rivals has the right to say anything. But not you who always needs protection from others.Scholars say that the strength of Kshatriya lie in arms and Brahmins in speech.Ofcourse you are strong in words . 
       I always try to do good to you  with my soul,life,sons and wives.Still you hurt me with such harsh words.And you are doing this lying on Draupadi's bed.Draupadi Talpa samsthe Maamavamamstha.
Because of you my grandfather has to lie on my bed of arrows.
      You know I won't feel happy restoring kingship to you because you are addicted to gambling.You did the wretched deed by playing dice,now you want to get back everything through the might of our arms.Our youngest brother Sahadeva so many times told you about the sinfulness of Dice.Still you could not abandon that game which only lowest people will play.We never had any relief since you are an addict.You are the cause of destruction of the whole Aryavarth.You gambled. We lost our kingdom, now all the kings are victimised and killed.Our calamity happened due to you. Now dont provoke us by your harsh words."
Having said thus Savyasachi became cheerless.He never blamed his brother like that. He drew the sword again and Krishna asked."Why did you take the sword again?"

Edited by ltelidevara - 24 June 2016 at 9:22pm
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Posted: 7 years ago
Arjun lowered his eyes and said." I regret blaming my revered brother.I incurred sin. Hence I want to kill myself with this sword." Krishna patiently said." Parth you regret blaming your elder brother.Now if you kill your self it incurs more sin.Now I show you a way. You praise yourself as that is equal to death.Do it Parth."
Arjun  started looking defiantly into his Eldest's eyes." You know Eldest.There is no other bowman on the earth equal to me other than Sankar Shiv.He also praised me with affection.You are able to do Rajsuya because I subjugated all the Kings and brought tributes.Who can stand before me in battle? Slaughtered by me the huge Kaurava army looked almost lost and very less no. I already finished off most of the Samsaptakas.Now sitting together in one chariot  with Madhav I will proceed to kill Karna. I won't put off my armour without killing Karna today."
Then Arjuna touched the feet of his Eldest and asked for forgiveness.
Yudhishtir raised Arjun up and with regret said thus."  I am the worst among men. I am the exterminator of my race.Having been insulted by you why should I live? I am unfit to be the king. Let Bheemasen be crowned King. I will go to forest."
Krishna intervened and said." O King.It is my advice that made Parth say such words to  keep his vow.Forgive us for that. Today the battlefield will taste Karna's blood.Mark my word."
Yudhishtir folded his hands and admitted." Keshav,you saved both of us from distress. I am indebted to you as always."
Yudhishtir reminded Arjun." Phalgun! That Karna insulted me before all the troops. If you dont slay him today Life is no longer dearer to me." 
Arjun confessed honestly." I swear I will definitely slay Karna today." 
Then Krishna asked Yudhishtir to comfort Arjun who is saddened by the situation.
Yudhishtir embraced his younger brother and blessed him." Go now Arjun. Slay Karna like Indra killed Vritrasur.

Edited by ltelidevara - 25 June 2016 at 3:53am
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Posted: 7 years ago
As Arjuna proceeded with determination all the creatures regarded Karna already slain in battle.Krishna then saw Arjun with sweat on his forehead that indicated his anxiety to fulfill the great task ahead of him.Krishna assuringly smiled at him and said." Parth! No other man existed on earth that achieved what you did with Gandiv.Parth it is your might and prowess that made you remain safe having encountered Bheeshma,Drona,Bhagadutta,Vinda,Anuvinda,Sudakshina and Srutayudha etc.Still you are humble because of your learning.You have sureness of aim,sound judgement,presence of mind and means of selection.There is none equal to you in the three worlds.
But still Parth,don't disregard that Karna with high skills.He is handsome and an accomplished warrior.
No one can slay Karna except yourself.Now slay Karna today and give relief to your brother.
      Krishna continued." Parth,there is nothing wrong in slaying Karna.He is a part of all attempts made to kill you begining with Lakshagrih.He is the leader of all sinful acts done by Duryothan.He is the one who fled away from Abhimanyu but broke his bow from backside.When Abhi died Karna along with Duryothan laughed in glee.Parth he is the one who insulted Krishnaa in the dice hall.Punish him Parth Win great fame by doing so.
      Hearing the words of Krishna Arjun became free from anxiety. He addressed his friend with a smile." Madhav today I will be free from my fury that existed in my heart since when Krishnaa was insulted in the dice hall. Today onwards Eldest will sleep happily free from his fear of Karna.You will see my prowess that supercedes Karna and slay him in battle."
Bheema who is waiting for Arjun's return from his elder brother filled with joy hearing the twang of Gandiv.He observed how his brother is exterminating Kaurava forces with great energy and heard the notes of Devdutta and Panchajanya blowing victorious notes together.
Arjun proceeded towards Karna routing Kaurava forces left right and front.
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Posted: 7 years ago
By the time they reached the battle field Karna is destroying Panchala and Pandava army with his Bhargavastra . So many shafts and weapons arouse from it and Pandava army burnt like cotton by fire
There is no respite for them as they helplessly succumbed to Bhargavastra.

Arjuna urged Krishna to take him to Karna for a single combat.Salya observed Dhananjay and addressed Karna." There comes the warrior who has Krishna as his charioteer.He is coming desiring an encounter with you.He is not looking at anyone else.The Warriors on his way are flying out of fear for Arjun. Now muster your courage and advance  towards him."
Karna said." I will never return from battle without killing those two Krishnas.Or struck by Arjun I will sleep on the battle field."
Salya said." Every one say Arjun is invincible. Now he is protected by Krishna. Who can stand before him?
Karna said." As far as I know such a great warrior was never born before.He is able to shoot so many arrows as oneHe can send them two miles away easily.His achievements are countless.Seeng the two Krishnas together I feel fear along with courage.Except me no one can face them at al."
Then Karna while proceeding towards Arjun urged his troups to fight with Arjun.Partha struck all of them with innumerable arrows drawing Gandiva to a complete circle.
Then Aswathama,Kripa,Kritavarma and others together  attacked Jishnu who countered them with great skil.Seeing that Satyaki and Sikhandi came to that spot and attacked those who came on the way of Arjun.
Dhananjay looked like Rudra himself and crushed four hundred well trained elephants and hundreds of car warriors.Gandiv thrummed with minace. Kaurava army fled here and there unable to bear the force of Jishnu.
Arjuna then reached Bhema and informed him of Yudhishtir's welfare.lThen ten of Duryothana's brothers surrounded him but  soon they were slaughtered by Arjun's crescent shaped arrows.He also killed ninety Samsaptakas who tried to obstruct his way.With excellent shower of diverse arrows Arjuna checked Kuru army that came on his way.Seeing his brother proceed towards Karna the great Bheema followed him.
On seeing Arjuna's rage and force Kaurava army felt hopeless of Karna's life.
But unable to bear Arjuna's valour they reached Karna and took shelter with him.In the meanwhile Karna slaughtered Panchala forces in great number.Karna's son Prasena was killed by Ugrakarma the commander of Kaikaya warriors.
Karna became furious and with three shafts killed Ugrakarma.Then he killed Dhrishtdyumna's son also.Arjun then proceeded towards Karna along with Bheem .
Karna pierced Uttamaujas,Yudhamanyu and Dhrishtdyumn with excellent shafts.
Then a great battle happened between Bheem and  Dussasan.
Bheem killed Dussasan and drank his blood drops making everyone plunge in terror.He then killed ten more Kauravas who tried to attack him.
At that moment Karna's son Vrishasen fought with Nakula and overpowered him.Nakula got into Bheema's car.Vrishasen showered arrows on both and pierced them severely. Bheem called Arjun" the son of Karna is afflicting us. tackle him now."He said.

Vrishasena pierced Partha with a shaft and uttered a loud shout.He also struck Krishna and again Partha with number of arrows.Arjuna enraged addressed Karna" today I will slay your son in your presence. Not like how you all killed my Abhimanyu.If you can protect him now. you can do so.
Having said so Arjuna rubbed the string of his bow took aim and pierced Vrishasen in all his limbs.He then cut off his bow and then his head.
Karna was grief stricken and proceeded towards Jishnu with great wrath.
Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago
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Posted: 7 years ago
Posted: 25 June 2016 at 8:45pm | IP Logged
Krishna alerted Arjun." Parth,Summon all your coolness.Karna is advancing  towards us showering arrows like clouds pouring torrents of rain.Hear the twang of his bow Vijaya.No other person can bear Karna's shafts except you.I know you can vanquish the three worlds.You gratified Sankar Shiv himself.Now slay Karna with Siva's grace.May you be victorious Parth."
Arjun replied." My victory is certain because you are with me.You will see me slay Karna for sure."
Finally the two great warriors stood before each other gearing up for the greatest battle ever fought.
A big debate arouse regarding who will win and who will lose.Mother Earth sided with Arjun while the welkin with stars stood for Karna.The rivers,the mountains,the plants,trees and herbs are on Arjun's side.The Asuras (Rakshasas) and the Rangers of the sky are for Karna.
The Vedas,Upanishads,Gems and precious jewels Vasuki,Chitrasena, Airavata Surabhi the Kamadhenu,mountains sided with Arjun.
Smaller snakes are with Karna
All kind of auspicious animals sided with Parth.
 Vasus ,Rudras,Indra,Soma Pavan Aswinis wished victory for Arjun.
Adityas sided with Karna.
The celestials,Rishis and Pitris are on Arjun's side. Yama,Varuna and Kubera are with Arjun.
Brahmins and Kshatriyas are with Arjun .
Pisachas,evil spirits,carnivorous animals Sea monsters and jackals are with Karna.
Narada and Tumvuru are with Arjun.
Gods and Rakshasas and every one mentioned above took their places  to  witness the great fight.
Brahma and Shiva  came and stationed  themselves to see the fight.
Indra said." Let Arjun vanquish Karna."
Surya said." Let Karna vanquish Arjuna."
Brahma said." Partha is a hero.accomplished in arms and endowed with ascetic merit.The two Krishnas are Nar and Narayan. No one can overcome them.Let Karna reach heaven and have bliss.But victory belong to two Krishnas.
Siva supported Brahma and said." Victory to two Krishnas is destined.
At that moment the celestial ape on the banner of Parth rushed from his station and fell upon Karna's standard that is Elephant's rope. and struck it with his nails and jaws.
Arjun asked Krishna" What will you do if Karna slays me."
Krishna replied. " The Sun may fall Earth may split Fire may become cool but Karna will never win battle.

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Krishna continued." If that happens universe will be destroyed.I will kill Karna with bear hands."
Arjun smiled and assured." I can do that you need not worry .Today you can go to Subhadra with a lighter heart. Today you can wipe Krishnaa's tears.My Eldest will be  relieved today of his pain.
     Duryothan,Sakuni Kripa and Kuru  forces showered arrows on Arjuna but Parth cut off their shafts and killed the army with  razor sharp arrows.
Aswathama requested Duryothan to stop the battle as Arjun is invincible. Duryothan refused to do so and hoped that Karna will slay Arjun for sure.Both the Warriors started showering arrows on each other prevailing over each other.When Arjuna shot Agneyastra Karna shot varunastra and quenched the fire.
      When Karna caused darkness by creating large mass of clouds Arjun dispelled them with Vayavyastra.
Arjuna then inspired his shafts with the mantras favourable to the chief of celestials and immediately innumerable shafts flew from Gandiv.Karna then invoked Bhargavastra and baffled Indra's weapon.Karna killed many Pandava and Panchala soldiers and Kauravas shouted with joy.
     Bheema got angry and scolded Arjuna." Jishnu. How come that wretch Karna slay our  soldiers before your eyes?Why did you let that Karna shoot arrows at you who touched Siva himself? Why are you indifferent? Recollect the plight of Krishnaa and how Karna insulted her. Slay that Karna immediately.
Krishna also goaded Arjuna." Parth take this Sudarsan and cut off the head ofKarna.Bestow the earth on Yudhishtir . Your purpose will be served.
Arjuna thus goaded by Krishna and Bheema addressed Keshava thus.I will invoke Brahmastra the supreme Astra and destroy my rival." So saying Arjuna Hurled Brahmastra but Karna baffled it with his own Astra .
Bheema filled with rage and ordered Arjuna to use another of that kind( Brahmastra has different varieties with regard to its power and impact) Arjuna did so.
The impact of that weapon is so great that many warriors of repute from Kaurava side fell down deprived of life.
Karna then pierced Krishna,Arjuna and Bheema with keen shafts .
Arjuna struck the standard of Karna and then striking Karna and Salya killed Sabhapati a great Kaurava warrior.
With the shower of Arjun's arrows Karna's chariot became invisible.
Arjun's attack is precise but sure . The way he started exterminating the Kaurava army that surrounded Karna is to make Him helpless and unsupported.
That moment Yudhishtira arrived there and stood in anticipation of victory for Jishnu.

Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago
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Posted: 7 years ago
Posted: 26 June 2016 at 12:48am | IP Logged
The spectators both celestial and human stood motionless witnessing the fight of the two great warriors.Then the bow  string of Dhananjaya as it is stretched with force broke with a loud that interval Karna struck Partha,Krishna and Bheema with many arrows. He destroyed Panchala forces in huge number and Kauravas shouted with joy.
Arjun having tied his string filled with rage caused darkness with showers of arrows.He pierced Karna's armour and shot at Salya also.He struck the limbs of Karna with shafts released by great force.
Deeply struck with Partha's arrows with mangled limbs and body bathed in blood Karna looked resplandent.
Karna then shot three at Partha and five at Krishna.Those five were snakes that sided with Takshakas son Aswasena.Arjuna cut each of them and they fell on the earth.Arjun  got angry as those snakes mangled Krishna's body before they were struck by him.He shot many blazing and fatal shafts shot by stretching the bowstring to the ear.Deeply pierced by them Karna trembled in pain.
Karna stood with great pain  Arjun's shafts made the surroundings dark and his chariot invisible.
Savyasachi with great energy slew 2000 Foremost of Kuru warriors who were a part of Karna's protection wing.
The Kuru princes got terrified on seeing Arjun and fled away abandoning Karna.
Karna saw the empty space behind him as every one was either killed or fled away from that place. Still he boldly rushed against Arjuna with great energy.
Karna then subdued Arjun's burning weapon the Astra that caused destruction of Kurus  with another he obtained from Parasurama.
The battle then became fierce with the two warriors striking each other and made the directions filled with arrowy shower.
The two warriors prevailed over each other in turns and got applause from every one.
Aswasena Episode
The two heroes looked at each other fatigued with the continuous exertion . They were fanned by beautiful fans made up of palm leaves.
Indra and Surya gently brushed the faces of their sons with their hands.
Karna then fixed his snake faced arrow of great power that he kept for killing Arjuna and invoked mantras.Aswasen entered that with his mystic power.Salyataunted Karna " your aim  is not good  Do that properly.
Karna got angry and released the shaft that he worshipped for many years.
Krishna immediately pressed the chariot to  sink about a cubit deep into the earth.
The horses also bent down on their knees.Karna's shaft struck the crown of Arjuna gifted to him by Indra and swept it away from his head.
Without diadem,the dark complexioned and youthful Partha looked beautiful with long curly hair.
Arjun then tied his locks with a white cloth round his forehead and looked like Udaya hill illuminated with the rays of the Sun.
Aswasena went to Karna and asked him to release him with his arrow again but Karna refused. 
Aswasena unable to control himself sped towards Arjuna to take revenge.
Krishna showed that to Arjuna and said." Strike that snake Parth he has enemity with you." 
Jishnu cut the snake with six keen shafts and killed it.
Then Keshava himself raised the chariot above with his mighty arms.

Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago
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Posted: 7 years ago
Dhananjaya then pierced Karna with dozen shafts that penetrated through Karna's armour drank his blood and entered the earth.Karna got angry and shot many arrows at Krishna and Arjuna.
Arjuna then pierced Karna's vital limbs with ninety shafts and Karna trembled like mountain struck by thunder.
Arjun's arrows made Karna's headgear fall on the earth.Karna's armour also was cut off into many fragments.Arjuna then pierced Karna with four keen shafts.Karna suffered with great pain.
Once more Arjuna pierced Karna's vital limbs with well aimed arrows sped from Gandiv.
Karna 's body is covered with blood as everywhere he was struck by Arjun.
Arjun then shot at Karna's chest with iron shafts that has gold wings.Karna became inactive as he is in great pain.Arjuna stood waiting for his rival to recover and resume fight.
Krishna warned Arjun. Don't give him respite Parth, Slay your formidable rival Don't be compassionate.
Hearing those words Arjuna again covered Karna with excellent arrows that have gold wings,
Karna shot arrows at Parth but Arjuna destroyed them all.
At that moment the Brahmin's curse and Parasurama's curse became effective.
The high Brahmastra escaped from his memory the left wheel of his car sank into the earth.
Karna became agitated by Arjun's arrows. His horses and driver lost their balance.
Karna then pierced Krishna and Arjuna with keen shafts.
Arjuna then shot seventeen arrows that went through Karna's body and fell on the earth.
Karna made a super effort and became successful in hurling Brahmastra Arjun's Aindrastra also was baffled by Karna.
Krishna goaded Arjun." Shoot high Astras Parth. Otherwise Karna won't mend ."
Arjuna shot Brahmastra and struck Karna with with many arrows.
Karna cut the string of Gandiva eleven times.So quickly  did Arjuna replace the string that Karna could not realise when it was cut and when replaced.
It looked like Karna is extracting the best of Arjun's prowess by fighting with great power,
Arjuna then invoked Raudra star on his shaft and became ready to shoot it.
But Karna alighted from his chariot and asked Arjun to wait till he lifts his wheel

Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago
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Posted: 7 years ago
Karna said." Arjun you are the foremost warrior and righteous .You know the rules of battle.So wait till I uplift my car"
Krishna ridiculed Karna." My good luck you remember righteousness today.You did  not think of it when Krishnaa was dragged into the assembly. Neither when Sakuni cheated Yudhishtir.You did not remember it when you uttered insane words to Draupadi.Just recently you all killed Abhi who is all alone and you did not remember righteousness .Dont think now you can escape with life.Pandavas will win back their their virtue."
Hearing his words Karna hung down his head  with shame.He took his bow and continued his battle.
Krishna alerted Arjun." Throw him down Parth. Don't spare him."
Arjuna became enraged remembering the past incidents.
Karna invoked Brahmastra showered numerous shafts and again tried to lift his wheel.
Arjun nullified it with his Brahmastra and continued to strike him.
Arjun hurled Agneyastr while Karna used Varunastra on it,
Karna created clouds and Arjun dispelled them with Vayavyastra.
Karna took a terrible arrow blazing like fire.
Arjun was struck on his chest and he got reeling sensation.Gandiv dropped from his hand.
Karna took the opportunity and tried to lift his wheel.
Arjuna recovered took his Gandiv and fixed a deadly shaft called anjalika.
Before that he cut the standard of Karna with a razor sharp fell on the ground crushing the hopes of Karna.
Then Parth fixed Anjalikastra that looked like siva's Pinaka and Narayan's Sudarsan.
As Arjuna fixed that entire universe trembled with fear.
Drawing his bow Gandiva Arjuna said." Let this shaft destroy my enemy if I have practiced severe austerities and ,gratified my Elders . This mighty Anjalika may slay Karna and deprive him of life by that truth.."
So saying Jishnu released that Astra cheerfully.
Anjalika sped fast and cut off the head of Karna.
Deprived of life the body fell on earth and a light came out of it and entered the Sun.
Edited by ltelidevara - 7 years ago
Nonie12345 thumbnail
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Posted: 7 years ago
what a perfect description of final battle Lakshmi didi😃i wonder how could arjun fight that much.i felt that is happening in front of my eyes .thank you so much for posting this🤗 alas we cannot get to see this in SPK.I knew that vrishena was killed by  arjun but i did not know that he died on the same day when karna was killed😃 
ARJUNA is a true hero whom nobody can defeat often refer him as a example when we want to finish a goal😃
Edited by Nonie12345 - 7 years ago