Wife number 2

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Lots of love to you all for your likes and comments and kind patience in waiting. Apologies for not being able to respond to you individually.

I thought you'd appreciate a update more than me going through all the comments! 

Honestly and truthfully.. I had no clue what to write until early this morning but here it is. I hope you fill this thread with lots of comments and likes and this becomes your most favourite moment of the lot because I'm surprised at how I've been able to go from nothing to something.!  and now on reflection I'm beginning to like it. 

Wife number 2

Working in the lounge Rishabh paces up and down as he thinks of the right words for an official document he is having dictated when his phone rings.

He takes the call, but hears a muffled sound..

The phone is cut and it rings again this time he hears a distant voice and makes out two words that are repeated.



With no idea why he had been getting miscalls from this number. He decides to get Mehra to trace the call. 

At a distance in Bajaj house Rishabh could hear the clanging of pots and pans, with his wife talking over it all on a conference call.

When he walked just enough into the kitchen he saw a multitasking Prerna.  packing Kukis lunch box, making his dinner, all the whist taking care of the stove and the meeting going on in her ear.

After a few minutes she gasped ..and closed her eyes finally the call was over she took a sigh. Only to forget the stove was on and dinner burning. 

"oh" - she said when she felt Mr Bajaj stood behind her reach out to switch off the stove. 

she looked alert for a moment then twisted herself to find him stood behind her “Thank you” "Aap ko kuch chahiyey tha?"  She asked still worked up.

He simply nodded a no, and took Prernas hands free out of her ear and pushed some loose strands of hair aside.“Go a little easy on yourself Mrs Bajaj”

He spoke softly his eyes considerate of putting too much pressure on her.  She turned to him in explanation.

 I know it’s just  the school is coming up to it’s opening  and Kuki has an exam today and you’re...” she tried to explain why this week was so hectic in a long string of words. 

-“Not another word!” he cut through her sternly when it seemed impossible to get a word in edge ways. 

Feeling him wrap his hands around her shoulders she soon realised that Mr Bajaj wasn’t scolding her for incompetence he was reminding her look after herself.

He said brushing his finger tips across a speckle of flour on her cheek. 

“You need to relax” she took a sigh loud enough for him tohear. 

“I’m taking you on honeymoon” he told her. Whether he’d just decided so or it was preplanned we’d never know.

“Ji ? Is vakt ?” She looked at him like it was a crazy suggestion but he wasn’t asking her he was telling her.

“Where would we go?” She asked as he pulled her closer. She was too distracted by the thought of this impromptu honeymoon to realise he was getting close.

“You choose” he said lingering his lips over her ear and wrapping his arm around her waist.

“All I care for is a ensuit with a nice view and a bed that will hold.” He whispered making her gasp nervously but the point was to distract  Prerna from all other pressures of life. 


And as one would expect Rishabh Bajaj has his way that evening they waited for their flight to a  island on the Indian Ocean away from London but far enough from India it’s self to even remind them of anything but one and other. 

I’m going to pick up something for Kuki said Prerna looking towards a duty free shop at the airport. 

Rishabh agreed he’d wait for Prerna at the bar.

He watched his wife walk into a general store whilst he sipped on his Whisky. A little later she left  but rather then walk back towards him he watched her walk into another store this time one dedicated to women’s lingerie.


After all this time being Mrs Bajaj Prerna was still apprehensive about talk of a honeymoon, Rishabh found this to be a particularly innocent side of his wife he understood and never probed on. When the air hostess asked where they were off to it was he who mentioned their honeymoon.


A Blue sea and a white beach and keeping them from it was a glass door, a wonderful view to look out on day and night . The ensuit was as one would expect lavish yet minimal, a washroom on one side a double Bed in the centre and a porch way leading to private balcony. Almost like it was designed for the couple. 

The chair In the balcony for Rishabhs solitary moments and the sandy beach for Prerna. 

“It’s beautiful it is isn’t it” said Mr Bajaj as he took off his blazer and threw it over the bed, later rolling up the sleeves of his loose collar white shirt and sitting back on the bed with his feet up.

Prerna smiles looking out at the view having opened the glass a little to let sea breeze in and then looking back at Mr Bajaj.

“I’ll freshen up..” she suggested seeing him sat Back in bed looking on at her.. 

“It can wait..” he said comfortably suggesting she come and sit with him for a little while.

When she did his shoulder was her natural place to sink into. 


“I’ve never seen you so relaxed.” she said referring to his ease and the way he was looking out on the view. 

“Only ever since you walked into my life” he said softly catching  her attention.

“Aap roz aide bate kyun nahin karte?” She looked up at him a little.

“Its Not always I can be just Rishabh”


Later that day there was a knock on the door of their suite. Prerna tying her gown and seeping her wet hair into place answers the door.

“I’ve a note for Mr Bajaj says the young porter.”

“I’m Mrs Bajaj I can take it for him suggests Prerna”

“I’m afraid it’s been insisted that I hand it to him personally. Prerna was trying to avoid the porter walking into their room but gave in.

“Okay he’s out in the porch with wife no 2” she said rolling her eyes and opening the door a little more. The porter looked at her with wide eyes for a moment and then walked in, was she serious?


Rishabh was sat shirtless  in his chair sipping from a glass of alcohol with his cigar alight when the man walked in clearing his throat as a way of making himself known. 


Rishabh turned to the porter seeing that man looked a bit pale and unsure. If he didn’t know better the porter was giving him an odd look!

“Yes?” Asked Rishabh.

“I’ve a note addressed to you sir from a Shekhar Mehra.”

Rishabh knew what it would be. Thank you leave it with me said excusing the man.

Rishabh put his drink aside to open the letter. There were 4 words printed on the paper “Little hearts childrens home.”

Rishabh contemplated for a second and then tucked the note under the ashtray on the table in front of him. He looked out into the sea for a second to think and Sneha crossed his mind.

Hearing Prernas footsteps enter from behind he admired her for a moment and then asked casually. “What did you say to the porter to make him look at me like that?” 

“I told him you were out here with wife number 2” 

Rishabh looked towards  Prerna to see her eye his cigar and giggle. 

His eyes told her he enjoyed the playfulness. He put out the cigar and rose from his chair walking towards her he wanted to remind her that he had his own play.. 

“Which means you’re in trouble for walking in on us” he said rather seductively making Prerna nervous for what was ahead.

jagrutid2020-08-23 19:54:34

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Comments (3)

A honeymoon. They had never gone for one so it was about time they did.

1 months ago

You have to update the next chapter (๑♡⌓♡๑)

3 years ago