Royal Training

2 years ago

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In Palace, Raja Sahib stopped coming for breakfast. Geetanjali was much needed to make her presence there and two cannot be at same place as per her condition.  And he preferred his study rather than the junk lot of his extended family. His watch on her would always be from far, always from behind though.

All were seated. Dadima was seated on one head chair and in Raja Saheb’s seat, opposite of Dadima, Geet was seated. Viccky and Annie on either side of Geet. Rest all burned. Young girl, a commoner coming and taking the next head seat. But it was Raja Sahib’s instruction. He will not be present and Geetanjali will take his place.

Dadima introduced Geet to Everyone

“Geetanjali – You should know of other members of palace.” She did not use family members. Words were chosen very specifically here.

So Geet was introduced to

Eldest Uncle – Sudhir and his wife Rachna;

Second eldest Uncle – Randhir and his wife Sweta;

Bua – Rashmita and her husband Bhushan. They smiled at her as she joined hands to say Namaste to them.

The other members were then introduced – Dev and Devika – kids of Sudhir and Rachna. Dev was married to Naintara. Naintara tried to show style of Royalty to Geet, which did not have much effect on Geet. Geet had pride of her own. She was happy to be what she was. She may be childish and fun loving but her confidence was always high. And this was another thing that Dadima had liked in her and thought she was the right choice.

Rohit and Rohan – Son of Ranhdir and Shweta. Rohit was married to Brinda.

Bua ji’s kids were not here. They were at their father’s place. Buaji was also expected to not stay here but she would keep coming here every now and then and settle herself. This was a palace and why her eyes would not be on the money here. But Raja Sahib’s Father, Rajendra Singh Khurana, Raja Sahib before the current one, himself has not allowed her permanent stay here after marriage. All he needed was logical reason to shoo the lot away.

Geet was wondering as why these people were not active in the marriage and standing like guest. Dadima did not speak the word STEP at breakfast table, she would later explain all to Geetanjali. And Geet – she has never come across any step relation kind of thing in her life. So she never guessed them to be step relation.

“Raja sahib – very cunning person he must be. How he has taken all positions above his uncles. How all these elders have no say and he have taken all the powers in his hand. Geet, you need to be very careful of that man” she warned herself

“Beta – all these members stay on other side of the palace, so you may see them little less.”

Clearly showing others their place in palace.

But rest had clear eye on Geetnjali. She was new to this whole thing, did not know how Royal politics work and on top, she did not like Raja Sahib much. What a fool she was; got everything served on plate and did not know the value of it. Anyways, it was good for them. She was the weakest link and can be used to seep inside the strong wall that Raja Sahib has made.

Geet was under strict training and presentation. But she was irked with way he kept keen watch on her acts. Sending direction for her and she had to abide. Eventually her image was going great. Her own charm and confidence definitely was key but her childish behavior many a times would be on verge messing things up. And those were times when he would send strict instructions.

Like she was given strict instruction to not speak about palace and its place. She has to talk to people about them and not spill things about herself or Palace. Geet loved talking and sharing everything with everyone, but he restricted her to talk about herself, only limited.

“Dushta… he keeps eyes on me. I don’t know anything about him but he knows everything I am doing” All her conditions were only going against her.

One day, she was planned to meet some high officials of estate. They would introduce her to them. Dadima had trained her but Geet was irked with Raja Saheb ruling her life.

That day Geet got late, reason, she was lost in view outside her window. Someone running in the ground in his black vest and track. How his body moved, how his body was so well-toned. It was view from far but her heart skipped beat at the sight. There was deep urge to know the person. His movements were so well formed. But what’s the use, she was married to some boring Raja Saheb. She shied.

So she was late. Though Annie and Viccky handled it as per Raja Saheb’s immediate instructions. But he did not let it go easily. Her phone was taken away from her for couple of days. She was prohibited from using any internet or social media. He very well knew, what would hurt which person most.

“Dusta… no he is a monster. Dusta Danav.” She was so irritated even with his name.

The other day, at breakfast, Annie and Viccky were going gaga about their Bhai over something and Geet, who was already upset with him moved from there. She walked in anger in stairs and slipped but was soon held by a strong hand from her waist. The hold was so protective. Person just held her from one hand, yet she felt so safe and cocooned in that hold. There was something intoxicating about the person and his protective hold. It felt exactly like the other day.

He left her and moved out, while she was lost in the feel. It brought jingle in her belly. She went to her room, sat on bed and let the feel sink in. She closed her eyes to take that in. His strong hold on her delicate waist. As if those hands owned her. She just wanted to give in to that hold. But then came back to reality – What’s the use. All this beautiful feel, that handsome man that day, in his tracks; these encounter to an unknown hold; these are just dream for her. Her life has been given to Raja Saheb. Not now, but one day she has to accept this relation and give herself to Raja Saheb as wifely duty. She dreaded that day.

A week passed and Raja Saheb left Kalsia for business purpose. It had couple of reason;

Everyone should know how Rani Sahiba handled things well behind Raja Saheb and other he had stayed more than needed in Kalsia. His business and other important stuff needed his attention.

Where he left and what was his itinerary no one knew, except Annie, Viccky and Dadima and few of his trusted.

Extended family were always intrigued to know but his intelligence system was way beyond them.

So Geet was doing all Royal duties in Kalsia, waiting for her one month to finish. She obviously knew very less at start but slowly learned a lot by doing it practically. Dadima’s instructions and Raja Saheb’s weird punishment if she made mistake, made her learn and do things.

Her image was shining in Kalsia though; it was all background work of Raja Saheb but her charm on top made wonder. She had fallen in love with people here. The love that they showered made her forget the cruelty of her Dusta Danav of palace.

She definitely did not give any credit to Dushta Danav of her life. But it was all her charm as per her. Not knowing anything about huge amount of background work he had done, to eliminate the messes she was creating many a times.



NOTE: So many has confusion regarding Geet not knowing who Raja Saheb is. Here are few below points.

1st Geet does not need any internet to know her own husband. He is right in front of her. She intentionally doesn’t want to know about him, till she is mentally ready for relation.

2nd – He is Raja Saheb for Kalsia and Family. He is Maan Singh Khurana for outside Business world.

Even extended family does not know about his business world name. They are not allowed any entry in Khurana premise outside Kalsia for security reason. They are biggest threat for Raja Saheb along with Business Rival, who are threat to MSK. And these two identity are intentionally kept separate since his childhood. It was his father’s own idea.

3rd – Neither MSK nor Raja Saheb is face of Khurana Enterprise. It is Vikrant Khurana, as it was presented in 1stupdate itself. He is the one who handles media and public conference. Real business is handled by MSK and only top direct clients know MSK. Rest interact with Vikrant Khurana.

Geet – She is just a Graduate student. Just passed her Bachelor’s Degree. Her life is attending college, hanging around with friends and being scolded and pampered at home. There is lot to come for Geet's character development. So request to please bear with her.smiley42

Thanks for your encouragement with the story. More likes and comments will only encourage me to give better updates and improvise my writing. smiley1

-Anu smiley31

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Comments (3)

Chapter 7
Lovely update…. Greatly written
well Raja Saheb does not come for breakfast taking Geet’s condition into consideration
good that he is watching her from afar
wow Geet is seated in Raja Saheb’s position
of cos his family is jealous seeing this
great that dadima introduces Geet to the extended family
nice that Geet is unaffected by Naintara
Geet is indeed different and is happy as she is but her confidence is high
Geet’s thoughts are reasonable
can understand why dadima did not mention that they are Maan’s step family
not surprised with Geet’s thoughts about Raja Sahib
glad that dadima showed the step family their place
oh so the step family have a clear eye on Geet and know she is the weakest link
I am sure that they will use this to their advantage
so Geet is under strict training
pleased that her image is going well thus far
as expected she is upset that keeps an eye on her and sends strict instructions
she cribs about this
liked Geet admiring her Raja Sahibunaware that he is her hubby
oh she was late and Raja Sahib punished her
Gosh they collide into each other
yet again affected by his closeness
loved that she knows that she has to one day accept her relation with Raja Sahib
sad that she dreads that day
when will she be mentally prepared to accept the relationship?
looking forward to her reaction when she meets her hubby
sad that Raja Sahib left for business
at least Geet has fallen with the people of Kalsia
she does her duties well and has learned much
Thanks to Raja Sahib, her image is shining
he does much in the background and she is clearly obvious

2 years ago

Re... Reading. I'mamazed how understanding raja sahib is!

2 years ago

Fabulous Chapter

Geet has drawn her own assumption that Raja Saheb must be
an old man while she seems attracted to the handsome stranger
that helps her from falling
wonder what she will do when she realizes the stranger is Raja Saheb
Geet's personality helps her to talk with the people of Kalsia
and she has no idea Raja Saheb had laid the ground work for her
but yes she needs to realize when it comes to her duties she needs
to take them more serious

2 years ago