'Celebrate V-day with B-Town'!

With all the new found theme articles sweeping the floor for Valentines Day - here comes the one traditional and customary quick grills piece. Read on to know more.

"Nadia M."
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With all the new found theme articles sweeping the floor for Valentines Day - here comes the one traditional and customary quick grills piece.

Yes, we shortlisted our set of questions, and spammed the inboxes of all the celebs who would kindly oblige.

Read on for Valentine philosophy and plans - straight from our celebs.
1. What is the significance of Valentines Day of you?
2. What does "love" mean to you?
3. If you could have anyone in the world, who would you pick as your Valentine?
4. What do you prefer: flowers or chocolates?
5. Any special plans for this Valentines Day?

Shenaz Treasuryvala

1. Valentines day significance to me: An excuse to go out on a date and be spoiled rotten.

2. Love means everything. It's what makes my world turn and my heart tick.I am most alive when I am in the role of a lover.
3. I CAN have anyone in the world ;)
4. A plant or a whole tree...that's a nice valentines symbol I think, to give life and plant a tree together... and some SUGAR FREE Chocolates(I'm too sweet for sugar;), a ticket to somewhere exotic and a cozy hotel room facing the sea.
5. Nope, I didn't even think about it until you emailed me.
Vishakha Singh ( KHJJS girl)

1. Valentine's Day to me is a day dedicated to Love. Its a great way to reach out to your loved one. Ironically, it also is the day when the Moral Police will get is share of limelight on grounds of protecting our Indian Culture.
2. Love is a strong emotion. It is compassion, humanity, unconditional giving and understanding. Honestly, I can't define it. Its a feeling that completes you.
3. I already have a Valentine;) BUT if I were single Christopher Reeve's Superman would definitely be my Valentine:)
4. I LOVE chocolates! But I think a bunch of freshly plucked roses would really be perfect!
5. That's the boring part. I enjoy the idea of Valentine's day. But no special plans this year cause I'd be working. However, some day I do want to celebrate Valentine's day in Paris with a romantic dinner on the Eiffel Tower!

Mannat Singh (debut with Punjabi cinema in Tere Ishq Nachaya)

1. Most powerful reason to be together
2. The most beautiful expression of life anyone can experience ever.
3. Dakssh Ajit Singh. Dakssh and Dakssh
4. Flowers,for my colorful life.
5. Just want to b together with my love

Nauheed Cyrusi

1. Valentines day isn't that big of a deal to me really..I mean its just another day in the calender..I tell my loved ones I love 'em almost every day of my life so well everyday is Valentines day for me :D
2. LOVE means a LOT to me in my life..L'm a person who likes having people who are close to me in my life around me at all times and love to me is the air I breathe
3. ahahaahah such a diverse question..well I have the serious hots for Josh Hartnett
4. I own a florist shop by the name of APOLLO FLORIST(Mumbai) so my answer's very obvious!!! FLOWERS and CHOCOLATES ALL THE WAY :)
5. This valentines day I'm gonna be sending out tonnes of flowers and chocolates and wine and whatever else people want cause its gonna be one big day at work:)

Claudia Ciesla

1. Valentines Day is the symbol of love ' and I just came back from Agra and I'm so impressed by seeing Taj Mahal which is the best example of true love
2. Love is a magical emotion which human beings are able to experience and I believe that people who didn't experience it yet, are definitely missing on something
3. In this situation my Valentine will be SRK ;)
4. Anytime flowers ' I just love them
5. I'm still single so no special planes ' maybe I will go somewhere with my friends

Chitrashi Rawat

1.Just any other day. Its basically for those people who need to be reminded of the day of love, though nothing wrong in it because we're so busy in our day to day life we need that one special day. Whereas I feel if you have a great partner you should enjoy everyday as a valentine day.

2. It means everything respect, sense of joy, longing & loss. Feeling of power, pride & happiness.
3. Has to be Johnny Depp !
4. Both.
5. No plans as such. Might hang out with my closest friends.

Raima Sen Devvarma
No comments. I don't believe in Valentines day 

Reporter: Nadia I.
Editor: Naseem J.
Graphics: Shikha A.