The Shell of love SS Last part pg37

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

Pt:pg1 pt2:pg3 pt3:pg7 pt4:pg10 pt5:pg13 pt6:pg15 pt7:pg18 pt8-pg21 pt9-pg23 pt10:pg25 pt11-pg27 pt12:pg30 pt13-pg32 pt14-pg35

Dedicated to MaaneetDeewangi as from her only I got Danny-Kumari picture (The picture in the shell)4 the banner.


The Shell of love Part 1

Kusum's marriage alliance discussions were going on.
Kusum came to the drawing room.
Her father Vidhyachatur:Kusum,see...there is a very good proposal for you.
Her aunt Chandrika:Kusum,don't be tense.He is my relative.A very good chap.
K:Kaaki,why did you bring proposal for me all of a sudden?
Her mother Guniyal:Kusum,you are at your marriagable age.Right age to get married.
Kusum burst into tears.
K:Why do you all want to get rid of me so fast?
Everyone became upset.
Vidhya chathur caressed her head:What are you saying Kusum?We don't want to get rid of you.You are our jewel.We will not do anything against your wish.

K:Then why you all are in a hurry to get me married?
Guniyal who knew that Kusum's depression is due to her love for her own sister Kusum's lover Saras she could'nt tolerate it.
Guniyal raised her voice:Kusum...
Kumud felt upset:Maa,don't force Kusum to get married.We should get married only when she is ready.Only when she likes someone very much.
Saras:Yes.But Kusum..since the guy is very nice you at least see him once and see if you like him.
Kusum looked at his eyes deeply and said in her mind:I canot like anyone with my heart and eyes as my heart and eyes have already fallen in love with someone...that is you Saras.
Kusum suppressed her pain.
K:No Saras.I don't want to see him to know if I like him or not.
Suddenly Vidhya's sister Dugbha remembered Kusum and Saras' brother Danny's bonding.
D:Why Kusum?Why do you feel that you won't like him?Does tht mean you like someone?
Kusum's heart pained.Guniyal was tensed about Kusum'sreply.Kusum kept silent.
D:Tell Kusum.
Kumud:Kusum,like badi maa says do you like anyone?
Kusum looked at Kumud.
She said in her mind:Seeing your innocent love towards Saras I don't have the courage to tell you whom I love.
Saras:Tell Kusum,do you love anyone?Don't be tense.We all will conduct your wedding with him.
Kusum looked at him painfully and said in her mind:Don't ask me this question Saras.How can I tell you that I am in love with you.
Guniyal got worried seeing Kusum looking at Saras.
G:Kusum does'nt love anyone.Just because she is not interested in marriage how can we conclude that she is in love.
D:Love is some thing which is unpredictable.If Kusum can't reveal his name I will tell who she loves.
Kusum and Guniyal started sweating.
Dughba smiled: Is'nt he Danny?
Kusum and Guniyal were shocked.
D:I have been noticed your blooming friendship with Danny.
Everyone was surprised.
D:Danny is a nice guy.
S:Danny?Why did'nt you guys tell about it?
Kumud:If you had told us before we would have thought of your wedding with him much earlier.
Vidhyachathur patted Kusum:Why were you so scared Kusum?We all are happy about your selection.Now smile.
Kumari's face lost it's glow.
Guniyal stared at Kusum.
Kusum's lips shivered:It's not as you all think.
Dughba:Why are you so shy Kusum?We understand.
Kumari looked at Kusum painfully and left the room.
Saras:Anyways I will talk to Danny.He is so naughty that he hid it from me.
Kus:No Saras.Don't talk to Danny about our marriage.
Guniyal:Saras,you ask Danny to come here soon.We will talk to them.Let it be a surprise for him.
Guniyal grabbed Kusum's hand and took her to her room.
Gun:Kusum,if Danny loves you don't argue.You should be willing to marry him.
Kusum's eyes welled up with tears:Maa!
Gun:We don't want to get rid of you.But I want to get rid of you from Saras and Kumud's life.
Kusum burst into tears.

Kusum went to Kumari's room.
Kum:Kusum,how could you hide such a big thing from me?Why did'nt you tell me that you were in love?
Kusum became upset.
She said in her mind:How can I tell you that I am in love with my sister's man?
Kum:Kusum,you are my sister and Danny my best friend.But both of you fooled me by not revealing your relationship to me.
Kusum became upset:No Kumari.You are misunderstanding me.

Kum:I don't want to hear anything.Please let me sit here alone for some time.
Kusum left the room sadly.

Danny came.
Danny:Why did you all ask me to come soon?
Everyone smiled.
Saras:Because we want to expose you.
Dugbha:You are caught red handed Danny.Good that I observed you guys.
Danny:What are you all saying?I can't understand?
S:Danny,why did'nt you at least tell me that you and Kusum are seeing each other?
Danny was shocked:What?Me and Kusum?Who told you?Did Kusum tell so?
Dughba:Kusum did'nt tell like that.But I guessed so.She did'nt refuse it.
Danny:You all are misunderstanding us.We are just friends.
Saras:Hey Danny.Now don't try to fool us.
Dann:Do bhaiyya.I am serious.I don't love Kusum.
Kusum came saying:Danny is right.We are not in love.
Everyone was shocked.
Kus:We are not in love.That's why I told Saras not to talk to Danny about it.I tried to tell you all this.But nobody was willing to listen to me.I am not interested in getting married now.That's why I said no to the marriage proposals.Not because I am in love with some one.
Everyone became dull.
Kusum went near Guniyal and whispered:Maa,don't be angry with me please.Why should we force Danny to get into a relationship with me iif he is not interested in me?
Guniyal kept silent.
Danny thought:What would have been Kumari's reaction hearing about me and Kusum?I need to find out that.
He went to Kumari's room.Kumari was shocked to see him.
Kum:Danny!How come you are here?
D:Kumari... must have come here to fix the wedding with Kusum.Right?
D:Oh Kumari...
Kuma:Danny,when I was irritated with you,you only made me your friend.Still you hid your lovefor Kusum from me?I did'nt expect this from you.
D:Kumari...before jumping into a conclusion please listen to me.
Kuma:No.Now nothing is left Danny.Everything between us has been changed in a moment.
She walked out.Danny followed her.
D:Kumari...please listen to me..
Kuma:No.Let me go.
Danny held her hand tight:You need to listen to me Kumari.
Kuma:I told you.I don't want to hear any damn thing.
Danny:You won't listen to your best friend?

Kuma:I you were my best friendyou would not have done this romantic drama behind me.
D:Oh Kumari...first you listen to me.
Kuma:Leave me Danny.

She shoved him and ran away.
Danny was hightly disappointed:Why this girl is like this?Why is she so angry?
Edited by jasminerahul - 10 years ago


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MaaneetDeewangi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Awww very nice start 👍🏼  Really loved it ❤️

Wish it happened in the serial but Danny's already in love with Kusum 🥺

Can't wait for the next part update soon! Would love to see how Danny manofy Kumari 😳

Btw the pic in the Shell is not made by me I just found it on Google :)
Edited by MaaneetDeewangi - 10 years ago
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago
But u only sent me this picture.If you had'nt sent me this pic I would'nt have been able to use it 4 my banner.That's what I meant.Thanks 4 ur support

Originally posted by: MaaneetDeewangi

Awww very nice start 👍🏼  Really loved it ❤️

Wish it happened in the serial but Danny's already in love with Kusum 🥺

Can't wait for the next part update soon! Would love to see how Danny manofy Kumari 😳

Btw the pic in the Shell is not made by me I just found it on Google :)

MaaneetDeewangi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: jasminerahul

But u only sent me this picture.If you had'nt sent me this pic I would'nt have been able to use it 4 my banner.That's what I meant.Thanks 4 ur support

Ohh hehe no prob dear 😳

Just told you incase someone start blaming me for taking credit for the picture haha :P
Edited by MaaneetDeewangi - 10 years ago
rabia.shaktiaro thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
This was really good!

I sooo wish that the CV's has used this

But as we know..CV's ka dimaag kuch dino se chal nahi raha..

Overall I loved it:-)
Tanya_ManYa thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
omggg loved itt
hope we got sumthin lyk dis in show
but i still hate the fact tat danny loves kusum 
kill me if dey end up wid kusum dannY!!
n plzz continue ur os.
nehashtha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I want to see Danny with Kumari not with Kusum😭
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago
Hope u read my ss.Danny refused to marry Kusum.So enjoy Danny-Kumari scenes in my ss and please comment on my ss.

Originally posted by: nehashtha

I want to see Danny with Kumari not with Kusum😭

nehashtha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: jasminerahul

Hope u read my ss.Danny refused to marry Kusum.So enjoy Danny-Kumari scenes in my ss and please comment on my ss.

Yes I read your ss.I was telling the way it is going in the show. I do not want to see Danny with Kusum but with Kumari.
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago
still u did'nt comment on my ss😭

Originally posted by: nehashtha

Yes I read your ss.I was telling the way it is going in the show. I do not want to see Danny with Kusum but with Kumari.