Absent minded

3 months ago

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Three days have passed. It was the second day of the new year, 2023. World was embracing the new year by spreading love , going outside, vacations, tours, doing new activities. A new year is like a newborn child brings happiness, new enthusiasm, new rays of hope. It also seemed like the beginning of a journey of a new book.

However Sanyogita couldn't come out of the trance of the memories of the bone chilling incident. She couldn't sleep for the past three days. Nor could she stay alone. Yesterday night she screamed aloud in sleep. Prithvi even became frightened because of her condition.
Riddhima’s black engulfed her into the darkness so much that rays of sunshine hardly reached her .

Prithvi was guilty and felt sad seeing his wife crying like a scared child in sleep. He anticipated his fear would very soon be turned into reality. He decided to take her away from everything, so he would soon book hotels in Paris. His wife and child's safety was more than anything to him right then .

It was in the meeting room. when Prithvi found his wife absent-minded during a meeting discussion.

He asked for her opinion and views regarding their project but she seemed to be lost in another world. She came down to actuality on his third time naming her.

On returning to his cabin Prithvi decided to talk to her.

"What is it ?? Where are you lost?? Are you aware of the fact that I don't like any kind of carelessness at work ?? "" Prithvi was genuinely looking angry "Thank God Mr . Jaitley agreed to deal with us and the Meeting was going well unless what would have happened today we are going to slip this project from our hands "

Sanyogita heard him but didn't reply at first.

She stood with clasping hands closer to the chests, near the large window glass, gazing at the vast blue sky and also the ocean below. Her heart was going through tremendous rebellion against her inner self. It's one thing when you know what you want but the question
was eating her how to accomplish what she wanted.

" Sanyo, answer me ??" getting no response from her Prithvi raised his voice, with irritation

He kept both his hands in his pockets, gazing at the large wall.

She exhaled sighed, and whispered in n a low voice " I'm just a little bit tired "

The mere mention of her health issue starts to melt his frustrations instantly. He took a deep breath, walked to her, and kept his right hand over her shoulder turning her completely to him, making her look at his face straight.

" Just come take a seat here "

He made her sit on the sofa before the large window glass. Sanyogita took a seat but didn't glance at him.

Prithvi was still holding her shoulders in his right hand.

" If you were tired you just told me once. I would suggest that you do not need to attend the meeting. "

" It was an important meeting. We both worked hard for this. "

" I know it was but you knew nothing is important to me like you, Jaan. You are crucial to me beyond everything "

Sanyogita stared at him with twinkling eyes and kept her head on his shoulder. He was home to her which gave her relief in thousands of her chaos.

He beamed at this approach of hers and advised with genuine concern "In that case if you aren't feeling well. It would be better for you to take some rest at home. "

" No it's okay, I'm absolutely fine. " She grabbed his hand and interlocked the fingers.

He kissed her head and embraced her with another arm.

"Prithvi, do you know what my father said to me …
He squeezed her hand, it was his way of responding to her to proceed, although she did not expect any reply as she knew he would hear every memory of her childhood with full eagerness.
She commenced with dreamy stares " Papa used to tell me a thousand good deeds make a miracle. I was then just a teenager and didn't know the deep meaning of his good advice but Nowadays I'm Missing every piece of advice from Papa. Didn't know whether I had done thousands of good deeds or not but I wanted a miracle this time. "

Prithvi beamed. " I know you have done more than that. Because you always feel others' pain in your heart you have that special gift from God. And you have to help umpteenth people

" He patted her left cheek with his right palm
She too was looking at him with a soothing smile, then buried her face in between his chest.

Prithvi said " Jaan, everything is possible, but the thing is that you have to believe in yourself first. I trust you can "
The next words vanished the smile from his face as soon as hearing her

" What miracle God will do for Riddhima. I really want her to get back to her normal life, as we are all living beings. "
Then, Prithvi understood in what connotation she was addressing those thousand deeds. He realised she didn't change her mindset. And could she?? As much as he knows her it would be arduous for him to draw away her mind from that keen issue.

She looked up in search of his eyes to let them shift back to gaze at her orbs. " Two days have passed . Don't know how she is doing?? I want to see her ".. suddenly she became
conscious she pushed back on the sofa and tilting her head she gazed at him
" Did you remember What Doctor said to us? She will be kept under observation for 48 hours.

Three days have passed. Did she get her senses back ??

Prithvi noticed her loosening the grip between their hands but she didn't realise it she was that busy with her words.

" It feels really disgusting..when anyone sees you with dirty eyes" She closed her eyes with aversion and opened them again and began again

" I didn't know whether evil people get shelter in hell after death or not but if it is then I would wish them all those criminals to burn like an inferno, burn alive in this world….. who will like
this if anyone… '' she paused as if she was taking a frantic breath in the middle of her words
" If anyone tries to touch you without your permission… That day I slapped Nishant .. and kicked his groin because I was able to take the monster inside of him out. "

Prithvi closed his eyes, his hand clasped into a fist although his right hand grabbed his left wrist as if it was preventing him from doing any crime. Nishant's face flashes before his vision. He had a vision in his brain about that night when he requested his wife to cook for that demon.

In between his outrage and hatred, he heard her to proceed with her statement
" How many times those Scoundrels forced her? She would beg for help. Why do men always think that by forcing a woman they could show their power of being a man? If they really want
to prove why they don't help those innocent people who really need help, food, shelter, clothes, and money to feed their hungry children. "

Prithvi parted his lips " Jaan… they aren't man… a real man cannot crave to eat fleshes of any innocent woman. It doesn't mention on anyone's face whether they are evil or not. It is the hungry devil inside of them that came out in the darkness. They are cowardly and spiritless, that's why they need masks to hide their evil side. "

Sanyogita raised her voice " Then why are you scared of me? Why are you then preventing me from helping the girl ?? Why are they asking me to stay away from the family??

Riddhima's mother is very frightened if we stand by them. Perhaps it will have a positive impact on her. She needs lots of care …
Prithvi interrupted in the way of her words " If I care about anyone it's only you and our baby that's it. " He frowned at her with a stern gaze

She came closer to him and cupped his cheeks in between her palms " I know you do. But trust me nothing will happen to me and our baby … I can't forget her face since the last sight .... I already told you about it. Please try to understand me “‘

" You didn't want to understand me " He lowered her hands and continued with his words

"Every day, perhaps in every minute Don't know how many crimes are happening. You can't fight for each of them. " Prithvi stood up, he held his breath to control the rising heat in his brain.

She paused and got up too. " But at least I can help that girl. Whatever happened wasn't her fault, her mother was scared because of the press, the media, people, and gossip ..That's why she didn't want to complain to the police. We shouldn't show our backs, it would
be inhuman. I wonder whether she knew the culprits?? Did Riddhima know those boys from the beginning? In most cases, victims were always closer to culprits who knew them before and took care of the opportunity to jump into the victims. "

" Sanyo you can't help everyone.. God even can't always do the same. Here her mother isn't ready to lodge the FIR. So there I think we shouldn't show much interest. It can be anything but not our business "

Sanyogita glared at him with irk. She thought to say something in the middle there was a knock on the door.

Prithvi opened the gate and saw Arjun who informed him that the meeting would be held soon and everyone had already taken seats infront of the screen .

"Ok, I'm coming." Before leaving he checked on her and said " You don't need to attend this meeting . I'll handle it. Arjun told the driver to drop your Madam at home "

Arjun oscillated his eyes between his Boss and Madam
" Sure Boss " he heeded

" But..! She uttered

" I think you need rest. And one more thing, it's my last warning. I don't want you to use your brain more on this matter. I simply wanted you to stay away from this issue. “

He walked to her and found her looking at him with one of the most innocent faces of her.

He shot her a smile to make her relax. " I don't want you to shrink your face like dried grapes. I want you to be happy. Unless anyone sees you like this will say how a cruel husband who starts to cry to his newly wedded beautiful wife just after marriage.

A smile engrossed her lips abruptly. She hugged. He hugged her tightly too.

" Okay take care, go home safely. Inform me after reaching ."

He kissed her head and kneeled and kissed her belly
" Say bye to Daddy. I'm going to a meeting but I will soon come back to my princess and talk to you. "

After that Prithvi went off.

… … .
How much Prithvi cautioned her that but her stubborn mind didn't want to let go of the matter.

She was thinking of some other way to reach the girl. It was confirmed to her that if Prithvi got hints about it he would be mad at her so she had to work smartly.
On the way suddenly an idea hit her brain. She thought that after reaching home she would accomplish her plan.


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