IF is one of the forums where one can be truly anonymous, which attracted many of us to it. A place where generally nobody judges (there are exceptions always 😆), one meets like minded people, people with similar trolling skills and likes and dislikes. Introverts turn extroverts here owing to the anonymity!
It has been proven through various studies that having conversations with strangers can actually be very beneficial for one's overall well being. It aids in increased happiness, a sense of belonging, increased mental sharpness, to name a few benefits.
This place does all that and gives us something most of us truly love - lots and lots of gossip...
While not all of us are strangers to each other, let's come together and share whatever we want!
So, here I am, the most gentle and the best Minion, doing the honours...
Welcome to Bollywood CC # 97
- Members can chat about anything and everything
- Please refrain from bashing, mocking, and spamming (including unnecessary links).
- Pease maintain the decorum of the thread as per the IF COC Rules - read the rules here
- Use this thread for chatting only!
Links to Previous CCs
This CC is dedicated to two people closest to my heart: Maroon and Evil Queen
The CC always has something or the other to offer to everybody...
For example..
Those, who love living in the 80s
The eternal Hrithiku Fans
SRKu and Bhai fans
Narad Munis and the trolls of the forum (including me)
The Social Butterflies
Popcorn lovers
The intellectuals
Beauty Queens' lovers
People living in the C/K-world
The Debate Lovers
The Silent Readers
So, Come one and all, let's chat away...