Help me find this show!

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Posted: 11 months ago

Hi everyone! I am hopeful that someone will assist in locating a tv show I watched in the early 2000's.
I will try to give as many details as possible.

In the early 2000's I found a tv show on some asian tv watching website. The website itself might not even be up anymore. This show never aired in America and I am pretty sure it is either Korean or Japanese. It is a family/drama series and I believe it only had one season that was about 13 episodes. 

Lets start with what I remember of this show!

The shows premise revolves around a new family that has moved into the neighborhood for the husbands job. It is a wife, husband and son that is starting kindergarten. The new mom is trying to learn the rules of the neighborhood, make friends and generally keep out of trouble. The husband is around, but the focus is primarily on the mom and moms of the neighborhood. 

One mom in particular is seen as the "ignore" mom. All the moms in the neighborhood go out of their way to ignore this particular mom and spread rumors about her, her kid and her husband. The "ignore" mom is almost always seen wearing a red tracksuit and white shoes with her hair down. Her kid becomes friendly with the new moms kid and is always happy to hang out or help with anything. The reason the moms don't like the "ignore" mom is because she is brash, loud and is always willing to step in during a fight or anything. We come to learn that her husband is always away on business and she needs to be both the mom and the husband to their son. 

At one point high schoolers are introduced and they for whatever reason don't like the kindergarteners and are always biking and texting which upsets the "ignore" mom. In many cases she is yelling back at them to slow down, to respect people and to not be a bother to everyone. Something the other moms don't do and would elect to ignore the situation or get a man to handle it. At one point the high school boys trash the kindergarten school and the "ignore" mom starts cleaning it up with the help of the female high schoolers. The mom goes as far as talking with the principle and we learn that the lead bully is the son of some well known person who gives a lot of money to the high school. We also learn that the other moms are just as bad with each other. In one episode the new mom goes to lunch with the other moms and they end up talking about her when she briefly leaves. 

I don't remember the ending and I recall the last part that I watched was the "ignore" moms husband visiting and we get a sweet scene with that family before he departs back to his business trips. At some point I believe the new mom tries to become friends with the "ignore" mom. 

Any help would be appreciated and I would love to hear what people have to say.