Writing a climax in a complex plot that is faithful to canon

Posted: 8 months ago

A writer often begins a long story knowing what the climax will be. Wanting to write that climax may be what motivates the writer to begin writing and to keep the plot unfolding, scene by scene, building the tension gradually. When the writer has done the uphill work and it's time for the reward, the climax should be a moment for the reader to look back on whatever brought the characters to this point, while feeling excited that the story is moving past a point of no return.

This topic is a place for writers and readers to discuss the challenge of writing a climax in a way that heightens the reader's awareness of the story as a whole. When each character responds in the climactic situation, how should the writer make it feel authentic to the reader who knows those characters so well by now?

As in my earlier topic, Revealing a character's thoughts without giving away a plot twist, I'm offering a sample of my own writing in which I faced the challenge.



Two years ago, I started to write a fan fiction based on a Hindi TV show, Mehandī Hai Racanevālī, in which outrageous events occurred at a breakneck pace. Trauma caused to the heroine Pallavi by the hero Raghav, and trauma imagined by Raghav to be caused to him by Pallavi, was ignored or referenced flirtatiously as the plot forced them into new situations for shock value. Raghav's friendship with Farhad was played for homophobic laughs. Pallavi's dead husband Mandar returned without the lovable personality that Pallavi and other characters remembered. The challenge I gave myself was to rewrite Mandar's return, addressing Raghav's homophobia, making sense of the characters' contradictory behaviour in canon up to that point, and tying up loose ends wherever I could.

I welcome anyone's analysis of the climax in Chapter Thirty-Five and anything else about the story. You can post in the story's topic or comment in the fan fiction book, or tell me here.

The story is in English, but some dialogues are in Marathi or Telugu or Hindi - written in Roman alphabet and translated into English.