
2 years ago

jagrutid Thumbnail



So very sorry it’s taken so long just ups and downs in life .. but hope you’re all well


“How long till moms back Pa ?”Said Kuki looking up to her father from within his lap whilst Sneha giggled at the tv. 

“A few hours yet” replied Rishabh trying to keep a giggling Sneha in place so she wouldn’t fall off. 

How many’s a few ? Asked Kuki now staring at the clock, it definitely didn’t say the word “few” anywhere! Now kuki had missed her mom but she was actually really very excited for the the gift prerna promised bring her back. Sneha may be distracted by cartoons but not kuki. 

Thankfully Rishabhs phone saved him from anymore of Kukis questions. 

She watched Eagerly with her toffee eyes as  hoping to overhear about her present.


“I’ve just boarded the plane” explained Prerna  from the airport. In a sluggish tone of voice How are the girls?”

She sounded tired. Rishabh looked down at kuki who was smiling up at him with her glowing eyes and then at Sneha who had her eyes glued to the screen with little bits of popcorn in her wispy Locks. 

“They’re just fine, They’ve missed you”

Perna smiled hearing sneha giggling in the background at the cartoon. 

“Mr Bajaj There is one thing” 

“Hmm” replied Rishabh, thinking how nice it was to hear his wife’s voice after such a long time.

“I was running late so I didn’t get chance to pick anything up for the girls. Aap ..”

“I’ll take care of it Mrs Bajaj.   Have a safe flight” answered Rishabh even before prerna could finish her words. 

“Thank you.” She whispered.

The sound of the airport tannoy meant Prerna had to end the call. 

As Rishabh put his phone down kuki smiled, she hadn’t taken her eyes off him the once. He worriedly wondered if she’d heard the bit about no gifts and if she hadn’t well he was going to break it to her and Sneha!

“Your mom is on her way but she didn’t get chance to get you any gifts” he said looking down at Kuki who’s smile turned up side down and even worse for wear was Sneha to who turned her head up to him with very annoyed little eyes. She understood more than a baby should for her age. 

Oh the sadness in his girls eyes was just heartbreaking! 


And here they were late evening definitely past the girls bedtime in the supermarket. The  children’s isle to be specific.

Now where as kuki was very good at choosing her toy and putting it into the trolley Sneha was the opposite. 

She didn’t like any of the toys it seemed. She threw away anything the store assistant try to suggest and her from her baby seat in the supermarket trolly or made very peculiar faces. The nice lady slowly got the message and left them to it. 

Rishabh looked across the isle of toys and picked out a bear. A caramel  fur bear with button eyes and red bow tie.

How about him? Asked Rishabh with fatherly eyes. 

As soon as little Sneha laid eyes on him she smiled, 


She mumbled with shinny eyes and that was that. 


When Prerna returned home past midnight she walked into the lounge to notice that the lights where still. Tiptoeing and just as well as she walked into the girls tucked into Mr Bajajs chest the three of them asleep in the Rishabh Bajaj chair. What a sight for sore eyes they were. 

Prerna crept closer only if there was room for  one more she thought! Non the less she smiled. Kissing Sneha first on her Curley  locks who was flat out in rishabhs chest. Her little heart beats to be heard and and a adorable little teddy in her hand. Prerna tired to take it away to help Sneha be more comfortable but her little fingers wouldn’t let go. 

Giving up with a smile Prerna kissed kuki on her forehead  too and later walked around the chair a little more to run her hand through Rishabhs hair that had little bit bits of popcorn stuck in it.  No doubt Snehas doing! 

“Goodnight” whispered Prerna dimming the light and heading upstairs.

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Comments (4)

He got the presents when she could not get them. They would have been so sad if they didn't get them.

1 months ago

Soo sweet and cute update....
Put a smile on face while reading after a hectic day...
Do write more and soon...☺️

2 years ago

Such a cute sight the last scene made.. Super adorable

2 years ago