InsaneDivine thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
I have not read Gita completely, but I do often try to read it.. Reading Gita and the thoughts presented in it gives a lot of emotional strength during the weak phase of life.. ðŸ˜Š 

However, while reading it I often come across a term called " soul "... Many times a soul is referred to something that can neither be created nor destroyed.. But I can't get the exact meaning of soul. I cannot envision it. What is soul ? How can a layman understand the meaning of soul ? What should I imagine when I hear the term "soul" ? Is it just our values, our conscience or something more than that ? Something beyond our understanding power or something within it ?? ðŸ˜Š

Please share your information and thoughts regarding it. It will be helpful. ðŸ˜Š


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mnx12 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
From, Shivasutra vimarsini,
As the great Banyan tree lies only in form of potency in the seed, even so the Entire Universe with all the mobile & immobile beings lies as a potency in the Heart of the Supreme.

The Ultimate Reality is non relational consciousness. It is the changeless principle of all changes. In it there is no distinction of Subject & Object of I & This. It is The Supreme Self surveying Itself. It is Prakasavimrasaymaya as per "Prayabhigna Shastra"(Trika Phylosophy). Prakasa is the Eaternal Light without which nothing can appear. It is Siva. Vimarsa is Shakti, the Swabhava of Siva. Shakti is the mirror in which Siva realises His Own grandure, power beauty. Vimarsa is the power of doership of Siva. It is the aspect of Prakasa, by which It knows Itself. That Self Knowledge is an activity. This I-Consciousness of the Ultimate Reality is responsible for menifestation, maintenanace & absorption of the Universe.
It is the swabhava or nature of the Ultimate Reality to menifest. Creativity is the very essence of Divinity. Otherwise it would be like a Jar.
The Entire Creation is Reflection of The Supreme. Hence the individual soul too is menifestation of The Supreme, which is under the veil of Maya leading to wishes, bondage, karmas responsible for cycle of birth & rebirth.
Each individual's mind is conditioned by habbit, energy(vasana) of previous lives. When by Yogic practice one's mind becomes deconditioned, the one is on the path of becoming, Jeevan-mukata.
Liberation is recognition of one's true nature, which means the Original, Pure, I-consciousness. The Highest attainment is awareness of the, Siva-consciousness in which the entire Universe appears as I or Siva, this happens due to descent of Divine Shakti or anugraha (Devine grace)

mnx12 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
3 Bodies- Gross body (Sthula shareera), Astral body (Suksma shareera) & Casual body (Karana shareera) 
5 Kosas- Annnamaya kosa, Pranamaya kosa, Manomaya kosa, Vigyanamaya kosa & Ananadamaya kosa. 
Soul is in Anandamaya kosa. During the state of higher meditataion, soul can be seen for few seconds. 

ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago

  Briefly this is how  Krishna describes the soul in the Bhagavadgita

Soul and body are different.

 The body is transient and perishable, but the soul is eternal and indestructible. Hence, one should not grieve for the death of anyone.

The soul wears the body like a clothe and discards it at the time of death.

 The soul is Purusha (God). The body is Prakriti (Nature). Beings manifest from their union.

All modifications arise in the field of Prakriti due to the triple gunas Satva Rajas Tamas

 Desire-ridden actions, which are induced by the triple gunas, are responsible for the bondage of the soul.

For liberation, one should overcome desires and become absorbed in the Self. Such a person surely deserves to get Moksha

Nainam chindanti sastrani ...

.Soul never perishes. No one can destroy a soul.But body will get destroyed by all means,If you keep that in mind you will realise that you are not killing the soul.

Vasansi Jeernani Yatha Vihaya..

Just like we leave old clothes and wear new clothes soul will change into another body.Nainam chindanti sastrani...Soul can not be pierced by any weaponIt can not be burnt by fire.It can not be drenched by water It can not be swept by wind.

Edited by ltelidevara - 6 years ago
InsaneDivine thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago
Hey guys ..
Thank you so much for taking out time to write the content...
<3 <3