Wingardium Leviosa : A 'Harry Potter' WC Results Announcement Thread

Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 10 months ago

Hello Potterheads!

Welcoming you all to the Wingardium Leviosa : A 'Harry Potter' Writing Contest results announcement thread.


First of all, I wish to thank each and every author who participated in this contest and made it successful by gifting us such beautiful FFs on Potterverse in various categories.

Thanks to all the voters who took time to read and voted for their favourites among all the beautiful entries.

Lastly, my sincerest gratitude to our four judgesViswasruti, MinionBoss, AWanderingSoul and ExoticDisasterfor taking their valuable time to judge all the entries with utmost care and attention. Blind judging had been done, hence none of the author names had been revealed to the judges.

Special thanks again to Madhuri without whom I won't even dare to host this contest. 

A small token of thanks for our judges. 


Edited by Quantum-Dot - 10 months ago


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Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 10 months ago


CATEGORY 1 : Howler 

Popular Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Howlers

"Dear Mr. Potter, we regret to inform you that your beloved owl, Hedwig, has flown the coop and is now living her best life as a rockstar in the wizarding world. She sends her regards and hopes you won't be too upset with her new glamorous lifestyle. Sincerely, The Hogwarts Owl Post Office."


"Attention, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. We regret to inform you that your recent attempt at world domination has been thwarted once again by a group of teenagers and their pet. Please refrain from further evil plans and consider taking up gardening or pottery as a hobby. Sincerely, The Ministry of Magic."


CATEGORY 1 : Howler 

Jury's Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Howler

"Dear Mr. Fred and George Weasley, your latest invention - a talking toilet - has caused quite a stir at Hogwarts. While some students find it hilarious, others are quite traumatized. Please cease production immediately and report to Professor McGonagall's office for disciplinary action. Sincerely, The Hogwarts Faculty."


CATEGORY 2 : Love Letter 

Popular Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Love Letter

Dear Ron,

I'm not sure if you'll ever read this letter, but I had to put my feelings into words. You see, I have loved you for a long time, longer than I care to admit. And I can't go on pretending that my feelings for you are just platonic.

You drive me absolutely mad sometimes, with your jokes and your laziness and your stubbornness. But at the same time, you make me laugh like no one else can, you surprise me with your kindness, and you are always there for me when I need you.

I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, and the way your hair sticks up in the morning. I love the way you never take yourself too seriously, and the way you always make me feel better when I'm feeling down.

I know we've had our ups and downs, Ron, and I know that I haven't always been the easiest person to be around. But I hope you know that my love for you is real, and that I am willing to work through any challenges that come our way.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Ron, through the good times and the bad. I want to be your partner, your confidante, your friend, and your lover. I hope that you feel the same way, and that we can build a future together.

Yours always,



CATEGORY 2 : Love Letter 

Jury's Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Love Letter

Dear Ron,

I'm not sure if you'll ever read this letter, but I had to put my feelings into words. You see, I have loved you for a long time, longer than I care to admit. And I can't go on pretending that my feelings for you are just platonic.

You drive me absolutely mad sometimes, with your jokes and your laziness and your stubbornness. But at the same time, you make me laugh like no one else can, you surprise me with your kindness, and you are always there for me when I need you.

I love the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, and the way your hair sticks up in the morning. I love the way you never take yourself too seriously, and the way you always make me feel better when I'm feeling down.

I know we've had our ups and downs, Ron, and I know that I haven't always been the easiest person to be around. But I hope you know that my love for you is real, and that I am willing to work through any challenges that come our way.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Ron, through the good times and the bad. I want to be your partner, your confidante, your friend, and your lover. I hope that you feel the same way, and that we can build a future together.

Yours always,



CATEGORY 3 : Microtale

Popular Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Microtale

Mischief managed, but their bond of brotherhood lasted beyond their pranks.


CATEGORY 3 : Microtale

Jury's Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the Microtale

Mischief managed, but their bond of brotherhood lasted beyond their pranks.


● DreamOfEndless ●

for the Microtale

"Only time will dictate Buckbeak's fate," said Dumbledore.

Newt Scamander smiled back.


Edited by Quantum-Dot - 10 months ago
Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 10 months ago


CATEGORY 4 : Be 'Rita Skeeter'

Popular Choice Winner

● SoniRita ●

for the entry

Dear readers,

As always, it is my pleasure to bring you the latest and most scandalous news from the wizarding world. From the Daily Prophet to the Quibbler, my name is known across the land as the most daring and daringly truthful journalist in the business.

In today's issue, I bring you exclusive details on the latest love triangle between Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Hermione Granger. Rumors have been circulating for months, but my sources have confirmed that tensions are at an all-time high between the trio. Could this be the end of the famous golden trio? Only time will tell.

And that's not all. I've also uncovered shocking details on the inner workings of the Ministry of Magic, including secret meetings and shady dealings that are sure to have the wizarding world buzzing.

As always, stay tuned for the next thrilling edition of the Skeeter scoop. You won't want to miss it.

Yours truly,

Rita Skeeter 


CATEGORY 4 : Be 'Rita Skeeter'

Jury's Choice Winner

● Aquabutterfly ●

for the entry


The rich heir of the Longbottom House is officially spoken for. And the young witch who managed to bewitch the young pureblood is none other than the plain but ambitious Hannah Abbott. The two were in different houses at Hogwarts and according to their classmate, Miss Lavender Brown, they were never even friends. This makes one wonder what tactics the young lady used to trap Mr. Longbottom - a forbidden spell or love potion?

We can only hope the other pureblood heirs would be careful of such schemes.


CATEGORY 5 : Short Story

Popular Choice Runner Up

● Bee222 ●

for the entry

"So if I bite an insect and it dies, am I poisonous or venomous?" Harry asks one day, lounging in the Gryffindor common room.

"You're obviously venomous," says Hermione, not looking up from her copy of Hogwarts: A History. "If the insect bites you and dies, then you'd be poisonous."

"And if an insect bites you and your insides suddenly feel like molten lava, then it's probably not an insect but a doxy," whines Seamus, who's still recovering from the doxy bite he got three days back.

"Well, what do you think, Ron? If I bite an insect and it dies, am I poisonous or venomous?"

Ron gives him an exasperated look. "I just think you're stupid, mate. Why on earth do you wanna bite an insect?"


● PangaNaLe ●

for the entry

The War Is Over

“Hey Harry.” greets Hermione. Harry standing at the door smiles and takes her in. They both enter the living room. Hermione sees the beer bottles on the table. “Harry what is this? What are you doing?” she shouted in shock. Harry regrets not removing those bottles. “Hermione it’s not what it looks like. I only took it twice or thrice.” told Harry feeling ashamed.

Hermione still stunned says “Harry what’s going on? Ron told me you don’t talk to him much nowadays. You don’t reply my letters. You have stopped meeting Ginny. Ever since we came back from Australia, you’ve changed”. “Hermione I thought you need time with your family. I know they’re angry with you for altering their memories. Ron and Ginny are mourning Fred’s death. I don’t want to bother you all. I think we all need some alone time”. “No we don’t!” snapped Hermione. She continued “Especially you don’t. You’re shutting people out. Harry it’s not a healthy way to grieve”. Harry kept silent. He had no reply. “Come on! You’re coming to my home. You’re not living alone. Go get your stuff.” told Hermione. Harry stays in his place. “Harry I know you’re avoiding Ron and Ginny because you blame yourself for Fred’s death. This is not good. We need each other.” Hermione tried to convince him. Taking a moment, Harry finally says “Hermione…the war is over. But the nightmares don’t stop. ”Tears roll down from her eyes as she hugs him and replies, “I know”.


● DreamOfEndless ●

for the entry

Tom Riddle desperately wanted to be the Chosen One. To be chosen by the Elder Wand had become his greatest obsession. He could kill and torture infinite number of people just to acquire it. But, never in his life did he expect the wand to choose him like this.

The killing curse jetted out of Tom's wand, rebounded from Harry's Elder Wand and hit Tom's cold chest. It was almost a déjà vu of what had happened sixteen years earlier when Tom Riddle disappeared for the first time. The green light sucked Tom's soul out of his body and put it into a dreamless sleep. When Tom woke up, he did not have his body anymore, but he could hear faint whispers.

“Are you sure?” said a boy in his gruff voice.

“I think Harry’s right,” said a girl. Who were they?

“That wand’s more trouble than it’s worth. And quite honestly. I’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime,” said Harry Potter. Tom Riddle knew his nemesis's voice.

Moments later, the prison that held the last piece of Tom Riddle, was put back into Dumbledore's grave. The Elder Wand had sucked Tom's soul and chosen him for an eternity. Now he was trapped forever in the grave of the man he used to fear the most.

CATEGORY 5 : Short Story

Jury's Choice Runner Up

● dhun.laagi ●

for the entry

“Why did you ever believe I would not choose you?”

“Well, you were the brightest witch our age, you had a lot of people who could be better suited to you, and I assumed-“

“-that I would willingly give up on someone who saw me through my highs and lows and settle for any guy?”

“Umm, you cannot deny you also had a crush on Prof. Lockhart, Cedric Diggory, and then Victor Krum.”

“You-complete-idiot-Ronald-Weasley, I was a mere teenage girl. Do you think I would not have any feelings at all? If someone was being a gentleman to me and I gave them some attention, how is it a crime?”

“Yes, but that means that you also wanted a pretty face and someone famous. That was your type.”

“You truly have an emotional range of a teaspoon. No, what I wanted and needed was someone who would challenge me when I was being adamant, and support me when I needed to be believed in, and you, my boy, showcased both those qualities.”

“Pfft, you never gave an indication to me that you liked me!”

“What did you want me to do? Serenade you with chocolates and flowers? Send you magical love letters? That is so unlike me, and you should know that better than others. I did show it in the little ways I could do so, and I wish you would have understood it, and spared us the trouble of this dancing around for a million years.”


● Aquabutterfly ●

for the entry

Minerva McGonagall filled her glass with the worst scotch she managed to get her hands on. Tonight, she wanted to drown her sorrows and not enjoy a second of it. Her senses may have been blurred but the sharp memories pricked at her heart.

She had always been prepared for Harry Potter’s arrival, and knew he would be a tiny package of trouble. But that smile - the sheepish look when he realized she had witnessed him sneaking out - had caught her completely off-guard. 

“Run, Padfoot! She is right behind us…”

“Aw, you know how to make a man blush, Minnie…”

“Professor McGonagall, thank you for saving those two idiots.”

“I did not do anything ma’am. It was their idea.”

She sipped her scotch, trying to wash down the bile rising in her throat. She had not remembered the past since that fateful night, when everything she held dear crumbled to dust. 

Her eyes fell on the body-sized mirror and widened at the sight. Four young figures in Gryffindor robes, glowing despite the lack of light in the room, stared back at her. Those mischievous eyes, those guilty smiles were too familiar. Time stilled as she watched them open their mouths to speak. 

“Thank you for everything…mom,” it whispered. 

She blinked once and the apparition disappeared, the mirror reflecting her haggard appearance. Tears rolled down her cheeks and a sob escaped her mouth. Yes, tonight she just wanted to feel the pain for the last time.


● PangaNaLe ●

for the entry

We Understood

Hermione looks at the clock. The bell rang. She runs towards the door and opened it. She smiles looking at her parents but before she could say something, they entered the house ignoring her. Hermione gets sad. “Mom, dad, you guys will be tired. I’ve cooked dinner for you. I’ll set the table. You get ready.” She told enthusiastically. “No need. Your mom and I had done dinner outside. We’re tired now and going to bed.” his dad told.

Hermione finally losing her patience bursts into tears. Her mom and dad stopped, turned around and looked at her. They felt sad looking at their daughter like this. She cried, “Mom, dad, will you never forgive me? I know I did wrong by altering your memories. But I had no choice. Your life was in danger. I had to go on a mission to save our world. I knew you won’t have agreed. You won’t have understood.” Her mom walks towards her and says, “When you were 11, a woman came to our doorstep and told you’re witch. We understood. In your second year at Hogwarts, you were in a coma for months. When we got to know that, we understood. You used to spend Christmas and summers at your friends house. We still understood. We understood that your world is different than ours. It’s you who didn’t understand us Hermione. Tears rolled down her mom’s eyes as well as they hugged. Hermione’s dad smiles looking at them and joins. 


Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 10 months ago

CATEGORY 5 : Short Story

Popular Choice Winner

● WildestDreams ●

for the entry

He was gone.

There was no longer who completed the sentences.

There was no longer someone who finished his jokes.

There was no longer someone who had the most brilliant ideas for the shop.

Fred was gone and George felt dead, just like him.

They say the twins feel each other's pain but George had never felt so much pain as now. Is this what it feels like when you don't have someone to share your life with? When half of you is gone? It was as if the whole world had suddenly shut down.

An unnatural silence had enveloped the environment around him. He no longer heard curses thrown from all sides, he no longer heard explosions or people screaming, he no longer heard anything.

He touched Fred's hand, hoping like a child that it was a joke and that as soon as he touched it, Fred would stand up screaming to scare him or push him to make him fall.

But it didn't happen. His brother was cold as marble.

And at that very moment George felt like Fred too: motionless, lifeless, terribly cold.


CATEGORY 5 : Short Story

Jury's Choice Winner

● DreamOfEndless ●

for the entry

Tom Riddle desperately wanted to be the Chosen One. To be chosen by the Elder Wand had become his greatest obsession. He could kill and torture infinite number of people just to acquire it. But, never in his life did he expect the wand to choose him like this.

The killing curse jetted out of Tom's wand, rebounded from Harry's Elder Wand and hit Tom's cold chest. It was almost a déjà vu of what had happened sixteen years earlier when Tom Riddle disappeared for the first time. The green light sucked Tom's soul out of his body and put it into a dreamless sleep. When Tom woke up, he did not have his body anymore, but he could hear faint whispers.

“Are you sure?” said a boy in his gruff voice.

“I think Harry’s right,” said a girl. Who were they?

“That wand’s more trouble than it’s worth. And quite honestly. I’ve had enough trouble for a lifetime,” said Harry Potter. Tom Riddle knew his nemesis's voice.

Moments later, the prison that held the last piece of Tom Riddle, was put back into Dumbledore's grave. The Elder Wand had sucked Tom's soul and chosen him for an eternity. Now he was trapped forever in the grave of the man he used to fear the most.


Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 10 months ago

Congratulations to all the participating authors, winners and runner up for sharing their stories with us through this contest. Kudos to you all. 👏🥳

Edited by Quantum-Dot - 10 months ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 10 months ago

Yaayyyyy! 🥳 congratulations fellas!!! 

Amazing entries! ❤️

Naya_31 thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Congratulations everyone! ❤️🥳


PangaNaLe thumbnail
Own Your Stories Participant 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 months ago

Congratulations to all the winners.👍🏼👏

HpTheChosenOne thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 months ago

Congratulations!!!!! 👍🏼👏🤗

Viswasruti thumbnail

Dream Weavers

Posted: 10 months ago

Congratulations to all the winners. 

All entries are wonderfully written.👏

It is a great effort, Simi, you worked so hard to make it a success. 🤗

Soni, you are the winner all the way, happy for you dear. 🤗 

I know Bee is an excellent writer⭐️, but now that I realize  dhunlaagi and Aquabutterfly are also writers, that is a great feeling.smiley27

 I am unable to tag dhun.laagi.