averma4583 thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

If one party files for divorce, and the other doesn’t take any action, what happens after the last reminder is sent? The divorce proceedings get void?


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Posted: 28 days ago

I don't think so...I'm not a lawyer but one of my workers went through a terrible marriage with domestic abuse and extreme violence..inspite of me telling her again and again to file a complaint , she didn't..n now she's separated and filed for divorce but judge refused to grant divorce on domestic violence charge as there was no evidence..

 her husband doesn't reply to the divorce notices, nor does he attend hearings nor did he hire any lawyer ..so most probably in one or 2 more hearings she will get the divorce based on his no show, that's what her lawyer told her ..

Edited by Krinya - 28 days ago
Bhoomi8900648 thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago

Ex parte decree under Hindu Marriage Act. Notice will be send to other party but if they don't respond to the summon and appear in court then court can give judgement despite the other party's absence.