King and Queen 3

2 years ago

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Hi all hope you like this one, I got really stuck on the title for it! 

King and queen 3


“It’ll be kuki”, warned Prerna with every confidence as both her and Rishabh stepped into the office elevator only to have said goodbye to the girls no more than 30 mins ago. Rishabh gave Prerna a glance when the little voice on the other end of the phone was indeed kuki. 

“Pa…aa.a He’s not here YET” moaned Kuki with George and Sneha in the lurking around in the background with balloons and decoration. 

“He will be” reassured Rishabh 

“What if forgets?” Added Kuki not feeling so sure about her PA’s promises at this moment in time.

“He won’t” replied Rishabh

“What If he does?” perused  Kuki 

“I’ll remind him” said Rishabh but kuki seemed to cut him off this time. “I think he’s here - got to go bye Pa !” 

Rishabh put the phone down with Prerna smiling beside him.

“Mehras made it around the world and back and Mahesh still can’t make a meeting on time” commented Rishabh who was waiting for his brother to call him back but Prerna as ever defended her brother in law.

“He’s actually very on time and In person” replied Prerna pointing out Mahesh in one of the conference rooms in a distance.


“Grandpa Mehra!!!!” Cheered the girls waiting on the doorstep of the house at the first sight of a slightly sun tanned Mr Mehra in a sun hat.

Shekar looked down at the girls with wide eyes and beaming smile.

Sneha had bits of chocolate around lips and on her cheeks where as Kuki seemed to be hiding something behind her back. Before Mehra could wrap his arms around them Kuki had a question. 

“Do you have my pyramid?” She asked with excited eyes trying to look over his shoulder. 

“And My ample”(Camel)  added Sneha cutely who was still learning her letters. 

“I do” smiled Mehra who perched a squat and then took off his straw hat. Inside the lining of it seemed to be a small pocket and from within he took out the smallest but most wonderful looking painted ornaments that caught the girls attention. 


Back In the office as Prerna joined Mahesh in the conference room to begin todays batch of graduate interviews Rishabh noticed Shri in the waiting area as he walked towards his cabin. She seemed to be the only one that was early. He gave her a smile and wished her “Good luck” which did wonders for confidence.

It seemed she didn’t need luck at all, Shri stood out from the rest when she did interview. 


Later that morning as Rishabh stood at his window taking a call as per last time he happened to notice Shri Waiting for her bus. Only this time she seemed to get on and then off after having searched her purse. It seemed that she didn’t have enough money for the ride and had to resort to walking.

Rishabh cuts short his ongoing conversation and pauses for a second to watch the girl walk out of sight and then decides to call Shekhar.

“Mehra, good to have you back, I’ve got a job for you.” 


That evening Mr Mehra stops by a supermarket buys fresh fruit and veg, milk, basic necessities and drives to a apartment block. Reaching the flat he has noted on paper he knocks on the door and leaves the m bag at the door. 


The next morning In the board meeting  as Rishabh signs off contracts for those  Prerna and Mahesh had offered jobs to seeing one he’d expected missing he  asks for a addition.

“And Shri” he says handing back the paperwork to to Prerna. 

“We did offer her a role but she’s taken a job elsewhere”

“Where?” Asks Rishabh

“With AJ Westler”replies Prerna.

 There was a sudden silence in the room with Mahesh looking around the room like he knew something and Mr Mehra and Rishabh looking at one another.

“Ask her if she’s changed her mind”says Rishabh after some silence.

“If she hasn’t put a call in with wrestler so he changed his .”

“Sir” agrees Mehra. Only Prerna out of both men seem to question the matter. 

“But why?, it’s her choice after all if she’s happy elsewhere”... Prerna began but stopped as she saw she had neither Mahesh or Shekars backing. Shekhar & Mahesh both seemed to already be on Mr Bajajs side.

This was the first time in a long time she didn’t agree with Mr Bajaj. He seemed illogical and unfair. As she looked him in the eyes she saw just sternness.  

“Because I said so” he replied leaving pin stop silence  in the room. 
The sort of words that laid down the law

Prerna sighing leaves the room. 

Another sizeable amount of silence later Mahesh makes himself heard. 

“Harsh bro - so not cool” 


As the room vacates Rishabh leans back in his chair reflecting on what had just happened this was exactly the side of him he worried Prerna wouldn’t understand. 

Mehras gift at on the side of his desk caught his eye. It was tiny package he reached out to pick up and then open. Unwrapping it he uncovered a small chess piece, a king with the letter R engraved to its face very delicately. 

Elsewhere in her cabin Prerna is also looking on her gift from Mr Mehra which was a like for like chess piece only a queen with the letter P. 


This moment will be continued ..

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Comments (6)

Rishab has a concern about Shri which the others do not get. He sees images of Kuki there.

1 months ago

They truly are the king and queen of this house. What a nice present from the Mehras.

1 months ago

Amazing update....
Continue soon....☺️

2 years ago

Oh interesting, how will Prerna react and understand why he did what he did ?

2 years ago