A lesson learnt

2 years ago

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This continues from the last moment, thanks all please let me know if you can think of a better title for this still thinking about what it should be.


A Lesson learnt 

Two knocks against the glass of Prernas cabin door and Mahesh puts his head around the door. “You’ve been summoned” he says with Prerna moving her eyes to him from oblivion. She wasn’t sure she wanted to be around Mr Bajaj at this time.


“Mein janta hoon aap ko mere tarike pasand nahin hai “.. (“I know you do not agree with my ways”) he spoke with his back to her Intentionally to not to have to meet with his wife’s disapproving, possibly disgusted gaze. Those glaring eyes  at the time of their contractual marriage negotiations where she looked at him like he was a heartless creature came to mind. Instead he looked out at the window and chose to see Prerna in the reflection where he could.

 “Anuj Whester has a reputation for taking advantage of the vulnerable.  Especially women. I did what I did with good intentions.”

Prerna listened quietly, the explanation filling the context that was missing earlier. 

“Any questions.?” She heard him ask whilst she still made out her feelings on the matter.

“No” she answered.

“That will be all thank you” he ended with.


Returning home a little earlier then usual Prerna kicked off her shoes, dropped her bag and headed straight to her room. She stopped in passing at the mirror to take a look at her reflection. Was she cut out for the harsh world of business?
Feeling emotionally exhausted she walked into the bathroom, switching  on the shower she stepped beneath warm water and took a deep breath. Along with the water from the shower her eyes began to tear up too.

It was nearly 7:30pm when the girls stood out In the hall waiting for their father and uncle who were both supposed to be back in time to kiss them goodnight before bed.

Sneha was already yawring. 

Seeing them enter both girls run first and smile later.

“Da.. ‘!! Chachu.. you’re late !!” They moan with  the cutest little voices looking up to them waiting to be wrapped up in big hugs! That’s exactly what they get. Hugs and kisses.

“Bed time girls!”calls prerna who walks out from the dinning area into the hall way. She chooses to avoid the men focusing on her girls.

Sneha and kuki are too tired  to retaliate and trundle off straight past Prerna after they’re put down. Prerna pecks each of them on the head.

As the girls are out of sight she turns Rishabh and Mahesh.

“Dinners ready” she says walking off in the direction of the kitchen with visibly less affection then normal. 


There was a weighty silence from Prerna as she lay the table and the brothers took their seats. Sounds of their conversation and the silverware being put on the table but not a word from Mrs Bajaj other than her own movement. 

“Won’t you eat?” Asked Mahesh as he saw only two plates laid as per the normal set of three.

“I’ll eat in the kitchen” replied Prerna without eye contact.

Serving the gentleman she cleared up some of Snehas baby cutlery from earlier taking it into the kitchen  with her all  the while the animosity spun in the air.
 Rishabh was able to catch glimpses of his wife’s upset eyes here and there by chance.

No more than a few mins before Rishabh looked up from his food and excused himself. 

As he  walked into the kitchen he found Prerna busy cleaning up by the counter walking from  the basin to one drawer and another. When he happened to be stood in front of her blocking her path Is she realised he’d probably been here for longer than she knew.

Her eyes darting up to him and then down again she hoped to hide her dewey eyes . “The tears” he called out as he looked down at her.

he waited in silence for her to reply whilst Prerna searched for her words. Their proximity meant she ended up focusing on the buttons of his shirt whilst she stated adamant to avoid eye contact.  

“It’s nothing…”, he heard her say as she tried to cover up her emotions. Eventually her words and the way chose not to meet with his eyes gave away her heartache. 

..”woh baaki sab ki tara aap ki sakti ki adat nahin hai na toh…” ( I guess I’m not used to this side of you so..”) she managed to say before falling quiet.

“May I leave?, I’m tired” she spoke.

Those last few words made Rishabh Bajaj feel ever so small. He stepped aside to give her way and to stand alone for a moment.

Seeing the woman he loved upset on his account left him with regret, regret that only got worse when he picked up Mehras call.

“Yes Mehra” he answered. 


Prerna lay in bed very much on her side of the bed tossing and turning. Neither Mr or Mrs Bajaj asleep.

“Did Shri take the job?” Asked Prerna. 

“She did” replied Rishabh

“Not because we forced her hand or played with the situation but because she wanted to work for you” 

Addded Rishabh who’d heard  from Mr Mehra earlier. Shri in the end had made her own mind up at took the offer. Prerna surprised turns in bed towards Rishabh.

“She wants to work for you” he says in a way confessing that her way of letting fate take its course seemed to have worked better than his attempt to intervene to get what he desired. 

They both reflected on what this meant quietly.

Rishabh then began to say what he really wanted to before being interrupted .  “I’m sorr…”——“Would you have apologised to Mehra or Mahesh or any one else? Prerna quick to add.

Rishabh was silent, they both knew the answer to that. It was a No. Then why treat her any different was Prernas challenge.  Yes she was mad, upset but she was fair.

Prerna reaches over to rest her head in his chest. “I asked you to teach me all you know. I wanted to be a business woman,  I knew what I was getting into.

“You are the way you are and I the way I am let’s leave it there.” 

This didn’t however stop Rishabhs mind from reflecting on whether he had been wrong all these years. Was there another less reckless way to compete and conquer ?  Whether Prerna knew it or not she had taught him a important lesson. She was on many fronts a better person and business woman in the making then he could be. That made him proud.

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Comments (5)

He wanted to protect Shri. That wrestler would have easily taken advantage of her.

1 months ago

Amazing. Keep going. 💖💖💖💖

2 years ago

I’m getting rubbish at titles so need you guys to help 🧐

@WaqtZaya maybe you can help! You’re good at this

2 years ago