Naseeruddin Shah condemns Islamophobia in society; says "Muslim hating is fashionable even amongst educated"

Known for his outspoken criticism of the ruling government party, Shah spoke with a leading portal highlighting how the portrayal of Islamophobia in current films. Read on to know more.

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Renowned actor Naseeruddin Shah recently expressed concern over the rise of hatred towards the Muslim community, describing it as a cleverly exploited sentiment that has become fashionable in society. Known for his outspoken criticism of the ruling government party, Shah spoke with a leading portal highlighting how the portrayal of Islamophobia in current films reflects the reality of unabashed discrimination. He emphasized the worrisome nature of the prevailing times, as animosity towards Muslims is increasingly embraced, even among educated individuals. Shah attributed this phenomenon to the ruling party's shrewd manipulation of public sentiment, exploiting divisive tendencies for political gain.

The actor also criticized the election commission for its apparent silence, observing that politicians are freely using religion to secure votes without any repercussions. He pointed out the double standards, suggesting that if a Muslim leader had appealed for votes with the phrase "Allahu Akbar," the consequences would have been disastrous. Shah expressed hope that the divisive tactics employed by politicians would eventually lose their influence. While questioning the election commission's lack of assertiveness, he drew attention to the prime minister's statements and the subsequent electoral outcome.

This is not the first instance of Naseeruddin Shah openly discussing his views on the Indian government. Known for his fearless approach to addressing societal issues, the veteran actor has consistently made bold statements about the prevailing political climate. His recent remarks shed light on the ongoing challenges faced by minority communities and raise important questions about the role of religion in public discourse.

Shah's concerns underscore the need for a more inclusive and secular approach to governance, urging society to move away from the divisive tactics that have gained traction. While acknowledging the effectiveness of the government's strategy thus far, he remains hopeful that the current state of affairs will gradually dissipate.