What did Praneet do today in episode ???? Why is he being bashed ??? I really don't know why all are against him !!!! Seem's silly really.
Originally posted by: Yashikha_Diyana
1st situ: Ali taking a flag and puting it in GG's statue's hand, then Pranzi going at the back of the statue and saying that it should have been at another place, APARENTLY/OBVIOUSLY he was joking... GG was watching this and felt bad...2nd situation: GG saved Ali from nominations in yest epi... today Gautam handcuffed Ali.. then GG told Praneet to unlock him... he was making Ali believe Tanna had the handcuffs key and that he was trying to save him... he was trading Ali's liberty with him having to wash his white clothes... but some people say he was trying to gain Ali's sympathy and make him stick to him instead of GG... i actually found it funny!!!