What a poem Nado , with a very relevant and important message ! See these lines --Happiness and being good are interrelated, if your heart is pure , if you do good for others, you will be the happiest person on earth!👏
Being Happy
Hermann Hesse
There is no duty in life except the duty of being happy.
It is our only reason for being in this world.
With all our duties, all our morals, all our commandments,
we seldom make one another happy, because these do not make us happy.A person who is good can only be so when he is happy,
when there is harmony within him, in other words, when he loves.This has been the rule, the only rule, of this world thus taught Jesus; thus taught Buddha; thus taught Hegel. For each of us the only thing of importance in this world is his own inner self his soul, his capacity for love.
When this is working, we may be eating plain porridge or cake, we may be wearing rags or jewels but the world will be resounding in the clear tones of the soul. It will be a good world, a world going on in proper order.
Biti sretan
U zivotu ne postoji nikakva duznost
osim duznosti: biti sretan.
Samo smo zato na svijetu,
a sa svim duznostima,
svim moralom
i svim zapovijedima
rijetko cinimo jedno drugoga sretnim,
jer i sebe time ne cinimo sretnima.
Ako covjek moze biti dobar,
moze to samo onda
kada je sretan,
kada u sebi ima sklada
dakle kada voli.
To je bilo ucenje,
jedino ucenje na svijetu.
To je rekao Isus,
To je rekao Buda,
To je rekao Hegel.
Za svakoga je na ovome svijetu
jedino vazno
njegovo vlastito najunutarnjije,
njegova dusa,
njegova sposobnost da voli.
Ako je ona u redu,
onda je svejedno
jede li se proso ili kolaci,
nose li se dragulji ili rite;
onda svijet zvuci zajedno s dusom,
onda je dobro.
Liked me to poem. I wanted to share it with you. 😊
Happy day friends !
Hi, my dear Nado ❤️ , me ? Leaving writing ?? That will never happen. 😆 At present busy wrestling with writing for the IF RK story. 😊 And also busy dealing with life and day-to-day chores. But my first preference will be greeting my friends here. 🤗
I hope you are all doing well. 🤗Branka, I hope you have recovered. ❤️Vibha, I hope you have arrived happily at your destination. ❤️Madi, have you made a break with writing? ❤️Riya, I hope you're all right. ❤️Abhi and Avi, I hope that the days are not too cold with you and you are healthy. ❤️Padmaja, I hope you are satisfied with the preparations.❤️Dragica, I hope that it will soon come to us and that it's good.❤️I wish all of us a successful new week. 🤗