1. Name - Priyanka, piu..
2. School / College -Priyadarshini College Of Engineering
3. Fav Color - BLACK
4. Fav Tv Shows - KKHAK, Descendents of the sun. NPGA.
5. Fav Movies -Robot,3 idiots.
6. Fav Books - The Lord of the Rings
by J.R.R. Tolkien.
7. Place you wanna live in - Switzerland But now onwards Dharmshala..
8. First serious crush was at what age ? -19
9. Idea of a perfect date-candlelight dinner near lake..
10. Last thing you ate. -paneer pakode
11. What you find attractive in the opposite sex -Honesty, height, eyes.All in all he should be charming, witty and flirty at the same time having a good job..
12. If you ever won a lottery you would ...?-world tour with family and friends.
13. Biggest regret. -Not having bf in my whole engineering timespan.
14. Dream Job. -not literally job..but I dreamed of being female lead opposite Rajveer for any show.
15. Fav Food/ Cuisine -Bhindi, All paneer stuff.Sweet me only Rasmalai..
16. Fav Hobby -Playing PC gmaes.
17. Whats inside your fridge right now ? -Veggies, milk, pickle jar, some fruits.
18. Current purpose in life. -To become good web designer
19. Your idea of relaxing on a weekend. -movies, outing with friends.
20. Anything you would like to say ? -Be happy, stay healthy.