Chapter 8 Matured

4 years ago

Satrangi_Curls Thumbnail



TW: Death, Drugs and Violence

City Hospital

10 minutes after Neha was declared dead.

Vikram turned to the Nurse, “In ten minutes, her brother Rahul will be here, you will take her to their home. Tell them she is sleeping, and not to disturb her. Keep the blood pint and saline on to keep up the façade and do not leave her alone at all until I’m back. Get it?”

“But she’s dead, so why?”

“Maintain she’s not till I have your kid safe. Also, do not try anything, if I can save your son, I won’t hesitate to do otherwise.” Vikram said calmly.

“No! Please! I’ll do whatever you say.”

“We will pay you double the amount they promised you. So, no mistakes allowed.”



Rajlakshumi Textile Mill

Aisha took a deep breath, wiped her tears and sat beside Arjun to console him, “Arjun sir, you have to stay strong. We have to go and be with her now. Please.”

“It is all my fault… I should have never-” Arjun said in a shaky voice.

“Sir please, we have to go!” Aisha requested.

Five of them drove to the Hospital.

“Neha was taken home two hours ago by Rahul sir.” The receptionist told them.

“Alright.” Aisha said.


Rawte Mansion

Vikram opened the door and looked at their tear-dried, puffy eyes and sad faces.

“Where’s Neha?” Arjun asked.

“Shh.. she’s sleeping.” Vikram said softly.


“Yes. She’s sleeping, first room on the left.”

“But you said she die-” Sakshi tried to intervene.

“We thought she did, you see, these poisons sometimes play with the host system and we can’t really determine what’s happening. But she’s better now.” Vikram reasoned.

Meanwhile Arjun sprinted to the room, looked at her sleeping self, a pint of saline in her right hand, left hand connected to the monitor showing blood-pressure. He sat down beside her, his heart still racing wild. A lone tear trickled from his eye.

He held her hand carefully to not disturb the IV-set, “I should not have left you alone.”

“Do not sit at my grave and weep.” Neha said in a very soft voice, “I am not dead. I am asleep.”

“Shut up you idiot!” Arjun scoffed and she closed her eyes.

“I told you not to wake her up, why don’t you listen?” Vikram said as he came in.

“I did not. She’s still sleeping.”

“As if I didn’t hear her misquote Mary Elizabeth Frye, Do not stand at my grave and weep. She closed her eyes as soon as she saw me come in.” Vikram stated plainly.

“Is she okay?” Aisha asked with teary eyes.

“Alive, yes.” Vikram responded.

“Shree, I told you, this had to be a lie. See! She is here with us.” Chotu said in a cheerful tone.

Shree said cheekily, “Chotu, you managed to bribe Bappa and he gave up! I love you re!!”

“Oh my goodness!!” Vikram sighed, “What did this as-h-le do to get so much of love?” and received murderous glares from everyone.

“I will physically fight you if you say that, take your words back, right now!” Aisha threatened in a low voice.

“I like it.” Vikram replied with a smile and pissed off Aisha.

“Guys!” Sakshi interrupted, “We should go home now, it is very late.”

Arjun bade them goodbye, “Thank you-”

Aisha cut him short, “This team is our family sir. Don’t thank us. Take care!”


Sakshi reached home and made a call and said bitterly, “She is alive.”

“Good. You are warned, do not pull off any such stunt ever again.” He warned, “If you hurt her, I will kill you. You are only supposed to keep an eye on her and report what she is doing. Nothing else.”

“I think you have forgotten that she was the reason you brother was killed.”

“He deserved it. Do what you are asked to properly, this time.”


“Good morning! How are you feeling now?” Vikram asked.

“Alive?” Neha said quietly, “my body is still aching..”

“The poison was quite strong indeed. The report mentions Aconitum.”

“Ooh!” Neha said and tried to sit upright. “You lied to me about that allergic reaction?”

“I had to make sure you did not panic.”

Rahul and Arjun came in with breakfast and begin eating in front of her.

“Are you two eating peanut-butter & jam sandwiches? Where’s mine??” Neha yells.

“You are on a detox diet dear, no bread for a week.” Vikram answered, “Only fruits and vegetables. Have some juice for now.”

She looked him and muttered, “F--ker!” then turned at her brothers with a puppy face,“Give me PB&J sandwich please!!”

“Take!” Rahul said and tossed an apple towards her, “an apple a day…”

“I hate you all!” She said and munched the apple, “No, not you,” she winked at Vikram, “I love you, partner!”

“Detox diet is still compulsory. You’re not getting away.”


“Don’t even try. I will call your mom and tell her-”

“No!” She shouted, “I’m already locked in her room, don’t give me more nightmares!”

“Good to know that someone actually knows who you are scared of.” Rahul added fuel to the fire.

“I’m not scared of mum.”

“Not at all!” Arjun teased.

“Get out!!” Neha screamed.


In a small room, with one big light hanging in the center, a man was tied on the chair. Aryan walked in with a 15 year old Neha.

“How long has he been here?” Aryan asked.

“15 hours”

“Did he talk?”

“Not a word.”

“Let’s try again.” Aryan said and sat on the table in front of him. “Ask your question dear.”

“When and where will the consignment of those girls arrive?”

Aryan ripped the tape off his mouth, “Answer.”

“Why? You want to be one of them?” the man sneered at her and received a tight slap from Aryan.

“If you don’t start talking in five, you shall- never mind, I won’t describe, one.. two mili from this” Aryan gave a small glass bottle and a syringe.

“Just two mili not more?”

“Dead men tell no tales dear. four”

“You didn’t say three!!” the man was getting restless.

“Ten.” Aryan said and signalled her to give him a dose. She hesitated for a bit but received a reassuring nod from him and injected the dose. “You have about thirty minutes to tell before the full effect of the poison kicks in. That is you will be having convulsions, extreme body-ache and severe dehydration. If you choose to remain silent, another dose will be given but trust me you will suffer severely for 8-9 hours before you actually die. I can guarantee a very slow and painful death to you.”

“What is in the mix?” She asked inquisitively.

“Aconitum and ricin put together. This is my first test before I perfect the formula though! I think we will have a good experiment.”

“Do what you feel like, I’m not going to tell you anything.” The man said haughtily.

Aryan looked at him for a moment then turned to Neha, “Remember, you asked if an aerosol spray could be used as a flamethrower?” She nodded excitedly. “Go, get a mosquito spray, a candle and a lighter. I will demonstrate how to do it safely.”

She came back after a few minutes with all three things. Aryan kept the spray in the middle of the table, candle few inches ahead of it, placed such that the flame would be directed towards the man, who was getting restless now.

“What are you doing?” He asked nervously sweating.

“Science experiment for the kid.” Aryan said and sprayed the mosquito spray on him to check the range, then brought it ahead. “Lighter.”

“No!!” The man screamed, “I’ll tell you everything I know.”

“Too late man. I have to conduct the experiment now.”

“No! I swear I will give you all the details, please. My body is already burning on the inside.”

“I will demonstrate the flamethrower some other time, start noting whatever this b-st-rd has to say.” Aryan said.

Neha had been reliving a distant memory when Vikram brought in a box full of salines, injections and other necessary items. He was setting up the next saline for her.

“You said nurses do this, not doctors.”

“After what happened last night, I cannot trust anyone.” Vikram replied while giving her a multi-vitamin injection.

“Did you find out who was behind it?”

“Who else could it be?”

“Sikander?” She whispered, “Nope! He would never hurt me.”

“Just because he saved your life once does not mean he would not hurt you. He did not know who you were when-”

“He loves me. You don’t understand, he would never hurt me. He promised that and he is a man of his words.”

“Did your parents not teach you to not believe strangers and criminals? You have enough experience to know what happens if you trust the wrong person.”

“You need not remind me.” Neha said sternly.

“Evidence indicates it was Sikander. Believe it or not.”


ETF Office

Sameer and Arjun were going through the evidences collected from Rajlakshumi Textile Mill.

“Sir,” Liza came in the evidence room with reports, “The cocaine samples from the Lonavala case, Mill and Neha’s medicine drugs, all match perfectly.” She produced a small crumpled piece of paper, “Found this in the hand of that dead boss.”

Arjun straightened the paper and found a red S on it and recognized it, his eyes turned red in rage and he held the paper in front of Sameer, “I made this connection in Lonavala but you did not believe me!”

“Arjun calm down.” Sameer said, trying to maintain his own temper.

“He poisoned my Neha and you want me to calm down?” Arjun yelled.

“Rawte! Stop shouting.” Sameer roared.

“What is going on?” Commissioner Coelho was on a surprise visit when he saw both of them fighting.

“Sir we have evidence linking him. I have to find him.” Arjun requested.

“A piece of paper is your evidence Arjun? Are you serious?” Coelho questioned.

“Sir, please, I will find more evidence, give me-”

“Arjun, you are not authorized for this. Have patience.”

“Three years I have been waiting.”

“You have to wait.” Coelho said authoritatively and left.


Three days later,

Neha was adamant to go out of the house.

“Please Vik! I’ve been home for more than ten days no, let me go out.”

“It has been three days Neha, you cannot exert yourself like this. You have to take rest.”

“But I just want to visit the temple.”

“You got one in your house, pray here.”

“You don’t understand, it is important for me to be there. I go to the temple every year on this day without fail. I have to go.”

“I will come with you.”

“But you don’t believe in God and never visit temples.”

“I will wait in the car, you finish your visit in fifteen minutes and we immediately return home.”

“You are not my bodyguard, and honestly, I don’t need one, but thanks for your concern.”

“Your safety is important. You cannot take any chances.”

“I have two Rottweiler pups at my guard, you need not worry.”

“You cannot take them in public places, they’re dangerous.”

“My babies won’t hurt anyone, unless I ask them to.”

“It is unethical. I will be coming with you, keep your pups home.”

She sighed, “Fine. Tag along. We will make a quick visit to ETF, pick some files related to our case.”

“Might as well solve a case or two.”

“Shut up sarcastic b-tch!”


Same evening,

Ganesha Temple

Neha was dressed in a simple white cotton salwar-kameez with a pink silk dupatta. She offered flowers and coconut at the altar and went around the temple twice. She stopped behind the temple where an ascetic had been sitting. She sat in front of him with her hands folded in a namaste and bowed.

“God bless you, my child” the ascetic smiled and blessed her, “In life, one must be cautious that behind every action, there is a will and behind every will there is a valued judgement. The desire that supports one’s action arises out of mind which is a store-house of ideas and memories and everything that one feels and desires is conceived in mind. If you control your mind, you control your life.” He gave her prasad, “I know you like almonds more than cashews. Stay blessed.”

She took the two laddus, bowed again and left.

She sat in the car and gave a bit of laddu to the driver and to Vikram.

“What took you so long?” Vikram asked.

“I was barely gone for 15 minutes, did you not see the rush? Give me those tissues.”

“What are you doing?” Vikram asked as he saw her breaking the laddu with almond pieces.

“Found it!” she pulled out a small chip carefully folded it in a tissue. “Keep it safe with you for now.”

They reached ETF, Neha went in to get her files and saw everyone staring at her, ‘Everyone fancies my pink dupatta!’. She packed two files and a few envelops in her bag and went to meet Shree at his workstation.

“Hello Shree!” She waved at him.

“Umm, hi! How are you?” Shree asked hurriedly.

“Good. Being given 6 salines a day. My puppers are my only entertainment. Where’s everyone?”

“Busy with a case.” He said without looking up.

“Shree?! Is everything o-” she paused as she looked at the screen, three pictures in the mail with caption ‘Some rare beauty pics, enjoy. ;) Karan R.’ She double clicked on the image to open it while Shree tried to stop her. “Oh” She bit her lip and muttered, “That is why everyone was looking at me like that. Lol, this b-tch so fake!”

Shree looked at her, “What?”

“Someone played a prank, my fake nudes” She chuckled, “should have at least used the same model to morph my face onto.”

Shree was confused, “Neha what do you mean?”

“Lol, I’d kill to have a bod like that! But it’s not me. Someone played a dirty prank.”

“Karan has sent it to all-staff an hour ago.” Shree stated disappointingly.

“Karan? No! He can’t do this.” Neha said.

“What are you two talking about?” Karan asked as he came to Shree’s workstation.

“Send my fake nudes to the all-staff mail.” Neha stated.

“What? No! I did not-” Karan said in an alarmed voice.

“Shh!! Relax” Neha tried to calm him, “I know you would never do this. I trust you. Someone has tried to frame you, we will find out who, right Shree?”

“We have to.”

“Also, could you please delete this mail from Bhaiya’s account before he sees it? It’s kinda disgusting you know..”

“Do you know sir’s password? I don’t want to hack him.”

“I know. Also Chief’s account. Karan should be knowing the password.”

“I am not sure, he has never told me but let’s try.” Karan said.


The trio went to Arjun’s cabin, logged into his system and deleted the mail.

Shree sighed, “Good that they are busy with the case and haven’t checked the mail yet. Now the challenging task, Rathore sir.”

They reached Sameer’s cabin and tried to log into his computer, “What is his lock-screen password? Guys?”

“Lemme type.” Neha said and quickly typed the password and logged in successfully.

Shree was surprised, “How did you know?”

“I saw him typing it once.”

“You should not be seeing it!” Karan said.

“Well, he typed in front of me, how could I not see? Are you jealous that your brother believes me more than you?”

Shree had just finished deleting the mail as it was not logged out when Sameer came in, “What are you three doing on my PC?”

“Getting my sick leave approved.” Neha lied.

“I approved it yesterday and mailed you a copy of the approval.” Sameer said.

“Yeah, but I accidentally deleted the mail and so had to resend it to myself from your email.” Neha smiled sheepishly.

“So you brought Shree to hack my PC?” Sameer asked sternly.

“No, no sir, I did not hack your PC. I was just-”

“Two of you will be doing everyone’s paperwork for this case and you will be given appropriate punishment once you come back for trying to hack my PC.” Sameer ordered.

“But chief-” Neha tried to intervene.

“Two cases paperwork, Shree and Karan, get back to work now.” Sameer glared at them and they left, “What is it about Neha?”

“I just said, sick lea-” Neha reasoned.

“Who are you lying to?” Sameer asked calmly, “What are you trying to hide?”

“Nothing chief, everything is fine! I have to leave now, it’s quite late, doc will be pissed. Toodles!” she waved her fingers and started leaving.


“Nothing I can’t handle, bye chief!” She said from the door and walked out briskly.


Neha ran upstairs to her room and sat on the couch. Closed her eyes and tried to connect the dots. Vikram came in and sat in front of her, silently. After a few minutes she emptied her bag and started opening envelops. She kept all the official letters on a side and picked a small envelop which read “For Ms. Neha Rawte” in clear handwriting. She opened it, reread the letter and gave it to Vikram.

“When did you get this?”

“A week ago, probably one of the days when I was being drugged, I don’t remember exactly.”
“So what did this person do?”

“Circulated my fake nudes to the entire staff.”

“Motherf--” Vikram cursed quite loudly.

Neha’s phone buzzed, she answered, “Who’s this?”

The anonymous caller said, “I warned you about it.”

Neha asked plainly, “What do you want?”

“Vivaan. Where is he?”

“After all these years?”

“So you know where he is.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I have a few clips, which I will be sharing tomorrow. If you tell me about Vivaan before that-”

“Meet me.”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Come alone. Address will be shared shortly.”

She disconnected the call. “Vivaan’s brother, I think. Says meet me alone.”

“What have you planned?”

“Time to test my babies, let them taste human flesh!” She said coldly.

“I like it!” Vikram replied.


Later that night,

Neha had taken her medicines and was preparing to sleep when Arjun barged in, “What is going on Neha? Care to explain?” he said rather loudly.

“Shhh.. calm down ACP sir.” Vikram silenced him, “You cannot talk to her like this.”

“You need not tell me-” Arjun responded angrily.

Vikram cut him short, “You’re too loud sir. Let’s go out and talk.” He took Arjun out of the room and made him sit. Handed him a glass of water, “What is your problem ACP sir? Could you not have a normal conversation with your sister? Why do you have to shout at her so much?”

“Mind your own business.” Arjun said irritated.

“Precisely, doing that.” Vikram said calmly, “If you cannot treat her with the love and respect that she deserves, you better not talk to her at all.”

“She said that?”

“No. I wish she could.”

Arjun walked into her room but she was fast asleep. He turned off the lights and closed the door. “Vikram, what is it that you know and I don’t?”

“You want me to share my client’s confidential information? Not happening.”

“Do you not think I should be knowing-”

“No, I will not share anything. If Neha wants to tell you, she will. Give her some time. If she does not want to, there’s no point in asking me.”

“Why are you like this?”

“We have sworn to protect our client’s confidential information, not even family members are allowed to know it. But just a caution, do not do anything that triggers her suicidal tendencies or substance abuse. Have a good night.” Vikram said and went to his room.

Arjun sat on the couch remembering her words, “I don’t drink because it’s fun, I drink to forget”…”See how beautiful this knife is, how sharp!” and cut her finger while tracing it.

The memories flooded his mind and he decided to have a conversation with Neha.


Next afternoon,

Neha and Vikram along with Rocky and Sandy reach the hotel, Rose Tria.

“Room 103, when I say babies, you come in with them.”

“Do the allow dogs in the hotel?”

“If they don’t, flash my badge.” Neha said and gave her ETF badge in his hands, “Only for emergency.”

“All the best!”

They checked blue-tooth device connectivity and she went in.

“Rivan Raichand?” Neha asked at the reception.

“Just a minute ma’am” the receptionist smiled and called him, “Room 103.”

“Thank you!” She smiled and left for his room.

“Finally, I see you in person!” Rivan said and asked her to sit.

“I did not expect this.” Neha said plainly.

“Neither did I. Now don’t waste any time and tell me where is Vivaan?”

“Why is there a single ‘a’ in your name while two in Vivaan’s?”

“My mom’s numerologist suggested.” Rivan said impatiently, “Tell me about Vivaan.”


Vikram was listening to their conversation through the earpiece. He added Arjun on the conversation call.


“Two years is a long time, I don’t really remember anything.”

“27th December 2009, his last message read I am taking a break, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, will contact when I feel better. Two years and counting, he never contacted us ever again. His university said he left for India saying that there was some emergency at home. He never returned. You were the last person he was seen with. Only you can tell where he is.”

“Oh! That is bad. But I can’t help you, I don’t know anything about him.” Neha said with a sad face.

“Stop lying. You know where he is! Please tell me. Please. My mother is dying to know about her son. I beg you. Please.”

“If she dies, she would probably see her son. I’m not really sure.”

Rivan sat upright and threatened, “I have certain video-clips. If you do not answer me now, these will be posted on the internet.”

Neha looked at him and laughed, “There you are, you as-h-le! Your mother will be happy to know that both her sons messed with the wrong girl and pity, she’s going to lose her other and only son now.”

“What do you mean?” He said impatiently.

“Did your mother not teach you how to be respectful to women?”

“Don’t question my mother.”

“Really? Why not? I would like to ask her in person, what she really taught you.”

“You better shut up right now or one click and all these videos-”

She slapped him, “You know what? The only reason I killed your brother was because he was an as-h-le and he deserved to die.”

“You killed my brother? Why?” Rivan cried.

“I didn’t want to, it was a pure act of self-defense. My bad, that I thought he was a good person, well he looked great. But he never really understood consent. That if a girl says she doesn’t want to have s*x it is okay. It is her choice. Just because she is your girlfriend doesn’t make you entitled and doesn’t make her obligated to have s*x with you. Your brother drugged me, r*ped me and also tried to kill me. I had to save myself so I accidentally stabbed him, 15 times I think. Then I had to get rid of the dead body, so I cut him into pieces and fed to the wild beasts of the forest. I dropped those messages to you and the University so that no one asks me. I had no clue about these s*x tapes, but now you have brought them up, so face the consequences.”

Rivan stared at her bewildered, “You’re lying?”

“I wish I was. Now delete all those tapes and see my lawyer. You will be facing charges for Defamation under Section 499 and 500 of IPC.”

“You will be going to jail for killing my brother you wh-re!” He shouted and tried to hit her with a vase.

She dodged it, “I thought you learnt your lesson, but seems like you haven’t. My babies will teach you what your mother didn’t.”

Vikram was already in the elevator, waiting for her. He opened the door of the room and brought Rocky and Sandy in, he let off their leashes.

“Attack!” Neha pointed at Rivan and both her Rottweilers leaped on him and began scratching and biting.


ETF Office

“Rawte? Where are Shree, Chotu and Karan?” Sameer came into Arjun’s cabin and saw him sitting silent, “Rawte? Ar..Arjun? Is everything okay?”

Arjun hugged him tight.

“Are you okay?” Sameer asked again.

“Yes.” Arjun said softly.

“I’m here, if you need.” Sameer said and patted his back.


“ETF! Don’t move!” Chotu said as he came in the hotel’s room. Shree and Karan entered behind him with their guns drawn,

“Stop!” Neha said. Rocky and Sandy stopped biting Rivan.

“Neha, what are you doing here?” Shree asked, “How did you find him?”

“I have the same question.” Neha said, “He called me here. But how did you find out?”

“Long short, Karan’s phone helped.” Shree said.

“Eeeiihh!” Chotu shrieked as he saw Rivan scratched and bitten, “You do not do this Neha!”

“It is a part of their training. My Sandy is such a quick learner!” She picked up Sandy, wiped blood off her mouth with tissues and snuggled. “How many copies do you have of the clips?”

“Just this one.” Rivan winced in pain.

“Come on! Everyone has at least one back-up!” Shree said.

“He saved this clips in his mail. So there’s a copy there.” Rivan said.

“I should have checked the mail as well.” Neha sighed.

“Get up now! You will be going to jail for at least 5 years and pay 10 lacs as fine under Section 67A of the IT Act.”

“Should I really file a case? Vik?”

“Consult your lawyer.” Vikram said modestly, “We should be going home now, it’s your lunch time.”

“I don’t wanna eat boiled veggies anymore.” Neha cried, “There’s a nice restaurant down the lane, serves some great food!”

“Your dietician will be mad.” Vikram said, “I’ll make you some pasta tonight.”

“With lots of cheese!” Neha grinned.

Vikram ignored her and leashed Rocky, “We leave now?”

“Thanks a lot for helping me, Shree, Chotu, Karan! You may keep him in custody, I’ll let you know by evening about the case.” She told the trio.

Karan smiled, “Thank you for believing in me.”

“That’s what friends are for!”

“You will be going to the jail-” Rivan tried again.

“If you find your brother’s dead body, come back and we shall meet in the court. Or go back and tell your dying mother that she failed at her job, quite spectacularly.” Neha said bitterly and walked out.


Rawte Mansion

During dinner, Arjun was silently listening to Neha talk about some movie while Vikram was pulling her leg.

“I swear if you say that again, I’ll kill you!” Neha pointed her fork at him.

“Sweet.” Vikram grinned.

“Bhaiya?” Neha stared at him for a few minutes after she finished eating, “Is there something you want to say?”

“ ” Arjun looked at her, “I forgot, I brought chocolates for you.” He pulled out two half-melted dark chocolate packets.

“WOW!!” Neha said excitedly taking the chocolate.

“You cannot eat chocolate in a detox diet.” Vikram said snatching the chocolate from her hands.

“Fu-k you and your detox diet.” Neha glared, “Gimme my chocolates or I’ll kill you for sure this time.”

“Go on!” Vikram mocked her.

Neha pouted and started talking sweetly, “Pwease gimme my shocola”

“Eh!! Don’t! Stop making that face.” Vikram grumbled.

Neha looked at him teary eyed, “Pwease, half of it?”

Vikram sighed and gave her a quarter, “Do not ask for more.”

“Okay! You’re spared ’cause you made me scrumptious pasta and my soul was satisfied after eating it.” Neha savoured the chocolate piece.

Arjun embraced her warmly, “I’m always here for you...”

“What?” Neha frowned.

“Good night.” Arjun said and went to his room.

Neha shrugged, “What do you think that was?”

“I don’t know.” Vikram replied.


Later that night, Neha was sitting in her room, chatting with a girl when her phone buzzed. She picked up, “Hello!”

“Hey there woman!” A deep voice spoke in a calm, concerned manner.

Neha smiled, “Alec?”

“Yes. I’m really sorry for whatever happened to you dear. Those as-h-les have learnt their lesson, and will not hurt you again. I wanted to call you earlier but I wasn’t sure of what to say. How are you?” Sikander said.

“I’m good, alive!” Neha said.

“Nice! I can’t wait to see you darling. Take care. We meet soon.”


A week later,

After reaching ETF, Neha refused to get down the car, “I can’t do this. I don’t wanna be here. No. I can’t.” She panicked.

“Neha-” Arjun tried to talk.

“Leave me alone.” She said and turned away.

About 15 minutes later, Sameer came down in the parking lot, “Neha? Please come up.”

“I don’t-” She took a sharp breathe, “I don’t wanna be here, it’s very humiliating.”

“Neha, you have this job because you are a great cop. What others think of you is not important, what you think about yourself is. You are one of my best cops and I want you to be working for ETF. This is not just a job for you, you told me it was your passion. You decide what is more important.” Sameer said.

Neha remained thoughtful for some time, “You’re right Chief! Why should I care what the world thinks of me? Never did, never will.”

“That’s the spirit! So, you will be working in the Record Section. Take the last 10 years files of unsolved cases and categorize them into cases related to drugs, murder/homicide, kidnapping/abduction majorly and prepare a report.”

“Sounds interesting!” Neha nodded and started working in the Record Section.

At the end of the day, Neha was reporting her findings to Sameer when a teenager came in with a bouquet of wild flowers and asked Neha, “Are you Neha?”

“Yes, sweetheart!” She smiled at her.

“These are for you.” The girl said and ran away.

Neha looked at the flowers, “Seems like something my Myra would make for me.” 

She read the note silently smiling, ‘I am sorry for what my people did to you. Please accept my apologies. I promise this would never happen again. I made this on my own, hope you like it. It is just like you, sweet, wild and beautiful. Love, Alec.’

“Who is Myra?” Sameer asked inquisitively.

“She was your classmate, right?” Arjun asked.

“Yeah, she’s the true and only love of my life.” Neha said dreamily, “It’s almost been seven years, three more and then we’ll be together again. I hope.”

“What is that?” Aisha asked.

“Oh, we have a pact, we had been dating when we were in school and we decided that ten years later, we would decide if we want to be together again or part ways. Meanwhile we explore ourselves.”

“You never told me she was your girlfriend!” Arjun said.

“We don’t out people like that. I had a crush on her since the day she joined our school in class 6. Its old school love! She brought me a flower everyday and I used to recite poetries to her. Man! I miss her so much!”

“Where is she now?”

“Australia. Quite a successful entrepreneur. Haven’t met her in last five years.”

“So she sent you these flowers?”

“Ah, no, this is my other lover who looks like the Greek god, Poseidon!”

“Another one? Looks are deceptive, be careful!” Arjun said.

“He helped me discard a dead-body without even asking my name, I know I can trust him.” Neha smiled and left.


Rawte Mansion,

“How was your day?” Vikram asked as they both sat for dinner.

“Better than I thought. I actually came across some really interesting cases.” Neha said as she took a helping of her favourite vegetables.

“Cool. Did you find something related to our case?”

“I found some tiny winy links.”

“That’s great. How much time do you think you need?”

“I’ve got this week, I’ll get something solid by the end of it.”

“Also, we need to setup a workstation. A secret place which no one can even think of.”

“We go there tomorrow and finalise.”

“Good.” Vikram smiled, “I’ll report Bull about the current scenario.”

“Schedule a video conf tonight.”

“On it.”

Neha was in her room, watching animated movie after dinner when her phone rang, “Hii!!”

“Hope you liked the flowers.” Alec said in his deep voice.

“I loved them. Thank you so much!” Neha said happily.

“Could we go for a date?” He asked.

“Sure, I’ve always enjoyed our dates. I’ll tell you in a day or two.” Neha said.

“I’ll be waiting. Take care.”


Next evening,

Neha drives Vikram to an apartment, “Let’s see if you like this one.” They take an elevator to reach the fifth floor.

“502. Aryan R.” Vikram reads the nameplate, “Your elder brother’s house?”

“An investment made by our father in his name.” She opened the door, “This is a safe place, the neighbours don’t interfere at all.”

“This is a penthouse! Are you sure I should be staying here?” Vikram asked looking around the house.

“Why not? There’s a secret room in here, where we could setup our base.” Neha said and led him into the room.

“Looks good!”

“So you wanna stay here or shall I show other houses?”

Vikram opened a window and felt the cool breeze, “This one works.”



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Comments (6)

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4 years ago

Glad neha is fine..

Continue soon

Thanks for pm

4 years ago

Loved it Neha dear awesome part ... Neha did absolutely correct by giving a hot treatment to that asole ... She really had a narrow escape from death she is lucky to have such friends ... Hmm so I think Neha is upto something serious hope their secret place can help them ... Thanks for the PM continue soon 🙂

4 years ago