Kavya Ek Jazbaa Ek Junoon - Episode Discussion Topic #1 - Page 49


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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Good episode in terms of the acting/performances of the lead actors, keeping aside the story/dialogs/blame/hurt..etc. Besides, it looked like the writers were clueless and desperately wanted to fill something in the episode, as some of the statements/dialogs were completely unexpected.

It would have been better if Adi would have resigned himself, when he already accepted his mistake. But it was so expected that Adi will lose his MLA seat after this. That was the end of another career for him. It looked like, the makers had no plans Adi's character at all from the beginning, they just added up something on the way, as it looked meaningless/useless most of the time. In the end, it looked like, Adi's character was never required in the show at all.

I think, Kavya's silence must have killed Adi more than his loss of MLA seat/blame/losing his reputation..etc. That was indeed a good move by Kavya, as there was nothing much to say either and no point even getting angry at him. It looked like, Kavya was already prepared for separation in her mind and was in a dilemma only for her child. If she would not have been pregnant, she could have left Adi much earlier.

Kavya and Seema's conversation again looked forceful. What was the need of those challenges/threatening, instead of doing whatever planned. In the end, it looked like the whole separation drama was created only to justify Seema's role/entry in the show. Contrary to Kavya's intelligence/skills, she looked completely clueless and helpless in front of Seema. Looks like, Seema will still be there after the leap and there may be more to come from Seema. Have to wait and see, how her character unfolds from here.

The best part of this infidelity drama was, Adi never blamed Anubha at all. He never mentioned her name anywhere, and even did not mention how she continued to blame Kavya for working with Shubh and instigated him. Instead he took all the blame on him without even knowing what Anubha revealed exactly. Cannot understand why the makers made it so obvious, as it doesn't prove anything good for Adi's character anyway.

Sadly, there was no conversation between Anubha and Kavya, and finally Kavya doesn't know how did Anubha manipulate Adi/the complete truth. Even if it would not have justified Adi's mistake but that was so necessary as well. In the end, it looked as if Anubha was a victim too and Adi cheated her as well besides Kavya (at least from what Kavya must have understood). It also went completely against Kavya's character, as she looked so weak and clueless in front of Anubha. What a terrible mistake by the makers/writers here.

Anubha clearly made a mess of her own life, irrespective of being highly educated/held a respective position. The conversation between her and her parents indicated as if she considers herself a clear victim here. No realization of her own wrong deeds at all. I think, she never understood the meaning of love at all. Her parents sounded equally wrong expecting her to go back to Shubh, instead of making her understand to correct her mistake and move on in life.

In the end, it looked like Anubha's character was not at all required in this track. Every wrong act of hers was completely ignored, and hidden from Kavya, and covered up by Adi's mistake. Adi was definitely at more fault than Anubha here, and its proved that all this was created forcefully to separate Adi and Kavya, which could have been achieved without this experimentation as well. It was not worth at all in the end.

It looks like, Anubha's character may return again later. For the fact that, Adi taking complete blame upon him and never mentioned anything about Anubha, and Kavya never aware of how Anubha manipulated Adi, may be a point to get back Adi and Kavya again later. Kavya may realize, why didn't she ever found Anubha's role in this and why Adi took the blame on him, when Anubha was equally involved in the act and when she threatened her to take revenge against her. So,it looks like Anubha may return later with more negative shades and get exposed completely.

Finally, they showed the much needed confrontation between Adi and Kavya. Keeping aside the story/plot/background, Sumbul and Mishkat were simple outstanding with their performances. Their hard work and dedication towards their craft was clearly visible. The whole sequence was nothing less than a performance from two veteran actors on a big screen. Hopefully, they get some bigger projects after this.

It looked like, the makers/writers completely forgotten what they had written/shown earlier. Kavya had only heard about Anubha's statements and which was shown to be played repeatedly on her mind. Anubha clearly mentioned more than what Kavya mentioned to Adi during their confrontation. It looked like Kavya knew exactly what happened between them. That was so unexpected from the makers.

Kavya was completely correct to say, the trust is broken and there is nothing left in the relationship after that. And more than Anubha, it was indeed Adi's fault to even reach to that point, irrespective of the situation. The way Kavya pointed out his mistake to him was really great and that must have definitely broke Adi completely. But, it was all expected as he already accepted his mistake. There was no explanation needed from his side at all.

Adi was completely wrong to explain himself and state what led him to reach to the situation. Yes, it was necessary for Kavya to know what he was going through and good that he ignored/never brought up/blamed her at all. But, he could have complained about it much earlier not now, as that can never be his excuse now, after he is exposed. Had he blamed/confronted her about it earlier, he could have avoided all this.

Adi and Kavya's relationship had always been at the extreme level. Like they loved/trusted each other at the extreme level and could never hear anything wrong about each other from anyone, but they hurt each other equally badly. They were always been wrong for hiding things from each other, only not to hurt/stress the other. The lack of proper communication was their biggest drawback and others have always taken advantage of it. Both are equally to be blamed for this.

It was a good decision by Kavya to walk out of the marriage or end this relationship. She is completely justified here for the situation she is in and it was definitely necessary at this point. Kavya definitely needs to get away from Pradhan house and get back to her work, as she cannot live without that. Adi definitely needs to focus on himself and his mistakes first, before think about his career next.

In the end, it also looked like Adi and Kavya cannot move on from each other at all, it looked quite positive that they will get reunited. The way they were hurt, their longing for love clearly indicated that they will definitely come back together. Have to wait and see, how the makers bring them back from here.

Edited by rakeshopg - 2 months ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 months ago

Another rushed and meaningless episode. Nothing unexpected, same old misunderstanding and predicted results. Everything looked completely forced and with no emotions at all. Never understood, why did the makers/writers wanted to show all this, even if its fictional drama. In the end, the 3.0 never made any sense, with no justice to the characters/no message/no end results at all.

Adi was correct to say, he completely became like Giriraj, no value for his family members. No words for Giriraj, he was still finding fault in Kavya and instigating his son. Good to see, Adi accepted that only he was at fault and lost everything. He has none to blame except himself now. If at all, he had understood all this and changed himself much earlier.

Finally Adi realized, Kavya was the only person he had in his life and he could never afford to lose her at any cost. This was very evident from the beginning. He had no other option but to just follow what she likes and expects from him and let her live life on her own terms. But, he could only understand all this after he lost her forever.

Once again, Anubha's scene made no sense at all. There was no regret/acceptance of her own mistake. Her father may be was correct to say, it was all her mistake and did not want to keep any relation with her. Though it looked a bit heartless and rude, being a father he could have made some efforts to make her daughter understand her mistakes and how she could correct herself. It looked like, the makers/writers have forgotten everything they showed before. How could Anubha have a gun, when she was already suspended. What a terrible mistake again.

It looks like, Anubha will have a role to play after the leap and may help in clearing the misunderstanding/differences between Adi and Kavya. It looks a bit positive that Kavya will find Anubha one day and Anubha may accept all her mistakes, if at all there is any possibility of bringing Adi and Kavya back together. Otherwise, if Anubha's role ended here, sadly the character lost its importance completely in the end and looked like it was never required.

Once again, the abortion drama was so rushed and looked like the makers just wanted to close the track. The doctor gave an injection, assuming it was pain killer and Kavya was dizzy when she signed the papers. The doctor was clueless why was Kavya was dizzy and there were no questions asked why she wanted to abort and no sign of any doubt since Kavya was so worried about her child and the same doctor assured her nothing wrong a few minutes back.

Adi's reaction to doctor's statement about abortion at first was may be justified, keeping in mind how Kavya wanted to end everything related to him in her life. Any person at his place would have believed it, especially after seeing the consent form and signatures. But, his anger and desperate to get an answer from Kavya while she was unconscious, was not justified at all.

Adi could have waited for Kavya to get back to her senses and asked her about the abortion and mentioned she could have punished him instead of the child. It looked like a complete forced drama and the makers wanted to make both the characters completely vulnerable, so that they can proceed to divorce after that. What was the need for Adi's guilt/acceptance and realization of loss in life, when he couldn't accept the punishment (which looked as if he was expecting, of course not abortion though).

Finally, the makers completely destroyed Adi's character, there was a bit of good heart left when he accepted his mistake and ready to face all the consequences. But, the makers killed that too completely, when he blamed Kavya for deliberately aborting the child, even after she suspected Seema's involvement. He looked completely a different person within a few minutes. There was no sign of trust even after all the guilt (exactly same as Omi's death track). The writers failed miserably in this show and they could never get anything new at all.

There was definitely no need for abortion drama at all. Seema already did all the damage what she was expected to do. Kavya's life was already shattered and she was ready for separation. The makers could have gone ahead with miscarriage due to stress, followed by separation. But, this abortion and blame drama made the show/story completely ugly/inhuman and destroyed the story/show. Not sure, how would the viewers connect back to the show, even if there will be quite a bit changes in the characters.

Finally Seema was successful to ruin Kavya's life completely and it justified her entry/role in the show, at least for now. It looks like, Adi/Kavya will find her one day and she will be punished for all what she did. It will be completely injustice if she will go unpunished for killing a child. Have to wait and see, how would Adi/Kavya meet her.

The scene before divorce where Adi and Kavya blamed each other, looked like a mere formality. There was no emotion at all. It looked as if, there were forced to sit there are say those lines/dialogs. Even Sumbul and Mishkat, who usually at their best in such scenes looked completely disconnected.

Good to see, Kavya mentioned about how the relationship was already ended at the beginning of 2.O itself. No girl/woman could have ever done so much, what Kavya did for her marriage/relationship and all her efforts to correct everything went in vein. But, now it all looks completely unreal/forced and far from reality. The makers/writers definitely destroyed their beautiful show themselves.

Never understood Malini's statements/efforts to save the marriage at the last moment. She still did not understand her own mistakes. Malini was also responsible for this marriage to fail to large extent. It was her who created the mess always by trying to manipulate her son emotionally. What a huge failure for this character as well.

In the end, it looks like, it will be very difficult to bring back Adi and Kavya together again. As of now, it will be wrong and makes no sense at all to do that as well. No woman would trust Adi again, who once destroyed everything after helped her in the worst phase of her life and gave her everything she deserved. It looks like, Adi and Kavya will have role reversal now (Adi being more focused/determined and Kavya being easy going) and may be Adi will help her getting back her confidence/position/reputation..etc. in the end, but it may be very difficult to build the trust again.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

An ok episode. It may be too early to comment/judge, but it looks like, it will be same old hatred/misunderstanding/differences story with new people and circumstances. It seems like, the makers desperately wanted to recreate 1.O here, with role reversal and/or new characters, nothing new/unexpected/exciting.

Both Adi and Kavya's characters looked over the top performances and looked like unnecessary for the message it wanted to convey. Yes, both were trying to hide/overcome their pain/trauma, and wanted to move on in their life and on their own terms, but it looked completely forced and over the top drama (of course, it may be too early to judge though). Have to wait and see how the characters unfold in next few episodes.

The changes in both characters were definitely required and the role reversal was well justified. But, the same could have been done/shown in a bit subtle way and the message would have still been conveyed well. Hopefully, the makers have not made both of them heartless in a bid to forcefully change themselves. Kavya doesn't seem like so, but have to wait and see if Adi's heart is still the same.

Adi's character came across like he has become more arrogant, in a bid to forcefully change himself. But again, it may be too early to judge. Yes, he may be more determined and focused on his career now, but his core nature like good by heart did not come across properly in his introduction. It should have been portrayed well. However, have to wait and see, next 1/2 episodes.

Kavya's character came across like she is forcefully trying to hide her pain and trauma. The character's behavior was well justified, especially after whatever she has gone through. Any person would have lost his/her strength/confidence completely and most importantly faith/trust on marriage/people..etc. But, the same could have been portrayed in a subtle way, instead of illogical sequence and over the top dialogs/statements.

Even if the makers wanted to forcefully recreate 1.O here, but it could have been executed well. Adi was more calm and composed even if he had pain and trauma from his past and well noticed by Kavya that he was hiding his pain behind his smile in 1.O. Now, it looked like Kavya promoted her pain/trauma herself. Similarly, Kavya too was determined and focused on her career, after her break up and her pain/trauma was well noticed by Adi that time in 1.O. Now, here Adi looked like a bit arrogant, instead of determined. May be Vicky will take Adi 1.O's place, so Adi's character may become more with gray shades in future (not sure though). If at all that happens, then Adi's character was not required after the leap or may be they will end his role like Shubh.

Kavya's explanation and justification about love/marriage/divorce was well justified. The same could have been done inside the office room or outside where another incident made her recalling her pain. It looked a bit unreal and forced, why she wanted that to be done on the road with more people witnessing it like promotion of an event/a product. It could have been executed better like Kavya and Giriraj's scene on the railway platform.

Kavya's chase sequence was good and well shot, but it lacked the impact which it used to have earlier. Somehow it looked not as par, for Sumbul's caliber/capabilities. Also, it looked a bit forced when she took the sweets box from the bag and gave away the bag. Though it was purposely done to portray changes in Kavya's character, but the same could have been executed well, communicating the same message.

Kavya should have made the family/public to chase/fight for the wrong, rather than standing and shouting and expecting someone else to do. It should have been made more emotional for the viewers to connect, with the results being achieved without she herself doing it, followed by her explanation to Mayank about how she doesn't want to put efforts for others anymore and followed by the jazbaa and junoon conversation between them.

Adi's focus on his career and determination to achieve his goals was a welcome change in the character, considering how he always looked directionless so far. But, if he wanted to achieve everything without anyone's help, then why he wanted his father's help to meet the CM. I think, the makers wanted to communicate the changes in Adi's character, but the sequence went wrong/missing some more dialogs. Besides, the whole sequence of getting his father agree to him looked a bit strange, with its heavily raining below but not on the top (where Adi was standing).

Not sure, but it may be more interesting to see Pradhan family, as compared to Bansal family, with Sanjeev/Alka/Omi's return now. There may not be much changes in Bansal family members or their characters, the same anger/helplessness/frustration, except that it will be more directed towards Adi than Giriraj/Pradhans. Also, Kavya and Mayank's hatred towards Adi may be more prominent now than Rajiv.

Lastly, Vicky's character may come across as Adi 1.O. Its quite evident from Mayank's statement in the end. He will be instrumental in motivating and shaping Kavya's jazbaa and junoon again. It may be a huge mistake, if the makers create a love triangle now, with Kavya and Vicky falling in love with each other (especially Kavya's views on love/marriage/divorce..etc. in today's episode). If at all that happens, they should kill Adi somehow. It will not be worth to bring back AdYa after that and it will also look completely meaningless/unjustified to keep Adi's character after the leap. In short, it looks like Kavya can never fall for Vicky/any other person after her statements today, it may be Adi again even if it looks impossible now.

It looks like, once again a predictable and unreal drama being created forcefully, which was least expected after destroying the show so badly by the makers. There should have been changes which would have connected viewers with characters (especially Adi and Kavya) emotionally. It looks like, the viewers will sympathize with Kavya and hate Adi more, which was the same before the leap. Have to wait and see for next few episodes though.

It looks like, both Adi and Kavya will end up with the same positions at the same place/under the same roof, where they were before the leap and the same hatred/misunderstanding drama will continue. And it will be well used by Seema and Giriraj once again. So, in the end there was no need of the leap at all. The same could have been done within a week, by showing how each character want to change themselves. The only change now to look forward will be Junior Omi. Vicky's character also doesn't create any excitement anymore. But, it may be too early to judge now, have to wait and see how the story unfolds in next 4/5 episodes at least.

Edited by rakeshopg - 1 months ago
Ria23 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

For me Adi looks unredeemable. He has never trusted kavya. Not in omi case. Then no redemption in that scenario. Then cheating and making it seems like a small mistake. Not trysting kavya when she tells about the baby.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

A good episode after a long time. It was much needed to get out of the continuous ddp. As expected, the makers recreated the 1.O completely and most likely the story may become predictable and boring after a few episodes.

It was a great introduction for Vicky's character and looks like it will be interesting to watch him. Though, it seems like the character is a copy of Adi 1.O, but have to wait and see how it unfolds further, especially since Adi's character still there in the show.

Must appreciate the actor here, Mudit simply nailed every scene/sequence. He has definitely done full justice to his character and brought a new dimension to the story now. Hopefully, the makers do full justice to his acting/craft, looks like a brilliant actor.

Every scene and sequence seems to be recreated from 1.O, starting from Adi and Kavya's meeting on railway platform to train journey. Same like earlier, Vicky noticed the pain behind Kavya's silence/smile and will now motivate her to move ahead in life. It will be interesting to see the bond of Kavya and Vicky from here.

Extremely sad to see, Kavya broken completely from inside and all her self-confidence seems to be lost. The recalling of her past was really painful. It was equally painful to see, how she wants to hide and unable to forget everything. It looks like Vicky will play a major role here, for her to heal from her pain/trauma.

It will be interesting to see and most importantly, how Kavya's character unfolds from here. It looks like, she has not forgotten her past and Adi completely and she may like Vicky's behavior and way of living life. So, everything depends on, whether Kavya will fall in love with Vicky or Adi again. Have to wait and see, what the makers/writes do from here and how they justify everything in the end.

As expected, Kavya's core personality is not changed at all, even after so much of pain and trauma she went through in her life. The way she was worried and rushed to home, after Mayank's call (though it was a lie) clearly showed she is still the same Kavya, who cannot see anyone in trouble and has not become heartless at all yet.

Sad to see Bansals completely broken for all the loss of Kavya. Though not much changes in their characters after the leap, but changes in Mayank's character was well visible. The way he hates Adi now, same as Shubh earlier clearly shows his pain.

Mayank looked like extremely worried for her sister. So good to see the brother-sister bond, after a long time, though it was a complete repeat of 1.O again. It will be interesting to see, Mayank and Adi's face off later.

As expected, Anjali's character gets a new face after the leap. Though, its too early to comment, but the new actress looked completely emotionless, considering the sequence/situation. Have to wait and see, whether she can bring back the magic created by earlier actress and most importantly her bond with Kavya.

Though, Sanjeev's character or role is yet to be revealed in detail, especially his professional journey, but it looks like he has stood by Adi all this while and given him the much needed strength. It will be interesting to see, whether he will have any important role to play in Adi and Kavya's life.

Once again, Adi's character looked unimportant to the story. Though, there was no screen space/dialogs for him in the episode, but the expressions/actions did not convey much about what to expect from the character. Have to wait and see, how it unfolds in next few episodes and most importantly his heart. It will not be worth if he has become heartless completely.

It will be interesting to see, what will be the equation of Adi and Kavya after they meet. It looks like, Kavya has not forgotten her love and Adi completely, but its still not clear about Adi. As expected, the hatred and blame game will start after they meet, but have to wait and see, if the makers have any surprise here. If not, the story will be completely predictable and boring, with complete possibility of love triangle soon.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Good episode. Finally, the pain and trauma of every character is out, and also the way how it has changed them/they are dealing with it. It will be interesting to see, how the story moves forward from here. Hopefully, the makers do justice with their experimentation of this new concept/idea well, instead of making it another predictable/forced drama.

Good to see the fun/light moments between Vicky and Kavya. Looks like Vicky will change Kavya's thinking slowly and bring her back to focus on her career or what she is good at. She definitely needed someone from outside her family to show a different perspective of life. Hopefully, the makers justify Vicky's role properly later.

It will be quite interesting to see the bond between Vicky and Kavya from here. That may bring some changes to the show, besides the hatred/misunderstanding drama between Adi and Kavya, which may start soon. As long as, the makers do not turn this into a love triangle, it may be quite interesting to watch.

It was indeed a wrong move by Mayank, but it was good to see how he/the whole Bansal family is worried about Kavya and her career. Kavya definitely needed to go back to her seat and do what she does best. But sad to see, Kavya has no interest in IAS, which was her only goal in life once. She may be well justified here, but looks quite positive that she will be back to her seat soon.

Its really sad to see the pain/trauma the Bansal family have gone through in their life and the way they are still coping/fighting with it. But, hats off to them, the way they have supported Kavya in every situation and still doing everything possible to help her focus on her career.

As expected, there are no changes in Bansal family characters after the leap. They are exactly same as before, except the hatred towards Adi now. It will be interesting to see, how they deal with the situations later, if at all Kavya falls in love with Adi again. There may be huge clash between Kavya and her family, if at all that happens.

Vicky's pain and trauma is also revealed now and looks like Kavya has understood it. Vicky and Kavya may help each other in future dealing with each other's pain. It looks like they may join hands to fight against Adi now, starting with the accident/complaint. It will be interesting to see, how Adi deals with it, especially if he can still keep himself focused on his career.

It looks like, there is already a connection between Mayank and Vicky, same as what happened between him and Adi earlier. It will be interesting to see their bond as well, they may join hands to help/bring back old Kavya. Also, it will be quite interesting to see, when Mayank, Vicky and Adi meet together. Adi may have to bear quite a lot from Mayank in future.

Adi was correct to say, it was their mistake too for the accident, irrespective of the reason. He may have to pay for the damage later (as there may be a complaint against him), which looks quite evident as well. That looks a different way of thinking/quite positive, instead of fighting and arguing about whose fault and wasting his time.

Good to see, Adi's heart is not changed and he is more focused on his life/career now. That was quite important in the end. He has definitely not forgotten everything/hiding his pain behind work and want to achieve something for himself. It will be interesting to see, how Adi's character moves on from here.

Besides helping the kids, using the moment to his benefit, was a good move. As long as he doesn't take any wrong path to achieve his goals in future, it may be a welcome change. It looks like only Sanjeev understands Adi and his pain/intentions quite well as of now. It will be interesting to see, what will be Sanjeev's role later, as currently it looks like his role doesn't justify to be an IAS officer.

The story may be quite interesting now, with three completely different people with their own pain/trauma and their own way of dealing with it (positive or negative). Hopefully, the makers handle this well, instead of making it too predictable/forced drama in the end. It looks like it may be a big failure again though.

It looks like, there may be a love triangle in future, but it will be interesting to see, if Kavya will fall for Vicky. It may also be a misunderstanding by Vicky because of her closeness to him, in a bid to hate Adi. But, it may be big mistake again by the makers, if they bring love triangle track and create the same old misunderstanding and hatred between Adi and Kavya again.

Though, Adi and Kavya hate and don't even want to hear about each other, but it looks like they can go to any extent to get back together later (most likely it will be Adi this time). It may be possible that, Adi will leave his career/goals again for Kavya, to help get back her reputation/everything she lost. His determination/focus to achieve everything he wants in life may be lost, if Kavya falls for Vicky in future. It may happen with Kavya as well, if she doesn't fall for Vicky, but if Adi misunderstands about them being in love and unaffected about it completely and keep himself away from her, she may fall for Adi again.

Edited by rakeshopg - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

Good episode. It looks like the story will move to exactly same as before. Adi and Kavya may start working in the same office, and the misunderstanding/hatred towards each other will grow further. It will be interesting to see, how long they can keep their pain/emotions in control. Hopefully, the makers bring in some changes/something unexpected to make the story/show not look predictable/forced this time.

It looked like, Kavya's pain/trauma has completely taken over her focus/determination on her work. Sad to see, the person who could go to any extent for work, now not interested in work at all. But, it was quite evident that she cannot stay away from it longer. So wished she would have got a different posting, it would have been interesting to watch.

Adi and Kavya's hit and miss saga continues. The song sequence was really beautiful. Sad to see, Kavya still unable to forget everything and move on. Her pain seems to have taken over her hatred for a while. But it looks like, her hatred will be doubled soon, and it may be a completely different Kavya, when they meet each other.

Adi seems to be quite focused on his work and not letting his pain/emotions make him weak anymore. A completely opposite of his old self, when he used to be emotionally weak and got manipulated easily by anyone. Good to see, this version of Adi, but not sure, how long he can keep it in control.

It will be interesting to see, whether Adi can still be a good leader, who was willing to serve the people and nation. The way he turned himself into to achieve his goals, it may be easier for him to become a corrupted leader, who can go to any extent for his benefit. As long as, he uses his intelligence/skills correctly and focus on good work, it may be interesting to see his character in future.

Also, it will be important to see, whether and how long Adi able to keep his pain/emotions in control. Most importantly, if he can control his hatred not take over his pain/emotions, after he meets Kavya. It seemed like he could hide his hatred and pain behind the smile quite well, even if he looked a bit arrogant, when he heard Kavya's mention.

Cannot wait to see, what happens when Adi and Kavya meet each other. The way they hate and cannot even hear the name of each other, its quite expected that there may be misunderstandings/fights and blame game start again. But, there may be a possibility of both ignore each other and continue with their life (keeping their emotions well in control), especially because one seems to be completely focused on work and other looks like completely careless/unbothered about it.

Good to see the conversation between Jr Omi and Kavya. It will be interesting to see their bond. It looks like Jr Omi will bring some freshness to the story/show, similar to Vicky. His character may play an important role in Adi and Kavya's life. Hopefully, the makers/writers use it well to bring some positivity to the story, instead of using it to create misunderstanding as usual.

Jr Omi and Adi seems to have a good connection as well. It will also be interesting to see their bond. It looks like, there will be some emotional moments/conversation between these two later, which may be passed onto Kavya. If this bond is utilized well, there may not be a need of love triangle later. But, Vicky and Kavya's friendship may create misunderstanding as well.

Its so emotional to see, Rajiv and Mayank using everything possible to bring happiness in Kavya's life. Its always a treat to watch Bansals, especially the way they stand by each other, in every situation. They never fail to put all their efforts to make things better for each other always. It will be interesting to see, what happens when Kavya falls in love with Adi again.

Good to see, Adi doing everything possible to get back his seat/position. It would have been better if the makers would have shown his efforts in last 3years, even if in flashbacks/news, to justify his statements. But, it may be justified, if its his efforts/good work can earn him the MLA seat. Also, it may be interesting to see his battle with Seema later.

It looks like, Seema will agree to Adi's proposal with an intention to use it to her favor later and make him a scapegoat. The real test of Adi's intelligence/skills and focus would start now, after he becomes MLA, if at all he can stand against Seema and fail her plans. The results may be different/unexpected this time, with new version of Adi, but have to wait and see.

It may be possible that Seema may use Kavya/her hatred towards Adi to her favor/against Adi later. That may make Adi go against Kavya as well. As it looks quite predictable now that with Seema's interference and their hatred towards each other will create more misunderstanding/differences/fights between them, but the makers may bring in something unexpected this time, especially because of the changes in core personality of the characters, otherwise it will not be worth at all.

It looks like the professional and personal clashes between Adi and Kavya will go in parallel now. Besides the hatred towards each other, Vicky's presence in personal life and Seema's interference in professional life, may become a huge challenge for Adi and Kavya. They may eventually realize that they have to be together to fight everyone/everything, and cannot be separated. Though the end results will be same, but the approach may be different this time.

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Posted: 1 months ago

An ok episode. The makers/writers deliberately recreating every scene/sequence from 1.O. There should have been something unexpected in the story after the leap, especially when the core personality of the lead characters have been changed. Hopefully, there will be something unexpected/new in the story from next week, instead of predictable/forced drama.

Kavya's conversation with Shobith started off well, but moved on to something unexpected. In the end, it did not look authentic and make any sense. The same explanation could have been given to Rajiv and Mayank, making them asking Kavya to think about her marriage again. There was no need of Shobith's role/introduction at all.

Sad to hear Kavya's bitter experience and losing all faith in love and marriage. The way she narrated her marriage story to Shobith, felt like she is completely broken from inside. She is unable to forget whatever she has experienced/gone through. It looks like there is a lot more inside her heart, which needs to be brought out, may be that's what Vicky's role would be all about.

Never expected Kavya to narrate her previous marriage experience to Shobith. It definitely portrayed her pain/trauma and lack of faith in marriage. But, it also proved Kavya against the changes in her character. Her hatred towards Adi and control over her emotions lost and she looked like her old self once again, like she still loves him and cannot stay without him.

Good to see, Rajiv and Mayank desperately want Kavya to move on in her life and get back to her old self. Its always a treat to watch, the way Bansal family stands by each other in every situation and cannot see anyone of them sad at all. They have really set a great example of an ideal family.

Sad to see Anjali blaming Rajiv to not handle the situation properly. Though, she may have been correct to say, Rajiv never supported Adi and put efforts to understand/accept him. The things may have been much better had Rajiv made at least some efforts to accept Adi and support him understand things, which he lacked completely from his own family. But blaming Rajiv about the divorce was completely wrong, again it looked like the makers just wanted to recreate the sequence from 1.O forcefully.

The writers seem to have failed completely here, nothing new in the story/sequences. They just copied the entire sequence from 1.O (the scene after Kayva and Shubh break up and before Kavya's stand up act). Anjali's statements and the scene with neighbors were not required at all. After Kavya's disappointment with Rajiv and Mayank for forcing her about marriage, they could have just shown Kavya's introduction of Vicky in her life. It looked like a forced drama in the end.

Kavya introducing Vicky as her new boyfriend, was quite unexpected. Even if, there are changes in the core personality of Kavya, this looked completely forced. Though, it was her quick move to avoid the situation/Rajiv and Mayank's plans, at least it did not justify her own statement when she asked Shobith, how much he can pay to marry an IAS officer. Looks like, all this was forcefully added to make Rajiv and Mayank fight against Adi later in favor of Vicky and/or make Vicky misunderstand Kavya.

In the end, Kavya's character came across like a weak personality and looked completely vulnerable now. It looked like, she doesn't hate Adi, she is only waiting for him to come back to her. Of course, the makers may want to convey exactly the same. But, this may not go well with her character/the show later and this leap/changes in characters may backfire again. As of now, it looks like, its just one heartfelt/proper communication with Adi, and Kavya will be back to him again. That makes Vicky's character completely meaningless. Hopefully, there is something unexpected from next week.

Adi's conversation with Seema looked a bit forced drama. It may have been created to highlight the changes in Adi's core personality and make him look more determined/focused on his goals and also to convey the message that he can go to any extent to achieve his goals. But, it also made Adi look like a bit over-confident/arrogant in that situation. Hopefully, the makers justify all this, by making him win the battle in the end, otherwise it will look forced again.

As of now, it looks like Adi's plans with the taxi union/strike will fail/backfire, as he already opened up about his plans with Seema. It will be a huge mistake, assuming Seema will not do anything about it now. That was not required at all, he could have done whatever he planned to do, why must challenge her. The same mistake was done by Kavya repeatedly a number of times in 2.O and 3.O. What a big failure by writers again, becoming so predictable. Have to wait and see, if there is anything unexpected though.

Besides, his plans being failed by Seema, Adi may also be blamed by Kavya, if he instigates/plans for taxi union strike. The drivers will lose their earning due to strike, which will effect Vicky as well (recalling Kavya's question to Vicky if he lives on daily earnings, after the accident. Probably that line was added purposely to be used now). Kavya may blame Adi that, he did everything purposely to take revenge with her (because she may introduce Vicky as her boyfriend to Adi), so he tried to hurt Vicky. Hopefully, the makers don't make the story so predictable and forced once again.

As of now, Adi's character seems to be quite confusing/not quite clear, which direction its headed to/what the makers want to show him as. He may become another corrupted/selfish leader like Giriraj and only do things for his own benefit. I think, it all depends on, how Adi handles the failures on his way from here. He will definitely have to face quite a lot of difficulties on his way, not only from Seema, there may be others/Giriraj himself. It will be interesting to see, if he can maintain his good heart and serve people/nation, instead of taking wrong paths, only to win over the opponents.

Lastly, Adi and Jr Omi's conversation was the highlight of the episode. It looks like, Jr Omi is the only character, which viewers would look forward to now. Besides adding a new freshness to the show, he may also play an important role here. Hopefully, he gets more screen space, and not used for creating misunderstanding between Adi and Kavya like any other character.

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Posted: 1 months ago

Good episode. As expected Giriraj was trapped by Seema. Adi and Kavya still unable to come out of the loss of their child. It looks like Adi will reach to the truth and realize his mistake soon. Hopefully, the makers/writers execute everything properly this time, instead of making it too predictable/forced.

Vicky's character definitely added some freshness to the story and looking quite positive so far. He was quick enough to understand how Kavya trying to escape from the problem, with his help. Hopefully, the makers keep it positive till the end, instead of ruining it like every new character.

But, it looks like Vicky's character will not last long enough, if it continues the same behavior or fun. Keeping in mind, the pace of the show and especially Kavya's dilemma currently, it may lose its importance soon. The makers may be forced to turn it into negative character or start love triangle soon.

It was definitely quite unexpected from Kavya to use Vicky to escape from her marriage/the situation. A completely opposite of her old self. It looks like, she will end up in trouble, because of all what she is doing now. She may get trapped from all sides, from her family, Vicky, her emotions (Adi) and work..etc. Have to wait and see, how she handles herself from here.

Though, Rajiv, Mayank and Anjali have doubt that Kavya is only acting up here to escape from the situation. But it looks like, Rajiv and Mayank eventually may agree for Kavya to move on with Vicky. It may happen due to their hatred towards Adi, and may be his anger/hatred towards Kavya, so that he can stay away from her. Kavya may end up in trouble/dilemma, and Vicky may get wrong signals about Kavya being actually fallen for him.

But, it looks like Anjali may not believe Kavya would ever fall for anyone again or ever move away from Adi. Eventually, it may be Anjali again, who may make Kavya realize that she cannot live without Adi (similar to how Giriraj made her realize that she fallen for Adi last time). Hopefully, the makers do not repeat 1.O reunion again, where Kavya's may decide to marry Vicky and Anjali and Malini stop it like last time.

It looks like, there may be a love triangle soon, instead of turning Vicky's character negative. With Kavya forced to act like she in love with Vicky (assuming Vicky understands that she is acting up), Vicky misunderstanding Kavya actually fallen for him and Adi may try to get back Kavya after the truth about abortion is revealed. Have to wait and see, how the story moves on from next week.

As expected Giriraj was trapped by Seema and she saved herself quite well. It was quite clear that Seema will make Giriraj a scapegoat. It looks like Adi will find the truth sooner/later. It will be interesting to see, how he handles the situation then, especially with the changes in his character. He may save his father from Seema but may end up getting misunderstood by Kavya as well.

Good to see, the changes in Giriraj's character, realizing his mistake and his guilt for the pain Adi gone through all these years or still suffering. If at all, he had strength to accept everything and surrender himself for fake medicines and death of innocents. Both Kavya and Adi would never believe that Giriraj was behind fake medicines and would definitely prove him innocent, as they know the truth. That would also reveal the truth behind abortion.

Once again, Malini was shown as a weak personality hiding the truth from Adi. Never learnt from her mistakes or never realized how she ruined her family by hiding/manipulating repeatedly. It was never expected from Giriraj to reveal the truth behind the abortion, as he was trapped, but at least Mailini should have taken stand for her son, especially watching him suffer since years and blame Kavya wrongly. Such a huge failure from the makers/writers here as well, same old story to create forced drama.

Jr Omi and Adi's sequence was also quite beautiful. Jr Omi's character has definitely brought in some freshness to the show. Cannot wait to see, how it will make a difference to the story. Hopefully, he gets more screen space, before it loses importance in misunderstanding/hatred/love triangle drama.

Adi and Kavya's sequence of dealing the stress at midnight with maggie and the flashback of good old memories was quite beautiful. They just cannot hear each other's name, but cannot move on from each other as well. Good to see, the emotional connection between the two still exists and that may eventually help them trust each other again.

It was quite evident that, Adi and Kavya have never come out from the pain/trauma of losing their child. It looks like, there is a storm inside them and they are covering it up with the hatred for each other. It will be interesting to see, how the makers/writers bring them back from here. Because, it will be very difficult to build the trust between them again. Even if Adi regrets for his mistake/blaming her for abortion later, it will be very difficult to make Kavya trust Adi again.

Adi should leave his parents/Pradhan house after the truth about abortion is revealed, especially Giriraj and Malini hiding it from him. Giriraj & Malini's fear of losing his son should may come true this time. Kavya may not be there this time to stop him either. Besides, his guilt and the way he blamed Kavya for abortion would definitely destroy him. Hopefully, the makers bring in some changes this time, instead of same old story of forgive and move on.

It looks like, the taxi union strike will create a huge misunderstanding between Adi and Kavya. With Kavya supporting the strike or cause, there may be a possibility of Adi standing against it for his revenge with Seema and they may end up fighting with each other, with Seema using it to her favor. Hopefully, Adi wins over Seema this time, instead of making the story so predictable/forced drama for creating differences between Adi and Kavya as always.

Edited by rakeshopg - 1 months ago
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Posted: 1 months ago

An ok episode. Besides the changes in Kavya's character after the leap being highlighted, nothing unexpected in the episode. It looks like, the story revolving around Adi and Kavya now. Though, its expected to be hatred drama to follow after they meet each other, but hopefully the makers bring in something interesting and unexpected and not make it too predictable.

Vicky's idea of helping Kavya to keep Adi away from her was good gesture/funny, but it looks like it will get him into trouble later, once he knows about the truth. That was definitely a wrong move, there could have been a better way to do what was intended. It looks like Adi will let him go, once Vicky is introduced as her boyfriend by Kavya. That may surprise both Kavya and Vicky.

It was definitely unexpected to see Kavya enjoying Vicky's act, completely opposite of her old self. Her hatred towards Adi seems to have taken over her life completely, as that looked a bit inhuman to enjoy such act. But, it may all be justified later for whatever she has gone through.

It looks like, the makers trying to bring down Kavya's character as well now and once the hatred game starts, both Adi and Kavya may stand equal (keeping aside what they have done/gone through in the past). Hopefully, they don't drag it too down and long, otherwise viewers may dissociate with Kavya's character as well. It seems like nothing left in the character to look forward to, except to sympathize with her.

Sad to see, Kavya looked completely having no interest in her work, who was ready to sacrifice anything for her work previously. Her hatred towards Adi and trying to avoid him may be justified, but it was quite unexpected that, she was ready to resign from her post all because of this. Once again, Rajiv played his part to save her career. His contribution in Kavya's career can never be ignored. He definitely shined as a father and set a great example. It will be interesting to see, how Kavya will get back to the position where she was before and her reputation from here.

Vicky may play an important role here to give Kavya the much needed strength to face Adi and move ahead in life. But, it looks like Kavya may still not be interested in her work or make mistakes because of Adi's presence. Looks like, she would need someone inside Secretariat to stand by her. Have to wait and see, if it will be Adi again, who gives back her confidence/strength and get back her position and reputation. It may also be possible that, Seema will trap Kavya and use it against Adi. Kavya may join hands with her due to her hatred towards Adi and also in a bid to get posted out of Secretariat, especially owing to her unexpected behavior now.

Adi and Kavya's hit and miss saga continues. Adi's feeling of Kavya's touch and the song sequence was quite beautiful. It looks quite positive that, they have not moved on from each other. Though, it looked like there were too many encounters and its not moving ahead, but very importantly, the makers wanted to communicate the inner feelings/emotions of both characters clearly, from last few episodes. It was indeed done quite well.

Rajiv's seems to be too confused and desperately want to find out, if Kavya is serious about Vicky. His character looks a bit different from his old self. His reactions after hearing Vicky got the snacks and getting Vicky to go along with Kavya to the party, was quite unexpected. Though, it looks quite interesting to watch now, Kavya may end up trapped in this later.

It looks like, Rajiv will take this much further and he may decide to get Kavya married to Vicky, without asking Kavya. Vicky may be convinced about Kavya fell in love with him by then. It will be interesting to see Vicky and Kavya's relation after Kavya reveals the truth about her intentions/act. There may be a possibility of Vicky turning negative after that, for being used.

Kavya's reaction to Vicky's entry and his behavior looked a bit unexpected. It was surprising to see, why she was unhappy with his looks or behavior, when it was her who decided him to act, being well aware of his background/habits. There seems to be a bit of confusion and misunderstanding starting to build here, with Vicky unable to understand Kavya's real intentions behind her words. Have to wait and see, where does it take Kavya to.

Once again, Kavya's reaction to Vicky in the party looked a bit forced, though it was intended to be funny. Vicky already made clear about his intentions to attend the party, but it seemed like Kavya expected him to stay out of the party. If at all, it was for her reputation, why didn't she made it clear to Vicky or get out of his taxi on the way? Though the makers want to portray the changes in Kavya's character here, but it looks like there is a forced drama being created slowly.

It looks like, Kavya may get angry/ask Vicky to stay away from her/in limits, if it continues more like this sooner/later, in anger/frustration due to her hatred towards Adi. But it may also be possible that, she would be trapped in this act completely. Most importantly, have to see how she reacts to Vicky after her meeting with Adi and if at all she introduces him as her boyfriend to Adi.

Adi and Jr. Omi's entry to party was looked quite good and it was shot quite well. Good the see the bond between them. It looks like their connection is much deeper than it looks like, which may come out later. Most importantly, Adi may be connected to Jr Omi way too much at emotional level (owing to have lost his child). It will be interesting to see Jr Omi's role in future, and as of now, his is the only character to look forward to in the show.

It was quite evident from Adi's reaction to Jr Omi about girlfriend, that he has definitely not forgotten Kavya and cannot move on from her. Looks like, the whole Pradhan family got the message/indication about it and may have expected Adi to get angry. Cannot wait to see, Adi and Kavya meet each other in the next episode. It may be possible that, Adi will speak to Kavya without knowing its her and clear his stand that he has no intentions about girlfriend/dating and only acting for Jr. Omi as he cannot deny him for anything. Kavya may get the message and join him for dance for the sake of Jr Omi.
