Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 14 days ago

Angad Brar was one of the most successful jewelers in the city, known for his exquisite designs and keen business acumen. His jewelry empire, Brar Jewels, was flourishing, but there was one aspect of his life that was not as polished as his diamonds—his love life. His mother, Manveer Brar, was growing increasingly impatient with her only son's bachelor status.

"Angad, you're not getting any younger. It's high time you settled down," she said one morning over breakfast.

"Mama, I've been busy with the business. I'll find the right person when the time is right," Angad replied, trying to focus on the latest sales report.

"The time is now, Angad. I've arranged for you to meet a few eligible women this weekend," she announced, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Angad sighed, knowing it was futile to argue with his determined mother. "Fine, Mama. I'll meet them."

That weekend, after enduring a series of awkward meetings with women his mother had chosen, Angad decided he needed a break. A friend had told him about an art exhibition in town that was generating quite a buzz. Angad had always appreciated art, even though his heart belonged to jewelry. He decided to visit the exhibition, hoping it would provide a much-needed distraction.

As he walked through the exhibition, admiring the various pieces, one particular artwork caught his eye. It was a beautifully intricate painting of a tree, with each leaf painstakingly detailed. The artist's dedication and passion were evident in every stroke. Angad was mesmerized.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a soft voice said from beside him.

He turned to see a young woman standing next to him. She was dressed simply, but there was an undeniable grace about her. Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she looked at the painting.

"Yes, it is. The detail is incredible," Angad replied.

"I'm glad you think so. It's one of my favorite pieces," she said, smiling warmly.

"You must really appreciate art," Angad commented.

"Actually, I created it," she said, extending her hand. "I'm Sahiba."

Angad was taken aback. "You made this? It's extraordinary."

"Thank you," Sahiba said, blushing slightly. "I put a lot of myself into my work."

Over the next few days, Angad couldn't stop thinking about Sahiba. Her passion for art and her humble demeanor intrigued him. He found himself drawn to her in a way he hadn't been drawn to anyone before.

Determined to see her again, Angad visited the exhibition several more times, hoping to catch another glimpse of her. His persistence paid off when he finally saw her at the exhibition one evening.

"Sahiba," he called out, approaching her. "It's good to see you again."

Sahiba looked surprised but pleased to see him. "Angad, right? The jeweler?"

"Yes, that's me," he said, smiling. "I couldn't stop thinking about your artwork. I was hoping we could talk more about it, maybe over coffee?"

Sahiba hesitated for a moment before agreeing. "Sure, why not?"

Over coffee, Angad and Sahiba talked about their passions, their dreams, and their lives. Angad was captivated by Sahiba's dedication to her art, while Sahiba was impressed by Angad's success and his genuine interest in her work.

As they spent more time together, Angad found himself falling for Sahiba. She was unlike anyone he had ever met—kind, talented, and unpretentious. He knew he had to win her heart.

Angad began to court her with a fervor he had never felt before. He would send her flowers, attend all her art shows, and even commission her to create a piece for his jewelry store. He wanted to show her that he appreciated her for who she was, not just for her art.

One evening, after a particularly successful art show, Angad took Sahiba to a quiet spot overlooking the city. As they stood there, watching the lights twinkle below, Angad took her hand.

"Sahiba, I've never met anyone like you. You inspire me in ways I can't even describe. I know we haven't known each other for long, but I feel like I've known you forever. Will you give me a chance to make you as happy as you make me?"

Sahiba looked at him, her eyes filled with emotion. "Angad, you’ve been so kind and supportive. I never thought I’d meet someone who understands me like you do. Yes, I’d like to give us a chance."

With Sahiba by his side, Angad felt like he could conquer the world. Their relationship blossomed, and their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day. However, Angad knew there was one more hurdle to cross—getting his mother's approval.

One evening, Angad decided it was time to talk to his mother about Sahiba. He found her in the living room, engrossed in a book.

"Mama, can we talk?" he asked, sitting down beside her.

"Of course, beta. What is it?" Manveer replied, putting her book aside.

"There's someone I want you to meet," Angad began, his heart pounding. "Her name is Sahiba."

Manveer raised an eyebrow. "Sahiba? Is she one of the women I introduced you to?"

"No, Mama. I met her at an art exhibition. She's an artist, and... she's amazing. I think you'd really like her."

Manveer's expression softened slightly. "Tell me more about her."

Angad smiled, thinking of Sahiba. "She's incredibly talented, kind, and genuine. Her art is breathtaking, and she's so passionate about what she does. She’s humble and has a heart of gold. I’ve never met anyone like her, Mama."

Manveer listened carefully, sensing the sincerity in her son's voice. "She sounds wonderful, Angad. But you know how important it is for us to find someone who fits into our family and our way of life."

"I know, Mama. That's why I want you to meet her. Give her a chance. I believe she'll fit in perfectly."

A few days later, Angad arranged for Sahiba to come over for dinner. He was nervous but hopeful that his mother would see in Sahiba what he saw every day.

When Sahiba arrived, she was warmly greeted by Angad and introduced to Manveer. Sahiba had brought a small, beautifully framed painting as a gift—a gesture that immediately impressed Manveer.

"Thank you, Sahiba. This is lovely," Manveer said, genuinely appreciating the artwork.

As the evening progressed, Sahiba charmed Manveer with her warmth and authenticity. They talked about art, life, and family, finding common ground and shared values.

After Sahiba left, Manveer turned to Angad with a thoughtful expression. "She's a remarkable young woman, Angad. I can see why you care about her so much."

Angad felt a surge of relief and happiness. "So, you approve?"

Manveer smiled. "Yes, I do. She'll make a wonderful addition to our family."

With Manveer's blessing, Angad and Sahiba's relationship grew even stronger. They supported each other's dreams and faced life's challenges hand in hand. Angad's heart, once guarded and focused solely on business, now beat with a new purpose—love.

Angad proposed to Sahiba in the very spot where he had first confessed his feelings for her, overlooking the city. She accepted with tears of joy in her eyes, and they embraced, ready to embark on a new journey together.

Their wedding was a beautiful blend of tradition and personal touches, celebrated by family and friends who could see the deep love they shared. Manveer, now fully accepting and loving Sahiba as her own daughter, gave a heartfelt speech about the joy of seeing her son so happy.

And so, in the heart of the city, amid the glitter of jewels and the beauty of art, Angad and Sahiba found their forever. Their love story, filled with unexpected encounters, heartfelt conversations, and unwavering support, became the foundation of a life they would build together—one filled with love, creativity, and endless possibilities.

Edited by Amanita09 - 14 days ago


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Team #SaHan

Posted: 14 days ago

Your story was such a nice fresher to read after how toxic the episodes are becoming!!

Reader17 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 13 days ago

Love reading such lighthearted story after watching toxic episodes.

plmzaq thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Nice one.