Imlie 06 Mar 2024 Written Updates & Daily Discussions Thread

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago


Surya observes Imlie in the dark cell, she remains quiet n is tired n thirsty . Imlie shouts for water n wants to be let out . She starts practicing maths n algebra and prepares for her upcoming exams . Surya is shocked n furious n confronts Imlie . She states she had already revealed the truth and has nothing more to reveal.

Surya then decides to take lie detector test . He asks several Qs . He asks her about her Agasthya babu. She resents his trying to distract her . She repeats the same truth , she did not kill Raghu . He was killed by some one else . She how ever was shocked tk find the dead body missing from the spot where she had buried him.

Agasthya Imlie have confrontation over finding the real culprit . 
Choudhary’s return Home from mandir and are shocked to find the front yard dug up , the entire house full of muddy footprints n in disarray . Daadi is very upset . Sonali notices Shivani looking very scared . Sonali learns how Surya had arrested Imlie n taken away to police stn without arrest warrant n was torturing her . Sonali meets the commissioner of police n complains against surya . He assures he will do justice. 
commissioner finds Surya and Imlie in the torture chamber , he was confronting n interrogating her without any incriminating evidences, without witnesses n without arrest warrant . He had no options but to dismiss him from service for flout8ng all rules n regulations.

Imlie requests Commissioner not to punish Surya as he had not harmed her in any way n did not misbehave with her .

The senior officer is shocked and asks them tk return home . 
At home  Malti confronts Surya Anna of he found Her husband Raghu , surya has nothing tk reply . Imlie reassures her brother was the best n loved his sister the most n he was working so hard to find her missing husband . 

Binny is feeling upset over blackmailing by Amrit 

Annapurna Daadi comes to meet her n share her woes. 

Same as yesterday 

Pandit ji predicts Surya Imlie shaadi was very auspicious, their 36 gun were matching , it was just like  Shiv parvati jodi . But Daadi sa wants Surya to marry Binni . 

Imlie and Surya are doing a drunken dance by the fountain, as they sip their drinks laced with probably bhang.

Daadi sa is shocked as she watches them together

Edited by Sutapasima - 3 months ago