Bajaj Brothers

3 years ago

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Bajaj Brothers  

“Chachu, chachu” repeated Sneha whilst Kuki was louder both girls having climbed Maheshs bedside to be his alarm clock. 

“Get up, Get up It’s late” 

“Sushhh not so loud chachus  got a headache” warned Prerna knowing her  brother in law would have a hang over. She put down glass of water by his bedside and a aspirin whilst Kuki adorably pulled out a plaster from her rucksack packed for their day trip and stuck it straight onto Maheshs head as he finally sat up in bed.

“Better ?” She asked smiling with her big brown eyes. 

“Much better thank you” smiled Mahesh through his sleepy eyes. 

“Going anywhere nice ?” He asked as he could  see the girls were dressed for a summer day. Kuki with her backpack. 

“To the park for a picnic” 

“Cooool !!!” Replied Mahesh kindling all his childhood spirit. 

“Can I come?” He asked with a smile

That’s when Prerna jumped in

“Chachu is spending the day with your Pa. 

Now let’s go first one to get ready gets icecream” she used her mothering skills to get a moment alone with Mahesh, the girls raced out of the room. 

Prerna could see Mahesh was thinking about what he’d shared with her last night. He knew this .. the Girls, the way had been set up was her doing. 

For the first time in a long time did he feel noticed, apart of a family.


When Mahesh walks into the lounge he notices how empty the house is. Seeing his brother serve his own breakfast at the kitchen counter he can’t help but comment whilst pulling off the plaster Kuki had put on his forehead.

“Where is everyone?” He asked 

“On leave” replies Rishabh who puts down a plate he’d served up In front of his brother. 

“Thank you” replied Mahesh quietly surprised.   

As Rishabh sat down with his own plate they both thought about many  similar moments In their childhood where Rishabh would take care of him. 

After a minute or two of the brothers both cutting into their breakfast Rishabh asked casually. 

“Got any plans?”

“Na” Mahesh rolled off the tip of his tongue. 

“Put a tie on, we’ve got somewhere to go.” 

Replied Rishabh continuing his breakfast. Mahesh raised his eyes from his plate for a moment but decided not to comment. Close yet very distant the pair of them.


A little later as Rishabh straightens his arms into his blazer and walks the hall way leaving his bedroom he passes the guest room where Mahesh is wrestling with his tie in front of the mirror.

“Stupid, who even invented this”  Rishabh watched him mumble.

Walking In he smiled at the awkward shaped knot Mahesh had made.

Turning to Rishabh Mahesh rolled his eyes letting his brother fix his tie for him. 

There was something about this that made Mahesh feel as if Rishabh was telling him that he would always be by his side. 

He was especially when Rishabh put his palm to shoulder. 

“You’re not alone Mahesh” he said looking into his younger brothers eyes warmly. 


Mahesh would drive, the hangover was gone he reassured. He didn’t know where they were going but he followed the directions his brothers gave him. 

Some way on and they came across a car which had broken down and a lady stranded. 

“Pull up” asked Rishabh. 

Mahesh watched as Rishabh got out of the car to help the lady. Taking off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves and looking under the bonnet of the car whilst the lady acted more the damsel in distress then she first seemed on account of Rishabh. 


“Teach me how to do that” Commented Mahesh as Rishabh got back into the passenger seat. 


“Sweet talking the ladies like that” added Mahesh pulling his leg but very serious too! 

“Keep your eyes on the road” snapped Rishabh. 

“You might want to wipe that lipstick stain off” giggles Mahesh to which his brother sighs. 

They drove to a memorial ground where Rishabh had a space for their mother. 

Somewhere they could share their memories and reconnect. 


 When the girls got home from their day out 

They saw the brothers engrossed in a game of cards played on piles of match sticks they seem like they’d been at it for while.

This was a sight for sore eyes thought Prerna.

It wasn’t long before Kuki and Sneha came rushing in Kuki jumped onto the arm of  her pas chair whilst Sneha climbed his lap.

“What you playing? Asked Kuki 

“Snap” replied Mahesh not wanting to introduce the notation of gambling to the girls at this age. Whilst Kuki looked suspicious, she also called out something else. 

“Pa why do you smell like perfume?”

“I’ll let you answer that” smirks Mahesh whilst Rishabh looks around in relief at not seeing Mrs Bajaj in the vicinity. 


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Comments (9)

The brothers connected finally. Rishab does care about him. Now Mahesh knows it.

1 months ago

I’ve moved this into it’s rightful place now

3 years ago

Need to write something new any ideas

3 years ago

So the ice seems to be melting.. it was such a warm update.. love how you portray the emotions even without dialogues.. awesome you are.. LUV RUCHA

3 years ago

I got Ayaan and Asad vibes over mahesh and Rishabh (✿^‿^)

3 years ago

(人 •͈ᴗ•͈) good that you updated FINALLY ( ╹▽╹ )

3 years ago

Finally brothers had a day out

3 years ago