Chapter 34 - The Royal Saga

10 months ago

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Chapter 34 - The Royal Saga.

 “Geet it’s not that fancy or any fantasy” “Everything about you is fancy and fantasy for me” she said in flow

He gave her a meaningful look “Really” “Umm boliye naa” she made baby complain

“Hmm…. So from where to start…..”


“Geet, just a warning, It is a very boring story, my life’s story can be one of the most boring story you must have read so far”

Geet turned to him and placed her index finger on his lips “Don’t ever dare say My Raja Sahib story to be boring.” She placed her head on his shoulder. “Most interesting person of my life, who has enchanted me with his magic, his story is going to be a magical journey for me. It may not be a very happy one but it will be most magical.”

“My Raja Sahib” he repeated, reminding her.  “Okay okay… My Maan” she smiled and said.

“So let’s start from the beginning from the days of my Dadima, Savitri Devi, aka Savitri Khurana. Before marriage she was Savitri Devi but after her marriage she became Savitri Khurana and thus we all are Khurana. But she was again back to Savitri Devi but my father was Khurana and thus we all are khurana.”

“Samjhi Nahi”

“Samjhata hoon” He smiled at her “While doing this story telling, I will try my best to keep control of my emotion but if I couldn’t at any moment, I trust you will handle me”

She looked at his face, he was no Raja Sahib, just her husband. She cupped his face in her palms “I will”. She just spoke two words but she felt she had whole world’s strength at that moment to absorb any pain that comes in way of her husband

“This Palace that you see, who do you think belongs to? My grandfather or Dadima? Whose legacy is this?”

Geet was confused with the question but hesitatingly answered “Your Grandfather. That is why now you are a king, right?” He smiled and shook his head in No.

“This Palace and this Kingdom belonged to the family of my Dadima.” Geet looked at him in surprise

“My Dadima was the most beautiful princess, very smart and educated. Her Parent’s darling. He allowed her to participate in kingdom dealings, learn about how it all went. She was an only child but her parents never ever regretted that they didn’t have a son. They were very proud of their capable daughter. ”

“Your grandfather?” He nodded, letting her know, he will tell her all, at its own pace

“Dadima also attended court with her father, went on tours with her parents. He was training her for the kingdom. To rule the kingdom. Young Savitri Devi, at the age of twenty fell in love with the most eligible captain of the Kingdom’s army. He was Dadima’s trainer in handling weapons. She was smitten by his raw youthness and he by her beauty. Also, him being the most faithful man to her father, his loyalty pulled Dadima to him.”

“So your grandfather was a common man, just like me. So you too have some part of common man blood in you too”

Maan closed his eyes to control his emotion. “Geet, I have no problem being associated as a common man. But do not ever mention his blood is mixed in mine. It’s unbearable. You are a common girl, but a wonderful one. Don’t ever compare yourself to that man who brought life long suffering for us.”

Geet immediately hugged him “Sorry for hurting you. I will not comment before listening to the story.” She looked at him and held her ears “Sorry”

“Don’t be. It’s not your fault, you don’t know the whole thing. But it pained here” he touched his heart.

“Okay, so let’s proceed. Her parents were at first hesitant, however loyal he may be but he was one of the kingdom’s service men and her parents were getting loads of proposals from the best prince and kings of that time. But Dadima was in love. They could do nothing but agree to her wish. On top my grandfather was the most loyal and most capable army man, by then. They were married, everything went well, love blossomed, my father was born, and grew up like a prince with all the wonderful training. Then Her father – SatyaDev Rai had to retire due to ill health and the throne was to be adorned by new kings and Queens. The head of the kingdom was to be declared. Though everyone had accepted my Dada ji as the husband of their princess, they wanted their princess, the family blood, to be declared head of the throne. Even her parents wanted their daughter to hold the throne. My grandfather would be the king, with all rights but Dadima would be declared head.”

“But your grandfather did not marry for position, it was marriage for love. He should be good with it.”

“He was but then he also got the taste of power. Dadima would meet people, be the face but her love for her husband, she let him lead the kingdom. The kingdom ran as per his wish. Though people always loved when Dadima interacted with them more than my grandfather, because the taste of power came from his words, which people were not appreciating. But something unacceptable happened. Due to unexpected power in hand, his wishes started rising and being one level below Dadima started hitting him. He got into an affair with the lady worker in the Mansion. There were two reasons for it, one was the money and power at hand and the other to somewhere punish my Dadima to be a level up in position.”

“But he got so much power being her husband”

“He ignored what all he got from being her husband but only focused on things that he did not get. Dadima started becoming lonely as he got busy with the  worker lady in the palace..  Then maybe later he got completely trapped by that lady who also got pregnant with his child. Things came out. The day Dadima got it confirmed, she divorced him, got custody of my father. But he still held the Khurana surname of my grandfather. That was Dadima’s decision. My father was mature enough and hated his Dad for such an act. My grandfather also left in anger that the other lady and child from her are only his family. it got dirty. All due to one man, my grandfather” he looks at her

“His blood runs in mine… it’s not that pure. But it came through my Dad and Mom, who were wonderful people, so I can’t even complain of my blood. ”

“My Dadima stood strong and tall in front of people, working for people of Kalsia, taking the divorce and deceiving elegantly but you cannot imagine how broken she would have been. But my Dad matured up quickly. Started handling things and his mother. He started learning all kingdom rules and things. To save Dadima from that pain of putting a strong face outside, he was crowned at the age of eighteen. Took complete care of Dadima and the people of  Kalsia. In just five years he became everyone’s favorite. His royalty just shone. He then got married to a wonderful woman, My mother Pratiksha Shree. It was a grand wedding arranged by dadima – Jayendra Khurana Weds Pratiksha Shree. But in the marriage, my grandfather had to be called. That turned the whole story further of our ongoing pain”

Geet looked at him 

“I am fine for now, don’t worry. Coming up is a wonderful part, my parents reunion.

They were a wonderful couple Geet, for the world and for themselves. My idol. They were true soulmates. Madly in love with each other and the people of Kalsia. 

Anyways, going back to their marriage – my grandfather’s status went down. Everyone dejected him and poverty hit him. His karma returned him favor with interest. With his other wife he had Three kids – Two boys and one girl. After my parents marriage they went out of country on tour”

“Honeymoon” she Giggled “Shut up, they were my parents”

“Hmm… stay on track. When they went on tour, Dadima’s attention went on the condition of the man whom she had once immensely loved. He had three kids who were in a pathetic state. His second wife kept her head bowed down. Her heart melted seeing them. She let them stay there in the palace for a year till his condition settled. My father  was against it, but my Mom’s soft heart could not accept throwing them out of the Palace. He could not go against the wishes of his two favorite ladies, Dadima and my Mom. It was a deal for just 1 year. they would stay for a year and then leave, that was Dad’s condition to the ladies and strict command to my grandfather. But just as 1 year was about to be completed, his condition did not improve. The coward person like him, got scared of going out of palace luxury and handle his responsibilities, committed suicide along with his wife leaving his three Kids in the palace.

Dad had no emotion for that selfish man, who never ever cared to look back at my Dad and Dadima and got busy only with his new family. Thus Dad wanted to move them all out of the palace. But after the old man left, immediate sympathy ran for his three kids, throwing them away was not easy. On top my Mom and Dadima’s soft heart could  not just throw them. My Dad was twenty eight by then and his eldest half sibling was eighteen. Throwing them in that condition would give a very harsh image on the Royal family. Thus lots kept on happening and they became permanent free dwellers of the palace. One separate part of the Palace was given to them. 

But their greed started showing up in a couple of years. Dad wanted to throw them out as he had sensed the slow poison that they were. But my mom was too soft. ‘They are half but still your siblings. It’s a huge palace, let them stay in one corner of it.’ And more than that, Dadima. She had really loved that man once and after him, she felt a soft corner for the kids that were his. My Dad’s hands were tied with the softness of these two ladies and then Kalsia would also think it was a hard step. He had to keep the Royal image intact as well. But he had started sensing danger and thus started training me.

Years passed by, and they stayed in a corner of the palace. As I grew up, those half siblings of my Dad got married and had kids. They were again like my grandfather. Not happy with what they got but were getting jealous of what my Dad had. Their minds got filled with poison, which they passed to their kids as well. 

Then when I was seventeen, Vicky just ten and Annie five years old, they placed their plan into execution. My Dad and Mom were taken away from us by a severe accident.” 

Maan stopped and closed his eyes, his head dipped down towards the ground. After a while, Geet placed her hand on his thighs only to feel a teardrop on the back of her palm. She took her hands to his face and wiped his tears on either side from her thumbs. She held the shoulders of Maan, who was strengthless after bearing his heart in front of her. Geet moved a bit farther and made him lay on her lap. He shifted himself on her lap to face upward into the sky. He kept looking into the stars in the sky as Geet quietly kept threading her fingers in his hair.

Her husband, the most tough, strong and sorted man was so vulnerable at this moment. He had beared himself open in front of her. By telling her this story, the most inner part of their family, he had today completely made her part of their family. He has shown this trust in her. Geet felt the responsibility that came with this trust. Just being in love with him and knowing his pain was bringing maturity in Geet to be his partner in real sense. 

“And from this point onwards, the story of my own life starts.” he said, still looking at the stars. 

“Let it be for today” She could feel how heavy he was at his heart

“It’s already too late. Let us go inside” she said further

“You are bored” he gave a small laugh. She placed her index finger on his lips “I can feel your heavy heart.” She rubbed his chest from her hand

“I am not that weak Geet. I have lived the harsh truth of my life. Telling all this to you is only helping me unburden. If you are not bored I can continue with my own story now.”

“You do not believe in my love for you at all” she pouted

“Now, where does this come from?”

“How can you even imagine I can be bored listening to your story? You are here, so close to me, that is enough to elate my heart and you keep saying… ” he took both her hands in his and brought them all to his heart

“Yehi to tumharee baatien, the child in you, swipes away all the burden of my heart. Promise to be the same for me, always”

“Hmm… then you will tease me about how I am.”

“You don’t like it?” She turned to the other side and smiled. How can she openly accept that she loves it? Anything he does with her she loves it.

“I got your answer. Anyway, the color of your cheeks, everytime, tell me your story. So even if you say you don’t like it, I don’t care. You have to deal with that all your life”

Geet, still turned to the other side, closed her eyes for small prayer – She would love to be teased by him all her life. 

Surprising him, she bent down and directly placed her lips on his. Maan did not miss the chance to quickly get hold of her nape in one of his palms, bringing her closer by his other hand on her waist and pushing his tongue between her lips, and inside her mouth and rolling it all over and then sucking her soft lips. After the long leisure kiss, their eyes met, a smile was back on their face. He kept looking at her and then without a hint moved his hand on her waist to place a slight slap on her butt cheek. Her eyes widened “Just a month” he winked making her further turn away shyly. Her heart beat increased every time with how open he was in showing his wishes to her. 

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-Anu smiley31

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