* Chat Clubs Rules & Regulations! *

gk_09 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi guys first of all we like start off with a huge thank you to all of you for coming out and providing us with your feedback for the CC forum. We are extremely grateful that you have shared your feedback with us and we hope we will soon implement most of the points you have asked for. This post is the beginning of new lease on our CC section and is made keeping in mind all of your feedback and will include a combination of new and old rules & regulations that you all MUST follow so we can make CC a better environment for all us to be in.
Stalking/Invite Only rule
As many of you are aware we have a rule in place called "Invite Only" which means that you are not to be posting in the CC's that you are not a member of. However, of course this is the internet and nothing can be hidden or locked away so if you DO go into these invite only CC's then you are doing that under your own responsibility and if you get "hurt" reading some comments or discussions then nothing can be done unless the post is against IF's COC. So what I mean is that if you come upon a post that is ridiculing your favourite character on TV DON'T REPORT IT unless it contains profanities or is against IF's COC. And it is a SINCERE request that you stop stalking each other's CC's and quit complaining about others stalking yours. If you post something or press the "like" button in a CC that you're not part of and you get reported then you will be one getting served a 20% increase in your warning level. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. This rule also applies to members of IF's development team members so please refrain yourself from going into other CC's. The only members exempt from this rule are the dev. Team of this section, Channel moderators, Global Moderators and IF Administrators.
Well this is another problematic area since many of you get confused with how is criticism different from discussion. Constructive criticism means criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions  DO NOT call it criticism if all you are doing is posting snide remarks on an actor's looks or personal life. That is not considered critical from any point. Also, to those who cannot take a single thing being said against their favourite character please learn and respect that everyone has different views from each other. Just like you would not go reporting the littlest nuisance to a police officer and would probably ignore it. Apply the same method here. Ignore what you don't like. Furthermore, when we have discussions going on, there are bound to be two opposing sides and since India-Forums is based on DISCUSSIONS you will find a lot of people who are on the opposite end of the spectrum so don't fret over every little detail they post and don't get hurt over what they think is right. However, please note that ANY criticism containing foul or vulgar language will be dealt with severity.  
Personal attacks on members
There are a growing number of public personal attacks on a number of people. Please refrain yourself from using expressions or language in posts that are considered foul, vulgar, hateful, bigoted, sexually harassing, racially offensive, or are in any way discriminatory. Calling people lesbians and uncles can be considered discriminatory and actions will be taken against those who will continue use of such language after this rules post comes in action. It doesn't matter how much you dislike somebody there is absolutely no reason for you to go on an attacking spree against them and disrupt the environment of the forum. Please always remember that our COC states, "Making posts that personally attack, insult, threaten, harass or are clearly disrespectful of the opinions of other participants. This means, if you are engaging in debates that involve challenging, questioning and disputing the opinions and views of others, you are required to do so in a civil manner and ensure that your posts are relevant and on-topic. This rule does not exclude posts that are critical or questioning. It does, however, require that you carefully consider the tone of language in such posts to ensure that they are civil." Keeping that in mind, personal attacks will be dealt with severity.
Bashing Actors / Characters
Okay so the waters here are a little tricky. We do realize that not everyone loves the same actors as others and some probably don't like any actors at all. However, we do have a lot of people who love these people as much as they love themselves. We are not asking you start loving an actor just because someone else does it but we would request you to be a little considerate of other people's opinions and do not post insulting or instigating posts. Express your opinions in a timely fashion so that the atmosphere or the forum remains harmonious.
India-Forum's Code Of Conduct
Please always remember to read through IF Code Of Coduct so you can make yourself more familiar with what we expect from you as IF members/
Anyone violating these rules will be dealt with severity. These rules are not that hard to follow in fact we would not even call them rules. Most of the points listed above are common sense that most of you should be applying before even being reminded of it. However, we do want people to know that we are not HITLERS we are simply here to make the forum a welcoming place for everyone so if you have any concerns or issues with this post [or the way we moderate] then please feel free to drop us a PM and we will get back to you ASAP.
Also, on an ending note we would like to ask members to give us feedback on this rules post ONLY in this thread. Please let us know what you like or dislike about it so we can come up with a solution that everyone is happy with. This post is the final version of rules but if many of you feel that there needs to be some changes then we will be more than happy to accommodate such suggestions.
Thank you very much.
Gurprit [gk_09] & Jk [Angelic_J] =D
Edited by Angelic_J - 14 years ago


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Frequent Posters

gk_09 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago
Hey all,
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the new atmosphere off CC!😃
Well the Hitlers are back 😉

It has come to the attention of CC development team that some members are leaking personal information of other members on IF. Please note that this will NOT BE ENTERTAINED under ANY circumstances.   If you leak ANYONE's personal information online then your warning level will be raised immediately. It does not matter if you are a regular member or part of IF's DT, appropriate action will be taken! You guys are all grownups here and should know better than to leak someone's personal information online WITHOUT their consent. Criticizing someone is completely different than STALKING them [and we are NOT talking about Virtual stalking here] which will not be tolerated at any cost.  Please note that this is not a joke. Leaking someone's info online can prove to be very harmful. How do you know what kind of a person is reading such intimate details of someone's life? We would appreciate it if you guys kept someone's personal info to yourself and please refrain from sharing it with others.

If you guys have any questions regarding this please feel free to PM me [gk_09] or Jot [Angelic_J].

Your support in this matter will be much appreciated.

Thank you,

CC Dev team

Edited by gk_09 - 14 years ago
gk_09 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago
Hey Chatters,

It has come to our attention that there have been dares going around to post in Invite Only Chat Clubs! According to the rules, you may not post in an invite only CC if you have not been invited! The same applies for such dares. From this point onwards, if you post in an invite only CC, regardless of what the reason maybe, your warning level will automatically be increased. No questions asked!

For any questions/concerns/queries, feel free to contact either one of us!

Keep chatting...

- Chat Clubs Development Team
gk_09 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
Hi everyone!

Well, I'm sure you remember the a new set of rules posted back about 6 months ago regarding closing Chat Clubs if they fail to abide by the IF COC. Well, here's the official post declaring that the rules are effective as of now.

Just as a refresher, the rules will work as the following:

3 Reported Posts  - 1 Day Shutdown
6 Reported Posts - 1.5 Days Shutdown
9 Reported Posts - 2 Days Shutdown
so on and so forth.

Note: If a Chat Club receives 10 warning (ie. 10 shutdowns), the CC will permanently be locked. Moreover, if we have put a lockdown on one of the CC's and we find that people are making new threads for the same CC, the member(s) involved will receive an immediate increase in their WL - no questions asked!

Also, we have noticed that when our warnings/reminders are posted within CC's, topic makers tend to edit out the title that refers to the page number the warning has been posted at. This is our first and last warning to each and every one of you! You may not edit the title of the CC if your CC has received a warning/reminder. Those who go against the rule will be dealt with accordingly.

To accommodate all the requests that have been put forth this topic, we bring you some changes and some new rules:
  1. We will allow some leeway to criticize (ie. hypocrite, ignorant, fool etc.) as long as its not abusive or derogatory and is opinion based. However, you may not 'criticize' a particular member or a fan base. More so, you may not post screen shots of other members or quote them from another CC and mock/bash them. No personal comments on members are allowed either.
  2. We will take action against those who display patterns of stalking only to report non-offensive posts 

If you have any questions/queries, feel free to post within this topic or PM any of the CC Devt Team members.

Thanks for your cooperation!

Chat Clubs Devt Team