Mrs George

2 years ago

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Here’s a mini mini moment to get us started again..

“Mrs” George 

George looked at his old ford cortina wondering how he was going to get it back up and running before tomorrow in time to take ‘Mrs George’ for their yearly anniversary drive. He didn’t have the heart to break it to her that he hadn’t managed to start the car for weeks nor could he find anyone who would fix it at a reasonable price.

With the rain coming down hard on the garage roof George’s old umbrella was a godsent shading him from the little rain that came down from the old roof. Opening up the bonnet of the car George’s eyes sighed from beneath his half moon glasses. Where to start he wondered.

Hearing a set of unexpected footsteps did George look up to see Rishabh. 

“Mr Bajaj ?”

“Go and put the kettle on George Leave this to me.” Said Rishabh with warm eyes. 

Mrs Bajaj must have been the messenger thought George feeling very grateful. 

 “Right away” said George with a smile handing Rishabh the umbrella. 

In no time at all Rishabh was done in fact it took him as long as it took George to brew a pot of tea.

He walked into the greens kitchen and there was Mrs Green sat at the kitchen table with her writers pad and pencil. 

Mrs green wrote for the local newspaper and was trying desperately to come up with a idea for her first every book.

“Mrs Green” said Rishabh softly

“Mr Bajaj ? smiled Mary.”I didn’t know you were here.” She replied her surprised eyes were ever so gentle Just like her.

“Just helping George ..” answered Rishabh before George quickly rushed in with his words.

.. “With the roof !” Added George and Rishabh realised he needed to keep quite about the car. 

“Oh I’ve been telling George to get that roof replaced for years” complained Mrs Green but she seemed to be more upset with her writers pad then with the roof as she scribbled pushing her writers pen into the pad like she was annoyed 

‘Writers block mimed George silently to so Rishabh  could understand Mrs Greens mood today. George poured two cups of tea from a porcelain pot whilst Rishabh stepped over to the sink and washed his hands. 

“I’ll get that said George when the phone rang leaving Rishabh with his wife.”

“Help you’re self to a cookie Mr Bajaj. I made a fresh batch this morning said Mary with smiling eyes”. Well they only smiled when she took her eyes off her writing. Every time she went back to the pad she looked cross.

“Oh I give up, she said and picked up her cup.”

“That’s not the Mrs Green I know” replied Rishabh later and after a silent moment Mr Bajaj watched  the old  ladies eyes light up. Light up but just stare at him like he’d just solved all her problems.

“Mr Bajaj would you let me write a book about you?” Shed’s asked with  such hope in her eyes Rishabh couldn’t refuse”. 

He simply smiled and that was his yes? Well she seemed to think so.

By the time George had returned into the kitchen his wife was all chirpy and bright eyed.

Thank you Mr Bajaj smiled George as his wife’ wrapped him into her hands telling him what the title of her new book was.  

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Comments (9)

He is good to everyone around him. Mrs Green has plenty of material for her book now.

1 months ago

Simple,sweet, considerate and domestic...a moment that gives a sense of peace!

2 years ago

This is so beautifully written.. 😍Thank you after a tiring day at work when you read something like this all the tiredness vanishes. Thank you.

2 years ago

This is so beautiful. A book on Mr bajaj what could be the title.

2 years ago