Mr ? … completed

1 years ago

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Mr... ? (2)

Once George had taken his leave  Rishabh put light to his cigar, sat further back in his chair to inhale and then exhale in a sigh of relief then looked at the small box in front of him. 

Prerna had never mentioned these but 

he always imagined his wife to be someone who would keep a memoir. Her eyes frequently carried the unspoken and that unspoken had to be held somewhere other then in those eyes of hers. 

Addressed to a “Mr … ?“ 

He read upon  the cover of the first letter he picked up.

“Bajaj my love, Bajaj” he whispered smiling at the thought of a college going Prerna having written these. Turning the letter around he used the letter opener George had left behind,  took out unfolded what seemed like a very old and fragile piece  of paper and leaned back in his chair to read. 


Khat kyun? Shayad yuhi

(“Why letters?, well maybe just because..”)


He read the very first few words in writing he recognised even today.

Sitting silently for moment he reflected  knowing there was more to It then just that. Maybe one could  write aimlessly to pass the time but over years he’d  learnt that one would only make the effort to put  pen to paper when they had something to share, when they longed to be heard.


“Meena ka koi chakar sarur hai ..“

“I think Meenas got a admirer who sends her flowers she seems to have a different flower in her hair everyday these days.. not that I’m jealous or anything ..”


Rishabh raised a eyebrow at the thought of the Sharma’s house help caught in a scandal to start with however he did feel quite satisfied having fulfilled his wife’s inclination for floral gifts over the years.


“Ek chota sa ghar..”

(“A modest home, a little space to grow plants, a swing, a study  and small kitchen .. p.s we’re taking  it in turns to cook ..”)


Their home was neither modest or small and they’d never been a time when he’d cooked for her. His own aspirations were  always to have the grandest lifestyle especially after loosing Kukis mother. He hadn’t stopped to ever think that Prerna would have wanted different.


“ Na khubsurat, na kuch khaas..shayad ma sahin kehti hai I should stop dreaming..

(I’m not beautiful, or special..)      


Rishabhs eyes began to narrow at this one making a mental note to have words with both women later.


“Barish ko dekhna, suna is mein bhigna adat banti ja rahin hai..ajeeb sa sakoon hai isme..”

(“Watching it rain, listening to the rain at the window or standing under has become my favourite pass time.. i find it strangely calming.”)


Now maybe that’s why little Sneha had such a fondness for rain thought Rishabh with a smile. She must have taken after her mother.


“Aaj ek pal ke liyey aisa laga jaise aap ne awas  di.. ” 

(“For a second I thought I heard you call out to me”)


And Rishabh knew exactly the look Prerna gave him at times when she for whatever reason thought he’d called out to her when he hadn’t. He’d be sure to pay more attention to her in those moments now.


There were many more letters filled with  desires, complaints, stories, happiness and sadness but above all Prernas letters seemed to be filled with longing.

“More tea sir?” asked George who had come to clear cutlery he’d bought to the room over a hour ago now. 

“No thank you,” said Replied Rishabh lifting his eyes from one of his letters.

Later his visitors were Sneha and Kuki who wished to kiss him good night.

Some more time on Rishabh  heard Prerna enter their room, pace around the bedroom in her own evening routine before entering the proch where he was sat. Like every other evening she cleared the space around him. Took away his cigar tray, put down a jug of water, put down his slippers., this this around It made Rishabh reflect on whether he’d really provided Prerna with the life she wanted. When she was done with the little things  stopped to perch by his side with  the intention to tell him it was time to take some rest  now but in doing so she happened to see what Rishabh was reading before he put it aside. 

“I asked George to throw those away!”

“And he did the right thing and bought them to me” said  Rishabh taking off his glasses and loooking up at her perched on the side of his chair.

She looked cross, felt incredibly betrayed and  embarrassed as she walked away disgruntled. 

“Not a word to George!” Called out Rishabh knowing come morning she’d forgotten all about it.

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Comments (8)

The letters were written to him, only she didn't know it at that time. So he owns them now.

1 months ago

So short :(
Oh I wonder what will Rishab do now.. fulfill her wishes maybe?

1 years ago

62 views in the first 30 mins thank you silent readers.. 🙏🏽

1 years ago

I love the way you write RB 😘, it's just as I imagined him to be in the show 😍 stern & reserved yet soft & expressive for those he loved, loyal & sophisticated but ruthless in order to protect his own, mature & wise yet clueless in some matters with a yearning to be loved 😍...oh what could have been 😔
I'm so glad we have your moments & writing to look forward too so thank you soo much, it's really appreciated 😘

1 years ago