Who will expose Savi to Arjun? (Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā)


Who will reveal to Arjun that Savitri Ganesh Çorage is a fraud?

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Posted: 11 months ago

The tension is building to a climax on Piratīçā Vanavā Urī Peṭalā, as Savi prays for courage to confess to Arjun that Vishvambhar is paying her to trick Arjun into signing over his property.

Savi knows that she has to go to prison for killing Sahil, and maybe for conspiracy with Vishvambhar, and it will break Mother Māulī's heart just when she needs her strength to survive the brain tumour. Vishvambhar may carry out his threats to kill Mother Māulī, Çamaki's mother, and even Paras and his mother. Savi has to alert Arjun to Vishvambhar and pay the price, hoping that her family and friends can escape. Yet she loves Arjun and knows how hurt, unlovable, and cynical he will feel when he finds out that he loved and trusted a thief.

Will Savi confess before someone else exposes her fraud to Arjun?

Believing Savi's lie that her mother is hospitalized, Arjun is on his way to the fake address that Vishvambhar invented for Savitri's mother: Ganesh Krpa Society 28B in Lokmanya Nagar (Pune). Will the man who lives there tell him, as he told Pankaj, that no Savitri or Shyamal ever lived here?

Or, will Pankaj, Savi, Dipu Māmā and Çamaki find a way to intercept Arjun in time? Will they be able to continue the masquerade that it is Shyamal who has the brain tumour?

Meanwhile, Sharada has dreamed of Savi marrying the man who paid her hospital bill in Mumbai. Might Sharada call the hospital and get Arjun's contact information to tell him thanku? She will assume that he met her daughter, and when Arjun says he didn't, Sharada will want to show him Savi's photograph.

Maybe Paras will be at Sharada's side, and while Arjun is listening, Paras will reason with Sharada that Savi must have recognized Arjun when she met him at the hospital, since Arjun owns the bank that foreclosed on Paras's rickshaw. Then Arjun will learn that Sharada's daughter was at the bank with Paras to plead his case, and he'll want to see her photograph.

A spoiler promo tells us that Vidyadhar will say he overheard Vishvambhar speaking to Savitri. Will Vidyadhar warn Arjun about the plot to get his signatures? Or, will Vidyadhar confront Savi first?

How will Vishvambhar react to getting caught by Vidyadhar? Will he or Balaram or his unseen advisor turn Arjun against Savi as a scapegoat, so that Vidyadhar won't need to expose treachery within the family?

When Arjun first met Suvarnalata (Çamaki), he seemed to recognize her as Madhuri Nagçore, the lāvaṇī dancer at Teju's wedding. When he gave Dipak (Dipu) a ride halfway to Pune, Arjun almost recognized him as Irfan or Abdul, the white masālā-sprinkling cook whose beard he had slapped off. In a dream, Arjun unveiled Sapna and saw Savitri. Either Çamaki or Dipu could slip up anytime, and Arjun could put together all the pieces of the puzzle.

Another person who knows Vishvambhar's plot and slips up easily is Shyamal. What if Arjun discovers a selfie of Savitri, Suvarnalata, Shyamal, and Sharada, and guesses that they were all together in Mumbai? Arjun could discover that Shyamal lives in Mumbai, not Pune. Would she yield the truth under pressure?

Naresh also knows that Savi is undercover. Naresh hasn't cracked under Arjun's torture yet, but since Arjun knows where to find Naresh, suppose Arjun goes to ask Naresh for help with Savitri, and happens to overhear "Savi Tāī" from Naresh's mouth.

Pankaj knows much of Savi's truth, and Vishvambhar has threatened to kill him. Would Pankaj spill to Arjun for the right price?

Nanda doesn't know anything definitive, but she is convinced that Savi is a fraud. Could she possibly get her hands on the information that she paid Pankaj to gather?

Sub-Inspector Harishchandra S. Narkar didn't like Arjun telling him to look for a beautician thief in a scene at Teju's wedding. However, when Sub-Inspector Harishchandra S. Narkar arrested Arjun for drug possession, they didn't acknowledge that they had met before. Should we dismiss this discrepancy as mere re-use of a police costume for two different actors and working the name tag into the dialogue both times? Or, is Sub-Inspector Harishchandra S. Narkar an undercover identity assumed by one secret agent after another? Did he really fall for Savi's "my husband's too rich to do drugs" act, or did he suspect that Arjun Kavathekar, like his brother Balaram, hires call girls? A follow-up revealed that Arjun Kavathekar isn't married, and this woman works in his office. A background check revealed that her name and credentials are fake. Will law enforcement catch up to Savi?

Or, since we know that Arjun has CCTV in his own cabin where Savi yanked the papers out of his hand, will he simply zoom in to find out what "mistake" she almost had him sign?

Any other possibilities? Please share your thoughts, everyone!


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Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

since we know that Arjun has CCTV in his own cabin where Savi yanked the papers out of his hand, will he simply zoom in to find out what "mistake" she almost had him sign?

This is most ridiculous in the manner of ITV functioning. Anyone who's seen how actual CCTV footage works, this is not at all plausible unless you have one of those bullet CCTVs, even then it won't zoom in on words. So this is my choice 🤣

Although Savi exposing herself feels true, in her dream she almost did it. 

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

My take on the climax....

Saavi will send Deepak and Chamki back to Pune overnight so that she can tell Arjun the truth the next day.

The same night Vidyadhar overhears Vishwambhar telling Saavi he wants the property papers signed. So now Vidyadhar knows of their conspiracy.

Vidyadhar also knows that Arjun will leave next morning to fetch Shyamal from Pune....

Like an ideal elder brother he will now want to protect his family from this deceit as well as protect them from all the emotional pain... he cannot expose his mama else that will hurt Krishna'i and hence he cannot expose Saavi...... What will he do ??

He will tell Arjun that he will get Saavi's mother to Bhairavgad and that he should concentrate on the power plant project ..... that cannot be ignored either....

He buys time and will speak to Saavi.....will warn her about dire consequences if she gets Arjuns signatures....to which Saavi tells him that she doesn't have any intention of fooling Arjun anymore and is going to tell him the truth the same day.....

And that day......dhannn..ta...tannnn......Saavi finds Shardas picture in Pradips potli....... she realises that her mother mauli is definitely from Bhairavgad and definitely linked to the Kawthekars.....

Now she will postpone telling Arjun the truth coz she doesn't want to leave the place or go to Jail without finding the truth about her mothers past....

Kahaani main twist.....Arjun will have to hear another dozen lies before he hears the truth ...... and he will hear the truth from savi only..... whenever that happens......

Vidyadhar will tell Arjun that shyamal is recovering well there and her dr says she should be under his supervision for sometime so they will postpone getting her to Bhairavgad for a week......

@BrhannadaArmour ...i liked your creative thinking of Zooming the CCTV and reading the paper...... but Saavi threw the closed file onto her table...so no chance of finding out.... also Arjun didn't even realise that the colour of the paper is green ...wouldn't he want to turn and see what it is about before signing it ? he is proving the saying "Love is blind"......literally ..... [;p]

Such a big industrialist must know the colour of legal docs..... that was such a  'duh' moment...... 😂

rainbow_colours thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Saavi being a Khopade has to be revealed before Arjun knows the truth about Saavi.

Saavi then has a reason to stay in Bhairavgad.... else story gets off track if we don't see the Saavi-Arjun chemistry...... and moreover Arjuns dream project also has to begin yet...he def requires help from his so-very-efficient secretary !


But i must say ...the writers have created a good suspense....  [:y:]

Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun told Savi to get her mother's reports while he waited. In India, are medical records carried around by patients and their families, and would doctors accept those reports as complete?

Wouldn't it be standard practice for Savi to call Dr. Deshmane and fill out a form requesting him to share Sharada's medical records with Dr. Divekar? And wouldn't Sharada's consent be required? Savi is surely capable of forging her mother's signature, but still it's implausible that she got the reports to Dr. Divekar's office the same day.

Also implausible was Dr. Divekar referring to the patient simply as Sharada, rather than Sharada Waghmare, which would have immediately alerted Arjun to the fraud.

What if Arjun had checked the reports when Savi held them out to him? He would have seen the name Waghmare. That was a bold bluff, Savi!

I liked the poignant scene of Arjun asking Savi again why she refused him, if not due to her responsibility for her mother ... Savi feeling desperate and trying to drive Arjun away by accusing him of taking over her mother's treatment to impress her ... Savi telling Arjun not to try to buy a place in her personal life ... Arjun almost crying and Savi walking away to hide her own tears.

Savi knows that she has to tell Arjun the truth, but she's not ready to do it with Dipu Māmā and Çamaki right there to share her punishment.

Posted: 11 months ago

For the first time, Arjun referred to Balaram as Dādā, telling Savi who might have made the phone call accusing her of fraud.

The whole scene made Arjun look hopelessly stupid. For the sake of drama, we might accept that when Savi had said it was urgent, Arjun had made one exception to his rule that he reads every document himself before signing it. The dialogue then established that Arjun got a rush from trusting Savi, so we might have suspended disbelief when he started to sign without reading the next time. However, Savi herself took the document from him because she had made mistakes. Arjun has found Savi's behaviour odd and shifty, her hospitalized mother has travelled overnight to visit her, and now an anonymous phone call has given him a common sense warning not to sign anything without reading. Why is Arjun so obstinately foolhardy, refusing to follow a sensible rule?

Savi's voice wasn't properly disguised, and yet Arjun thought it was Nanda's voice, or a stranger's. Savi admitted that she was planted, and told Arjun to read the document to find out her deceit. Did Arjun think that his employee, who told him off yesterday for persisting in his marriage proposal, is so comfortable with him that when he jokes about her moral character, she plays along? Why didn't Arjun, after signing without reading, play the game to the end: "Now, let's see what is in this treacherous document!"

Will Savi read the document and find the property transferred to herself?

Will Vidyadhar try to murder Savi, as he told Vishvambhar to do if she refused to marry Arjun? Has Vidyadhar already murdered Shyamal, which is why she's not picking up Dipu's phone call? Or, will Savi confess the whole conspiracy and her love for Arjun to Vidyadhar? Vidyadhar will reassure Savi that he'll talk to Arjun, Arjun will forgive and protect her, and they'll get married and live happily ever after.

Even Vishvambhar knows that Vidyadhar could expose him for the sake of carrying on with the real plan to get Savi married to Arjun and frame her for his murder.

Edited by BrhannadaArmour - 11 months ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun told Savi to get her mother's reports while he waited. In India, are medical records carried around by patients and their families, and would doctors accept those reports as complete?

Wouldn't it be standard practice for Savi to call Dr. Deshmane and fill out a form requesting him to share Sharada's medical records with Dr. Divekar? And wouldn't Sharada's consent be required? Savi is surely capable of forging her mother's signature, but still it's implausible that she got the reports to Dr. Divekar's office the same day.

Ugh. Unfortunately, none of that works in India. Dr. Deshmane may send (via whatsapp) the reports to Divekar if they're friends or if he was the one who asked to consult the other. 

In India, you can simply walk into the lab and give patient's name and phone number and get the report. Last week I went to collect my mother's. I gave her the regular number instead of WhatsApp one and the receptionist just told me that number didn't match and printed the report right away. I didn't even accompany my mother when she went for the tests. People simply don't care that much. 

Regarding doc's reference, it is sorta common practice to refer people by their first name followed by honorific Bai/Tai or something. So it's not a surprise. Full names may be (not always) called out by the receptionists who ask the next patient to go in, otherwise not. 

India is too huge a country with very limited workforce in hospitals and medical field. All of these essential practices, of secrecy aren't followed in most cases, simply cuz they don't have enough time. The extreme secrecy is used for knowing the sex of child before birth. 

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 11 months ago
Posted: 11 months ago

The scene of Dipu taking Çamaki and abandoning Savi was intense and moving.

Unaware that Vishvambhar answers to Vidyadhar, they must have thought that when Vishvambhar was exposed, he would take revenge on them. They needed to get Sharada, Çamaki's mother, Paras and his mother to safety.

Savi, who had selflessly sent Dipu and Çamaki away, was panicking by now, and didn't want to be alone when she faced Arjun and Vishvambhar. Vidyadhar might not be able to protect her from their wrath.

Posted: 11 months ago

Arjun said that he had lost his music years ago, and he felt the urge to make music again as soon as Savitri came to Kavathe-Bhairavgad, although he wasn't aware that she was his muse. What happened to Arjun that made him stop playing the flute?

Posted: 11 months ago

For the first time, Arjun showed a romantic facet of his tirasaṭa personality, taking Savi star-gazing by the dam.

How convenient, though, that he was carrying an engagement ring! When did he have time to acquire it?

Savi allowed herself to behave as if she hadn't already tricked Arjun out of his property, as if she had nothing to confess just because Vidyadhar told her to keep quiet, as if she didn't need to fear Vishvambhar because Vidyadhar still thought she was good enough for Arjun.

The scene of Savi's conscience talking to her was skillfully acted by Rasika Wakharkar. I liked the observation that a thief should only steal, never claim.