Conditional Marriage

2 years ago

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Conditional Marriage


Raja sahib, kept the letter on the table and got busy with the line of work. He checked on security of his siblings and Dadima.

His own security was handled by Vicky. Viccky can be casual but Raja Saheb was way above everything for him. He can go any length for his wellbeing, his security and his happiness. So Raja Saheb knew, his security at hand of Viccky was more than 100 percent perfect. He has intentionally given this to Viccky. Give him sense of responsibility.

He checked on few more important notes and then before retiring to bed, took letter of his would-be wife Geetanjali.

Letter read

“Mr. Raja Saheb” smile automatically formed on his face. Who writes Mr. Raja Saheb. Ok he proceeded with letter

“Mr. Raja Saheb,

I am your would-be Wife Geetanjali. To tell you the truth, marrying any prince was never my choice and you are not any prince but the Raja Saheb itself, way above prince. Sounds completely not my type. But I have said yes to this marriage because my parents think that you are perfect groom for me, I don’t think so though. I have agreed to this marriage because I trust my family and on top they are so happy with this alliance. My saying No would break their heart, which I can’t do.

I am a common girl, who enjoys free life. I love my friends, love hanging around with them, partying with them. I even love late night party with my friends and in super love with social media. My friends call me social media queen.

I don’t really know the life of Royal people like you and I am not interested either.

Ok, now coming to the point; I have two condition for this marriage and I have my reasons. You are not compelled to agree to them though, as I have already said yes to the alliance. But it will give me confidence if you be generous enough to agree to my below two conditions.

  1. I don’t want to see you or meet you or have any interaction with you before or after marriage till I feel confidence in this marriage. I hope you understand as this is completely unexpected alliance for me.
  2. I want you to allow me to lead my life as it is until I myself feel or until I am ready to take the new life style. I have already explained my lifestyle to you and I hope you will not interfere.

Your would-be wife,


P.S: – I am sorry if the letter format is not your type. I don’t know how to write letter to Royal people.”

He kept the letter aside and tried to retire for the day. But the unique letter of his would be wife took his brain away.

Raja Saheb has till date nothing else to think about other than his responsibility. His night would end with planning of next day and day would start with Aarti and the going thru his reviewing his responsibility for the day, week, month and year.

But today, this unique letter compelled him to think about him. Her questions were all for her but she will be related to him, become his wife and then his prime responsibility, adding to one new feather in list of his already long list of responsibilities.

He would have expected Dadima to find someone who would have been responsible enough to share his responsibility. One whom he could shed his share of responsibilities but life was full of challenge for him. The more he took, the more came in. From this letter he could clearly see, this girl would not be less than any further challenge to him. But anyways, he was used to ignore his needs and this marriage for him was for his Dadima.

But as he thought, he realized, Geetnajali’s letter may be unique in its own way but what he liked, was her truth. Like most people he has met, most girls that he met in his circle all sweet talked him. They all would be dying to be with him. He knew his aura and power and its effect on people very well.  But she was first girl to challenge him. She has challenged him to make her accept this relation on her condition. Further pondering on it, he found no reason to find she was wrong anywhere in the letter. His not agreeing to her condition would be show of power. He could show his power to others that too if needed. But she will be family. It was already decided; she will be his wife. And so he had made his decision.

Couple of days passed and Messenger from Maharani Savitri Devi delivered letter to be directly handled to Geetanjli Ji.

Geet came home late after a movie time with her friends

“Geetanjali Jiiiii” teased Rajji

“What?” Everyone at home was smiling at her

“What? I really am expecting scolding for this movie night. See we had plan for afternoon movie but I was lost talking on the counter and by mistake we got late evening ticket. Abb baton baton me galtiyan ho jati hai bas.”

Brij came and made her sit “All you do is mistakes. But now we have no right of scolding a would be Rani Sahiba of Raja Saheb”

“Veerji, please. You know I hate these Royal titles. I am Geet and Geet. For them I will always be Geetanjali but for you guys, always your Geet”

“OK, take this love letter from Raja Saheb”

“Love letter my foot.”

At Night Geet opened the letter to read. She was sure he must have denied her condition. Raja Saheb’s ego must have hurt. A commoner placing condition.

Letter Read:

“Hellow Geetanjali,

Hope this letter find you in good health.

I very much appreciate the frankness with which you have placed your point. Who am I to agree or not agree to your choice. It’s your life and your choice. If you do not wish to see me before or after marriage till you are not comfortable in the relation, who am I to force you to interact or see me. I promise to keep myself away from your sight till you show your wish to lead your life with me.

Regarding your lifestyle, if you wish to continue your lifestyle the way you are, be assured from my side that this marriage will not be reason for you to discontinue your ways of leading life. Like I don’t want anyone to change my ways towards life, I respect the same for you too.

In short, I agree to both your points. But being said that there are couple of few things that I want to let you know.

Marrying to me means your equation in society will change and with that the danger of Royal life that always linger on my head will also be same for you. Thus after you have read this letter and gives your Yes once again for marriage to my messenger, there will be security system setup for you. You will never feel them and roam around freely wherever you want but it will always be there.

Other point, though I will never ever interfere in your lifestyle, till you yourself give me that right but you will have to strictly lead a complete Royal life for 1st one month of our marriage. This is the need and thus I give no choice to you. After that one month you are free to live your life your way.

Yours Would-Be husband,

Raja Saheb

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-Anu smiley31

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Comments (4)

Chapter 3
Intriguing update…. Amazingly written
liked that Vicky can go to any extent for Raja Saheb
The siblings share a great bond
finally he read Geetanjali’s letter
loved Geet addressing him as Mr Raja Saheb brought a smile on his face
as expected Geet is honest and direct in the letter
she tells him why she agreed to marry him
great that she reveals about herself, her lifestyle and what she likes
oh so she is a social media queen… how will Maan handle this?
well she has two conditions
one – she does not want to see him before or after marriage until she is confident in this marriage and two she wants to continue to live her lifestyle until she is ready to take on the new lifestyle
glad that her letter forced Maan to think about himself
sad that he is so wrapped up in responsibilities
can understand that he expected Geet to assist him with his responsibilities
alas that’s not the case
of cos he likes that she was honest with him
she is indeed different from others
he is happy that she is unaffected by his aura and power
she is indeed a challenge to him
at least he understands her points and that she was not wrong
great that he replied to her
enjoyed Geet’s family teasing her
nice that she says she will always be Geet
hate that she has judged him and assumes he would refuse her conditions
pleased with Maan’s response to her
not surprised that he agrees to her conditions but security is will always be there
he does assure her that he will never interfere in her lifestyle till she gives him the right
so he wants her to lead a royal lifestyle for the first month of their marriage
will she agree?
wonder how they will manage all this?

2 years ago

Was für tolles Kapitel, bin schon gespannt wie es weiter gehen wird. 😊👍

2 years ago

Fantastic Chapter

Both Geet and Raja Saheb has wrote their letters
to each other sharing their Points and needs
I like the fact that Raja Saheb agreed to her all demands

2 years ago