You can't 'Please' everybody...says, Sonakshi Sinha

Sonakshi Sinha talks about her box-office numbers that used to be on top earlier and has dropped down in her recent films. Read on to know more.

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Sonakshi Sinha has been a part of films like Dabbang, Rowdy Rathore, Son Of Sardar, Dabangg 2, Holiday: A soldier is never off duty. However, after debuting in 2010 opposite Salman Khan the actress have been receiving many offers from the filmmakers. While earlier her films used to be into the genre of masala entertainment but, now the actress has become wiser in choosing films. Initially, her films created magic at the box-office with 100 crore business but, her recent films have not been able to make such big numbers.

When asked about how she has been dealing with it, Sonakshi stated to a leading daily, "I am still the golden girl, asli sona (laughs). There's nothing to deal with. I am doing some good work, whether it was Akira, a character like Noor, or a film like Ittefaq. Yes, earlier there was a trend of movies like Rowdy Rathore and Son Of Sardaar, but now is the time to experiment. My recent films may not have done big numbers box office-wise, but creatively, it has been satisfying to be a part of them. When I did those films, people said I had nothing much to do with them. Now, I'm asked why I'm not doing those kinds of movies anymore. You can't please everybody. I have to see what makes me happy and challenges me. Only when you are happy and balanced, will that translate on screen."

When the actress was asked if she is missing those huge numbers at the box-office she replied, "Even when I was getting those figures, they did not matter to me. What matters to me is the love of the audience. Lootera didn't do big numbers, but even today, whenever somebody meets me, that is the first film they mention to me. The box-office figures are based on how many people have seen your film, how many screens it was released in a lot of factors are involved. Ittefaq was in a different genre. It was a small film, which opened in a lesser number of screens, but it was still a hit. Even Akira for that matter was a great opportunity for me to work with AR Murugadoss and show that I can do action. What didn't work was the film's budget. It should have been made on a much more controlled budget. It made Rs 30-35 crore in India alone, which is a great number for a singular female lead project. I got a tremendous appreciation for doing an action film like that. And that's what matters. Honestly, my last few films have got me much more appreciation than the earlier ones."