Chapter 31

1 years ago

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Chapter 31 - Legalities

As the vehicle entered Kalsia, a smile formed on her face. Has it not been even an year of her association with this place, out of which she has lost few months in her stupid arrogance and very later had felt it as her home. But even in this short span, the love and warmth that she has received here, the way the place was dear to her darling husband, she had fallen in love with it. It was her home. It has the feel of belonging. She felt she belonged here and nowhere else, just like she belonged to her Raja Sahib and no one else. 

Raja Saheb was not accompanying her, as he had said, he will be here on Thursday. But still, this place was so full of him that there was no chance of missing him in the city. Except in the bedroom, at night. Anyways, he had been avoiding coming early to the bedroom. He knew he could break his promise anytime with her around and she was no help, with her ready to submit approach.

As the vehicle took the tour of the city towards the palace, kids waved and she smiled and waved back at them. They were her own, so much own. Never in Delhi or any other place, she has that feeling of ownness  to people or things that she has started feeling here. It was all mingled with her deep love for her husband. Everything of his was hers, everything that was his responsibility, that he cared for was for her to do the same. And she did not have to place any effort, it was just coming. Her deep and true love to her husband was naturally making her Rani Sahiba for real.

Geet got down from the vehicle, in her light blue silk shirt and black trouser. Delicate, small pearl jewelries gave her the perfect look of young but elegant. In the palace, Geet touched Dadima’s feet, Dadima stood her up and hugged her and then kissed her forehead. “Stay Blessed..”

They chatted for a while, asking each other’s status. Dadima teased Geet

“Raja Saheb has never before canceled his trips or never had he stayed this long away from Kalsia.” She raised eyebrows with a smile

“What’s holding him in Delhi so much?” Geet bit her lips, smiled and looked down, red with blush forming on her pink face.

“So what should I think, you are successful in oiling his heart and make it slip from its place”

“Da-aadima, I didn’t do anything”

“Ohhh so was it so easy to win the heart of my grandson who thought of nothing but work” Geet did not say anything but smiled with shivering lips.

Dadima gave a small laugh “Go get rest. Your shivering lips and plum red cheeks says in all”

It was Wednesday evening and Geet was all impatient as her hubby will be arriving tomorrow morning. She completely ignored or forgot the main reason for his coming. Her mind was clouded that he was coming and busy planning on how she is not going to let him come very very late at night. She was also scolding her sleepy head, which mostly went sleepy by 11 pm, however hard she tried.

Geet was in deep sleep when Maan reached his room on Thursday morning at 7 am. He shook his head. He very well knew, any girl in her place, even from the royal family would have been all excited to get partnership with his property but here his wife was enjoying her beauty sleep. He had no doubt he had badly fallen for his crazy girl.

Knowing that the advocates would come at around 10, he let her enjoy her sleep. It would be a whole day process, the various and amount of property that he owned and complication that each process will have. He let her sleep and went to talk to Dadima.


“Are you in sense Raja Saheb”

“Dadima, I know what I am doing. It’s her right I am giving her”

“Do you know she is a commoner? Does not know the meaning of this amount of property. Had not even in dream imagine that anyone could hold such huge property”

“She is my wife. You have handed your precious Grandson to her. Are my properties more precious”

“You are taking it all wrong son. She does not deserve this property at this moment”

“Had you got me married to any Royal family Dadima, would you not have to sign property in the name of a girl before marriage?”

“It would have been different?” “Why Dadiam? Dadima, Geetanjali is my wife and Rani Sahiba of Kalsia. It is her right to get fifty percent partnership in at least all my personal property and her need to perform her act as Rani Sahiba.”

“Don’t you think it is risky? She does not know the worth of such property, she may be used or may be seeing such property in her name she herself may..”

“Dadimaaaa” came his authoritative voice “You are challenging my decision.And you are raising doubt on Rani Sahiba. I don’t allow anyone to doubt my wife for no reason. And to remind you, It is all my personal property, I have all right on it”

“You are Raja Sahib. I have myself crowned you. Your decisions are final.”

“Thanks Dadima” and he left. He knew at many moments people will get sensitive and emotional in many matters but he was there to make the right decision for everyone.  He knew Dadima was upset and Geetamjali had to work to gain her confidence but that would not change his decision. 


Raja Sahib entered his room to find his sweet little wife still in sleep. Smile formed on his face but then his one loud voice “Geet” woke her up. She sat down all confused and then got down from bed, stumbling a bit and then straightening up.

“You already came and I am still sleeping. No but I set my alarm. Ohh no..” she closed her eyes with her hands

He smiled “As usual, you must have shut off the alarm. My dreams were more important… right?”

 She knotted her brows “How does he know about my dream” she thought

He laughed “Don’t overthink. When I entered earlier, your alarm rang, you shut it off verbally talking your dream to it” 

She scolded herself for her blurt and coming out always childlike in front of him, but then she left it there and walked towards him with a smile and hugged him with one hand around his left shoulder and the other hand around the right side of his waist.

“How have you been” she separated at his question, smile adorned her face “I love Kalsia” 

He smiled, seeing her childish yet beautiful face so close to him. Her pink cheeks adorned with dimples as she smiled, her big hazel eyes shining in the morning and her messed up hair. He literally was planning to  eat her up after their most awaited first night.

He slid his hand to her waist and pulled her to him. He looked intently into her eyes, grabbed her hair in his one fist to get hold of head from her nape, molded her to bend her backward , moved forward and bent forward to place his wet lips on her plum lips. Geet opened her mouth to let him in and he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Geet was held in his hand like a doll and he was moving her for his comfort as he kept pouring his passion in his kiss. He left her after nibbling her lower lips to his content.

They separated she was still blushing but he soon changed his expression to straight as his eyes went on a huge wall clock. This girl can make him lose track of things

“Get ready fast. Legal team will be here by 10am. Can I expect to see Geetanjali –  The Rani Sahiba there”

Ohhh, Geet was avoiding this “Legal team, whhyyyyy??” she lowered her shoulder as if a kid had been warned to be present in family gathering between elders.

“Geet, you know why” his tone was No-Nonsense. But Geet was now getting used to it. She held his hand and pulled him to bed and made him sit there

“I don’t want any share in property. You are mine, that’s enough for me.”

“Geet, you know I have decided and I don’t change my decision” 

Geet came even closer, rubbed his arms with her palm “Please, it’s a big risk, I don’t trust myself with such a huge property in my name.”

Maan now held her both shoulder and made her turn more towards him “You don’t trust my trust”

Geet lowered her shoulder “What’s the need? You are mine, so automatically things are mine? Why to make it all legal. I don’t want; one it’s scary, second I don’t want it.”

Maan sighed and took a deep breath “Let me explain to you. We get married with rituals, still we get a legal marriage certificate signed by the registrar, right?”

“Yeah. But that was as well not needed long back. Now it’s all important for paperworks.”

“It’s all situational. Just like a marriage certificate is a need now, same is this. Geet, this is the Royal family, there is lots of politics going on, you have not an inch of idea of how things are dealt here. And ninety percent of it is money, ten percent power and authority. I have to protect my family with their rights and this is yours, legal rights of everything that is mine”

“But” “Go get ready. I will send ladies to your help. It will be a very formal affair, Vicky and Annie are also flying down and will reach here by 9:30 and the other residents of the palace will also be there to witness it. Everyone will witness this and know your power” and he left her for no more discussion. It was a big affair and he had already made his announcement, so she had no option for any fuss. 

It was 10:00 am – Geetanjali entered the big hall with her husband, Raja Sahib, hand in hand. Geet’s eyes went on wonderful seating in semi-circular form. Vicky, Annie, Dadima and professional Legal team seated on front row and rest Palace resident in second row onwards. Raja Sahib, never left any chance to show them their place. Geet was surprised, why is everything here so exclusive and grand. They just have to sign a few documents.

She looked at Annie and Vicky and there was a big lovely exchange of smiles from both sides. She then looked at Dadima and smiled. Dadima smiled at her as well but why she felt it was not that open this time. Is she not happy with this? Then why did she not stop Raja Sahib?

Maan looked at her, making her look back at him. No confusion, no distraction is he going to allow when he has made the decision. He was Raja Sahib for that reason and Dadima knew it. He will take her suggestion but decisions were his.

Announcements were made for the occasion. Geetanjali and Raja Saheb kept signing the documents for almost the whole day. Things were also being recorded. After all was done, Raja Sahib and Rani Sahiba shook hands with everyone but not before bending down and taking blessings from Dadima. She blessed them with a big smile. She agrees with his decision or not, but in front of all they were all in agreement without any doubt.

Later in the night, there was a grand party but before that everyone took a break.

In other side of Palace, the extended family were all fuming

Sudhir and his wife Rachna and Randhir and his wife Sweta, were all worried

“First we had to worry only about the three siblings and we were hoping to use this girl as a pawn in our game.”

“But again Raja Sahib played this game with us.”

“But, this girl was not happy with Raja Sahib, now things look changing” Sudhir looked at Dev

“Was you not given a task to make sure their relationship stays the way it was? Are they together?”

“I don’t have access to their bedroom, nor do I have any access to their mansion in Delhi. If you don’t remember, they are staying there and we have no access there.”

“Whatever it is, If they are together, we have to change our plan. We need to act fast or things will get out of hand. This girl is still new and with a commoner tag. Things can still come to our favor.” said a worried Randhir.

Then Sudhir looked at Naintara “How is your brother, Arjun Rathod doing?”

Naintara had a smile on her face “He is doing very great. Busy in his love life” They all smiled.


Annie was all ready for party, she checked herself and then went to check on her Bhabhi

“Bhabhi you look beautiful” she checked her out as Geet smiled. 

“How is it going with Bhai” she raised her eyebrows to tease her and Geet as her usual blushed with his name

“OMG… see the color of your face, just at his mention. Aisa bhi kya kerte hain” Annie laughed. geet hit her shoulder “Shut up, he is your brother”

“I know, but I can’t imagine him doing anything other than serious business.” she laughed. Geet did not say much.

Geet was readied for the party by the attendant ladies, who left the room when Annie entered. Annie checked Geet out, giving her little final touch. 

While checking her “Bhabhi, I have something important to talk to you.” Geet smiled

“Yes. I am there for you.”

“Not now. Tomorrow we can talk.”

“Sure.” Geet assured. Raja sahib has given her responsibility to handle all family issues and she will do her best. He has shown his trust in her. But where was he? For sure busy with much more important stuff than her, she pouted to herself.

She came down all ready in pink heavy saree, jewelry and makeup enough to make her look elegant and apart from others but still kept subtle and nothing overdone. She didn’t need anything on her to get her hubby bowled over but this was formal gathering

As she she was descending downstairs his eyes were glued to her and so was hers. He was naturally handsome and had capability to take her heart away by just his one look or smile or mere his presence. But in this formal party suit, her heart just floated to be in his arms and swing there. And thus both their eyes were locked for long. People around did not miss the strong attraction between husband-wife. Some were super happy with the view while some were burning and hating the sight.

Raja Sahib, involuntarily went up the stairs to receive his wife. The dinner party as usual was Royal and elegant. But now Geet has her hubby, Annie or Vicky by her side. Dadima was busy with guests. But Geet felt that tomorrow morning she had to talk to Dadima. Maybe it was her illusion but still she cannot sit still but check if she, by mistake has upset Dadima. And she will handle it all by herself and not burden her hubby with extra worry.

Everyone Danced and at the end the Royal couple were invited on stage. They moved steps together, their body in sync, he twirled her effortlessly in the air, she let him take the lead and followed his steps, the oneness and natural sync between them could be felt with their dance. The people were awed and clapped as he took her in the air with both hands on her waist, then slid her down, his hand sensually feeling the skin of her almost bare back. Then he swiftly twirled her again on the ground and then with one hand on her back and one on her soft petite waist bent her backward, moved forward himself to bring his face very close to her  “”Hooo “”Haaa” the hall sang on their dance.

After the Dance ended, the spotlight was still on the Royal couple. He held her hand proudly in his, ask the person on side for a mic

“Attention everyone” Hall silenced with his words

“I have an announcement to make. I am here to announce a gift for the people of Kalsia and the same gift for my dear wife.” Geet looked at him surprised, what more gift does he have for her

“I am going to give my wife a Grand marriage on our first Anniversary” Geet looked at him, all awed. He looked at her and there was a very brief yet strong eyelock. He then turned to audience

“And this Grand Marriage will happen in Kalsia and the whole Kalsia is invited to witness as we renew our marriage vows, which will hold more meaning as we now know and understand each other much better.”

He ended his speech leaving each and every person in the hall surprised and some again shocked.

Thanks again to my dear readers for your love to this story. smiley31

There is lots and lots to come up in their journey and their love saga will have to cross various path. So Stay Tuned.

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