King of hearts

3 years ago

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I’m sorry for all the delay, got swept up in life but I hope you’re all well. Thank you so much for all the nice feedback on the last chapter. 
I know you’ll like this one  🤞🏼 

King of hearts 


“Sir” responds Mr Mehra as Rishabh walks past his office where Prerna happen to be in a conversion with Mehra. Rishabh was leaving the office a little earlier than usual so he could prepare for business talk over dinner. It was no ordinary deal. The acquaintance happened to be royalty. A sheikh to be precise. Something Rishabh took in his stride of course. 

“Prerna” called out Rishabh making eye contact

Passing him a pleasant gaze, to say see you shortly she watched him leave the office. 


Elsewhere at Bajaj house a exquisite table was being laid for  Rishabh and his guest. Fine cutlery and dining. 

Rishabh glanced over the set up and walked  towards the staircase intending to change into yet another suit but before he could he’d been spotted

Da !!!!

Shouted a sweet little voice from down by his  feet and when looked down he could see his youngest looking up at him with her cute little face before pulling at his trouser leg. Seeing the girls bought comfort to any kind of day. His eyes went all cotton wool like and everything seemed to pull him into pa mode. 

Just as he picked up sehna for a cuddle kuki found her way to him with her chess bored under her arm. 


He Spent the time he had with the girls. Whilst Sneha wished to hear her favourite storybook whilst cuddled in his lap Kuki needed chess practice. Managing to do both and at the same time keep both of his princess’s happy made for a picturesque moment. 


When Prerna returned home she expected Mr Bajaj to be dining with his guest but it seemed as if Rishabh had stood up sheikh who sat in wait of Mr Bajaj for sometime already.

“George where is  Mr Bajaj?” whispered Prerna who had smiled at the sheikh hiding her panic about what might have been wrong. 

“I Don’t know mam” replied George in a whisper who had clearly been making up excuses with the guest for a while now.


When Prerna walked into their bedroom her searching mind went pleasantly quiet when she saw the girls in little Cocoons asleep under blankets on their bed.  Rishabh on the other hand looked like he’d fallen to sleep in his chair. Prerna knew all to well that the girls would have wrapped him round their little baby fingers and he wouldn’t have even realised. It made her both smirk and frown as she picked up Snehas soft toy From the floor as she came across it. 

Looking over to her husband who seemed like he was at rest watched Rishabhs chest rise and fall. The signs of stress he carried around him in the office all at ease. She hated to disturb anytime she saw him at rest but there was no other way . 

“Mr Bajaj” she spoke softly running her fingers along the back of his palm that sat against the armchair. Watching him realise and open his eyes after a moment she stayed quiet with her tone as his eyes adjusted. “Dinner?”

“Hmm” he replied in a daze assuming it was dinner with his wife until a moment of realisation had passed. “your guest is waiting” 

If he could have it his way he’d send the sheik packing and spend time with his family.  

With her. 

Prerna very gently yet cleverly and insisted he do the right thing.

Walking around to be closer to his chair, perching on the coffee table in front of him she helps him into his cufflinks. Something he hadn’t  got round to earlier. 

Watching her quietly  appreciating  that quality of hers  which always knew just how to pacify him in all the right ways. Appeal to his ego, remain dutiful but still get her way.

Whether that be the way she straightened the collar of his open shirt to sit better or as she did something as unexpected as reach into his cigar store, cut open a fresh cigar offering it to his mouth. Something she never normally condemned which made this moment rather seductive. “Have a good evening Mr Bajaj...” she said as she ran her fingers though his hair to tidy stray strands and later kiss his forehead leaving him mesmerised. 


“My apologies your highness It’s the first time I’m welcoming royalty into my home my wife insisted I make a effort.” 

“You seem like you rule a few hearts of your own” said the sheikh referring to a family portraits  of Rishabh and the women he loved the most in the world leaving Rishabh feeling grateful. 

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Comments (23)

The sheikh was quite understanding. He must have his own family that he loves.

1 months ago

:( update the next chapter 😭😭

3 years ago

I still no like sneha. I will eat kuki up though yummy baby

3 years ago

Try it. Now. Now means now. N o w w r i t e

3 years ago

Awww what a cute cute moment 😢😢❤️❤️ Papa Rishabh is the best Rishabh Bajaj ever. And I loved Rishabh-Prerna here too.. very sweet moment between them! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3 years ago

Its been really long that u updated.. i loved it how smoothly it was written.. awesome bond Rishabh shares with his kids.. just how selflessness their love is... i loved how he stopped at just a small PA from his cutie.. prerna didn't fret ir got angry when she found him asleep rather she made him the Rishabh bajaj from his Pa mode, that moment was so loving.. i thought sheikh will get angry but he also seemed to read through their family vibes.. loved it totally.. Luv Rucha

3 years ago

Ofc QH2 wants me to nag yoi for writing on it too 😏 will you will you pls will you not willl you not. You will you will.

3 years ago

Awwww u missed me and my nagging
No I hadn't forgotten about the story it's just that you were mia and Everything else, felt that you would discontinue :( so just didn't bother!

3 years ago

Puchi puchi puchi update. Yay aya yay yaya

3 years ago

Of course he's a king of hearts.... This is such an amazing update.....anytime Rishabh spends with his cuties is awe-worthy just like anytime he spends romancing Prerna is drool-worthy 😁....and the Sheikh also seems to understand the Charisma i.e Rishabh Bajaj..... Loved the moment.... And Thank you for taking the time and updating this.... Was so looking forward to getting a new moment from you and this is worth the wait....!!! ❤

3 years ago