It seems like Abhira though ready to accept Arman after Madhav's Lecture is wary of Dadisa she previously also didn't want to be Arman's wife because of Dadisa's egoistic nature after Madhav told her about how Dadisa has made Arman feel like that being in that house is a favor done by them. He though knows how manipulative Dadisa is she is still his priority because he is thinking of only getting dadisa to agree from his side he is yet to realize that the very person has never accepted her and nothing would change that but Arman is still Dadisa and as soon as he says man jao he takes Dadisa name for her the name brings all the hurt and insult Arman for any length of time has not considered yet the manipulation of his Dadi which Abhira clearly knows and Arman needs to consider a life outside Poddar House. Poddar also needs to consider a life without Arman in it. Which Madhav has already thought off because he wants both Arman and Abhira out of that house because he keeps on taunting Arman with Dadisa because he knows he won't break free now he never will. to the point, he also needs to fight for birth parents because they faced the same