Nishant's Horrible side

1 years ago

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Sanyogita felt a vacuum inside of her. Old happy , funny memories of all those times which they spent in each other's arms started to flash before her blurry water eyes as if they were alive . When you love someone, including the last hope you have in life, at the end of the day it will be only you who will get hurt most, even in minor mistakes of your partner . 

Here Sanyogita was upset with Prithvi not because he shouted at her and didn't trust her truth , she was already aware of his angry personality , but the thing which hurt her most, the first time he was going to raise his hand to her . She was hurt. One night had passed, yet he didn't show any concern for her, not even he tried to talk to her when they were in the office. She tried her best not to sob but her adamant eyes formed fresh tears every moment after weeping.

She remembers those 5 months how difficult it was for her to see her love lying in the hospital like a non-living object , occupied with equipment , and ventilators. 

She didn't take the car in which she came with Prithvi daily in the office , seeing her outside driver come to her but she refused to take a lift . Instead, she took a cab, it’s been more than a decade now she wants all the answers of those brushes , After collecting the details of the famous house Mr. Ranawat villa , 

It was 1:40 in the afternoon when the cab driver stopped the car in front of a large white villa . Sanyogita came out of the Cab. 

She looked at the surroundings, everything was looking renovated, she understood the caretaker of the house would maintain everything neat and clean. As she took steps she felt the knot in her stomach . The watchman halted her ,

“MemSaab , whom do you want ?”

“ I want to meet Mr. Nishant Ranawat “

“Okay what a few minutes I ask  Sir , then you can go inside “

Awareness of these formalities She told the watchman “ I’m Mrs Malhotra, daughter-in-law of the famous Malhotra company and here I came to meet your owner Mr.Nishant Ranawat , he knew me, he is the friend of my husband Mr. Prithviraj Malhotra “

The watchman scrutinised Sanyogita carefully , from her demeanour and clothes anybody could guess she belonged to a rich family . 

The watchman was still hesitating , this time Sanyogita opened her purse and showed the man her ID card of Office  , 

“Okay, Memsaab, you can go inside “ 

“Hmm” Sanyogita nodded her head and looked forward. As She was walking ahead thought she had reached one step closer to the killer of her elder sister . She pressed the calling button of the door which was opened on the 4th ring.

She saw a worker who asked her the same thing as the watchman. She did the same thing . The worker told her to wait in the living room .They were all busy today and tonight a guest would come .

Sanyogita wasn’t ready to hear any buk buk from the worker who told her to take a seat but she preferred standing. As long as she sorted out the matter she would take a breath in the open , fresh air .

Nishant came downstairs, after getting the information Mrs Malhotra, more specifically  Mrs Sanyogita Malhotra had come to meet him . The news surprised him more that she came alone, not with Prithvi “ What could be the urgency there , she wanted to meet him ?”

“ Namaste Bhabhi “ He greeted her with politeness “ I’m very glad you came to our house but you should inform me first how could you come here?? Did Prithvi tell you the address ?? where is he ??” 

Sanyogita looked at Nishant with a light smile  but deep down controlled her anger “ No Prithvi Didn't come Only I. “

Nishant gave her a sharp glance , the Sanyogita laughed gently understanding he must be found it strange, and said  “ don’t you say to your bhabhi to take a seat “ 

Nishant found her strange although he liked it and said with a warming smile “ yes, Bhabhi…please sit..

Sanyogita sat on the sofa opposite Nishant.

He said to the worker to bring some refreshments for her.

“Stop , I didn't come here to take any refreshments, I have an important meeting from 2:30, but this meeting of us between you and me is also important “

Nishant looked at Sanyogita with confusion “ Bhabhi what are you talking about? Couldn't you get your point ?”

Sanyogita smirked, “ How could you get it? Anyway, without wasting time, let's come to the point . “ she took out a photograph from her bag and showed it to him 

“Remember ?? She sounded interrogating  

Although Nishant looked at the photo, the expression on his face showed nothing. “ What happened? why are you showing me this photo ..I mean who is she ?”

“Don’t you seriously recognise her ?”” She asked once again 

“No” he nodded his head sideways 

“how..strange ..okay let me tell you step by step. I know people forget many more things …” tinge of sarcasm found in the voice of Sanyogita who continued “ she is Miss Janvi Sharma''' ''""Sanyogita   looked at Nishant whose face shows nothing, not even his body language

Sanyogita proceeds “ Daughter of Mr. Mehul Sharma and Mrs. Nilima Sharma . Mehul Sharma was a professor at Delhi University, and Janvi Sharma was his eldest daughter who also was in the same university .  A polite, sincere , studious girl , the apple of the eyes of her parents . She had a big dream, and wanted to make her own identity to make herself proud of her parents …

“Bhabhi, what are you talking about? I couldn't understand ?? Who is this Janvi Sharma ..this Mehul Sharma ..and more than that why are you telling me about them ?””

Sanyogita looked at Nishant with a steady gaze and said  with a smirk “soon everything will get clear to you ..just let me complete my words ..”

Nishant looked at her with a frown before he could say Sanyogita continued , she stood up and started to walk into the living room as if she become a detective who solved the mystery and caught the main culprit “ Janvi Sharma, one of the best student of his school, an idol of her youngest sister , like others girl she too once a free soul , had an indomitable personality , a captivating aura . There was hardly anyone who didn't adore her ,  but unfortunately, fate twisted its devil game for which she wasn't responsible for not being at all.. ..Some egoistic, powerful , dishonest , cruel, heartless people snatched everything from Janvi , and snatched her father . Janvi wanted to fight , she wasn't a coward, but how much she tried blind society couldn't see her brushes , Dumb people could not hear her screamed , “Sanyogita's eyes become watery, she control her tears and engulfed a deep breath and said aloud 

“ Some cowards , polluted, garble of society took out the last hope of her life from her , they killed her, what was her fault ?? What did she do to them ? Why did they kill her ? “

Nishant got up and said “ Bhabhi , I’m sorry don’t know who is this Janvi Sharma , I feel bad for her .I have my empathy for her family , whatever happened we can't rearrange it but if you want you should go to the police even if you want I will talk with a lawyer regarding this case ,  they will definitely help you to give justice to her “

Sanyogita turned completely to him , and gave him a tight smile “ Yes , I’ll soon reach both Police and Lawyer , she has to get justice , how could she not ? Even though she was the victim yet society threw mud at her while her culprits roamed around the city with the open button of their clothes ''

Nishant looked at Sanyogita moreover and  found her estranged, he gave her a consenting smile which faded away when he heard 

“That’s why I came here to alert the most important person responsible for her disaster what’s the step I’m going to take “

Nishant looked at her with a brooding frown yet showed nothing suspicious in his demeanour “ Bhabhi what are we talking about? I couldn't catch you ?”

Sanyogita continued “ I recognised you Nishant Ranawat , …among those 4 boys you are also involved  Including those three friends  of yours Reyansh  Shah , Daksh singh and Gautam Kaur “

Nishant glanced at her with Sharp eyes, 

Sanyogita looked at him with hatred “Nishant Ranawat , don’t you want to know who this Janvi Sharma is ?? Why am I talking about her to you ??? Did you lose your memory or pretend to lose it ? I’m the youngest sister of Miss Janvi Sharma . Sanyogita Sharma”

“What rubbish are you talking about ??? and who are these people ? I don’t know anyone among them ?”

“Nishant Ranawat don’t forget you were in the same batch as my sister in 2008, in the academics they definitely have those records of yours and even in the police station where my father complained still would be there, how much you tried to close the case but the truth can't be removed, now I’ll tell the entire world you are the killer of my sister , Now I can understand where you left for the USA you wanted to show to the world you don’t know anyone among of your past . How much power you got but this time no one can stop me  , not even any sources of yours shout my voice  . “

“Bhabhi I said stop it, I know your sister, Yes there was a girl named Janvi who used to hang out with various boys in the college . She was a characterless girl . “


“Don’t shout , I never imagined you are the sister of that depraved girl, now I haven't the least empathy for her ..”

“ My sister wasn't a depraved girl, it was you and Reyansh, Daksh and Gautam who are the brutes and soon I’ll prove it in court , you people are the killer of my sister . you people abuse her and bring darkness in her life , you rapist” 

“ Just shut up !!!!  if you aren't Prithvi’s wife unless ….” he stopped and continued “ And I never disrespect any women “

Sanyogita laughed and smirked “unless what??  wahh…You are reminding me that hypocrite man who bestowed flowers in the feet of Goddess in the morning and the darkness keeps their lousy sight on a woman “

“Bhabhi “

“Don’t call me Bhabhi , you are a woman-eating monster , “

“Just , listen too much , it was my modesty so I kept patience with you ..unl…

Sanyogita cut him in short “ Patience “ she laughed in sarcasm “ You lost your tolerance only this much ..just think about my sister only for you peoples everyone blames her , taunts her , throw disgrace her ..told her abuse languages ….My father whom everyone used to admire since morning to evening started to mock him , and insult him. Only for you people, I lost both of them together. Why did you trap her ? What was her fault ? in your lust you forget the person who gives birth was also the daughter of someone, how could you do that? don’t your heart burst out in shame''''

“Stopppppp your melodrama , How could you blame me ? itna bada ghinona ilzaam lage hue sharam nahi aayi ?? Before I thought I wouldn't tell Prithvi but now ..I’m going to do this..

“Ohh!! C'mon, Just call him …Maybe he is now blindfolded but now I have a proof ..everyone will have to believe in me “

“Prove ?? what prove ?””

“I have a photograph of you with my Sister, I got it from one of my sister's friends . She is still in touch with me. She gave this photo to me , in the picture everything is clear. She even had seen  you two kissing on a night in college function when you came to meet Janvi di at the costume room …it was then she clicked the photo, even Manshi di was too there ”[ Janvi’s college friends ]

“Hey just shut up , we never kissed in the costume room, and for your sister  it was in the parking slot I kissed Janvi first “

Sanyogita looked at Nishant with a victorious smile

There was silence. 

Sanyogita continued “11 years is such a long time. I knew it was in the parking slot …but the thing is this you pile up millions of false to hide the truth and I said just single false to slip out the truth from your mouth anyway there wasn't such a photograph , I was lying “

Nishant looked at her with a blank arrow 

“Don’t worry , soon I 'll send you to jail along with those three friends of yours “

Nishant looked at Sanyogita with a smirk and laughed “ Who is gonna believe you, have you any proof?”

“Right I don't but soon I’ll have it “

“Then come only when you have it with you, Till then just get lost .”

“Now I’m going but soon I’ll pull you into the court '' Sanyogita started to walk then saw two tall stout men , in black T-shirts and pants standing before her .

She took a step on another side then one man among them two blocked her path 

“What happen ?””

“Madam , give your bag to us ?”

“What ??

“Yes ,”

“I’ll never.  don’t you know who I am”

“Madam it’s the rule of our house “

“Yes, sweetheart , until you show your bag to them they will never allow you to proceed “


To be continued..... 

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Comments (8)

How is Prithvi planning to trap Nishant?

1 years ago

Maya and Arjun are cute. Their boy and girl fight. Just have a baby already.

1 years ago

Nishant's father married a young woman. Prithvi did not even know.

1 years ago

Nishant kept his real face hidden from many. His father has no idea.

1 years ago

Wonderful✨😍 Priya .. Just loved it👍 well I think it's justified & good that right on time Prithvi & Sanyogita approach Nishanth with logical & substantial evidence so that he is really trapped in his own web & now after this law won't spare him
Celebrating the good news kn Malhotra mansion was really beautiful & good that prithvi didn't share the news of Nishanth this time otherwise it would spoil the mood of everyone & they didn't wanted it to happen
Finally Prithvi & Sanyogita have to be extra alert because of new coming life but it should not make loose hold on Nishanth as this time things have gone bit far
Thanks for the PM
Continue soon🤗🤗

1 years ago