Originally posted by: Wrackspurt
When you are a star u cannot behave immaturely...and you cannot expect everyone to take her immature comments as a joke...you like niti..fine..like her...spread your love in niti fan club..thats what i am saying..no one went in kyy forum or niti's fanclub and bashed her there...just visited another forum..where someone said they dont like harshita..so i should now go there a pick up a fight right?being her fan?...as for bashing of harshita during that photo fiasco..i know some SH fans had bashed her as well and the people who bashed her was told off as well..
Being a celeb doesnt make them less humans..Not all people talk the same way.. She is no way mocked harshita.. I have seen the iv and even parsh didnt take this fan war seriously.. Thwy were also casually taking about it... Harshita has a more.matured kind of voice unlike niti so when she taks without smiling it seems very serious.. For actors all this fanwars are not a bif deal abd they are not emotionally invested in it too.. She didnt made any immature comment on that... Even before the iv niti on her if told her fans to stop bashing other actors.. That was a mature.movie..
She is quite.immature compared to parsh but knows.how to handle stardom and be professional...
There is no reason to gp to.kyy forum and bash niti coz there.no one gave a reason to do so...
Its ok to say you dont like this actpr but mockinng and belittling them.is not done.. If someone in kyy forum said what eveyone here said about niti i would have defented harshita there