I love you

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Just wanted to say, I love you

“Oh you look wonderful Mrs Bajaj” Said George as he walked into Prerna at her dressing table having found the shawl she’d been looking for. 

“Thank you George” said prerna with a smile who was dressed in the most glamorous pink and gold saari and exquisite jewellery to go with it.

“Have you seen Mr Bajaj at all?” She asked as he fixed the very last details of her outfit. 

“Not long ago in the  lounge” answered George

“Is he okay?” Said Prerna loking up at George in the mirror.

“I presume so why do you ask?” Replied George in his warm English accent. 

Prerna pondered a second but so no harm in telling George. 

“He was rather upset this morning when I told him I was going to this party rather then spending time with him and the girls.”

George smiled wisely.

“I’m sure he’ll get over it, after all a lady deserves to let her hair loose too.”

Prerna smiled at old George he was always so charming and sweet 


“Wow” said Kuki when she saw her mom walk down the stairs looking like royalty. 

Mr Bajaj who was in his chair checking which of his bets had come through on the races In this afternoons news paper took a glance up towards the staircase and was as besotted but he decided not to let it on. 

He went straight back to his paper like he’d not noticed a thing.

“How do I look?” Asked Prerna walking towards kuki,  dropping  to Kukis eyeline in a squat.

“Pretty, very pretty”  smiled Kuki from ear to ear. 

“Thank you..smiled Prerna pecking little Kuki on the forehead”

“Now  be good for your Pa”

She said like moms did when they left children with their fathers. 

Kuki nodded.

Prerna looked over to the other side of the lounge to see her husband on his chair in front of his newspaper. Maybe if he was circling winnings rather than losses he’d be in a good mood she thought quietly to herself. In which case maybe he would be happy to have a wife free evening.

Cautiously and quietly she walked towards him. 

“Main jaon .?.” she said softly, having learnt how to deal with Mr Bajaj now when he was like this. 

He gave out a sound she couldn’t make out just a neutral sort of response.  “Hmm” she heard him say without as much as a glance her way. 

“Dinner is in the oven, just switch it on 15 mins”

“Sneha is asleep but woh uthjajyey toh her bottle is in the sink and 

George is going to stay for a few extra hours too”

She said her bit and wanted to ask him to avoid more than one cigar but now wasn’t the time.

“Have a good evening Mrs Bajaj” said Rishabh after a moment and she wished him the same

“You too”

A few mins later as Prerna got into the car she realised that Mr Bajaj not taking notice of her did matter. 

“He didn’t even compliment me.. “ she said to herself.

Shepard’s pie, kuki liked the mash potato and Rishabh just loved Prernas cooking through and through.

He enjoyed watching kuki play with her mash potato, until she was too hungry and gobbled it up. 

They enjoyed each other’s company the same way they did before Prerna had entered their life.

But as Rishabh ate he reflected on what not having Prerna around meant .

He missed her. Kuki was right Prerna looked beautiful today, really very beautiful.

“Shall we have ice cream Pa” said Kuki disturbing him out of his thoughts”

“Sure.. he said watching his daughter hop off her chair to fetch the tub”

Kuki had her own footstool now they let her reach places she couldn’t. 

.. A few mins later she returned. 

“There’s non in the freezer!” She said throwing up her arms in the air. 


Choc chip for Kuki and raspberry ripple for her Rishabh. Both of them tucked into their small tubs of icecream In the car outside the Icecream shop. 

“I wonder what mom’s party like ..”

Said kuki, he mustn’t have been the only person thinking the same thought Rishabh.

Prernas party was for ladies only it seemed a bit like children’s parties were children’s only thought kuki.

A little later to address Kukis curiosity and his secret hopeless romantic side Rishabh and kuki find themselves parked outside of Nandinis home. From afar they could see lights and decorations of pink and white.. lots of flowers and women dressed in pretty clothes. Faint music too.

It seemed the host Nandini Rai had spotted Mr bajaj’s car parked outside.

“Mr Bajaj, do you want me to call for Prerna” she said as Rishabh unwound the window. 

“Oh No, we were in the neighbourhood that’s all..and Kuki was a little  curious about the party”

Prernas friend smiled at Kuki through the window and looked on warmly at rather sweet Mr Bajaj who seemed to go out of his way for his daughter.

A little later 

Prerna watched her friend Nandini walk Kuki  into party hand in hand and her eyes shot wide with surprise to see Kuki here. With a smile and a little confusion Prerna hugged Kuki and then gave her ear to her friend who told her news of not just Kuki but Rishabh waiting in the corridor.

“Mr Bajaj Aap ..is something wrong” she said worriedly as she hurried worriedly towards Rishabh who had his hands casually tucked into his trouser pockets lingering in the hallway.

He just admired for her for  a second and then spoke”

“No ..I just.. I was just missing you that’s all, We were missing you”

He walked towards her a little more and looked into her eyes in a dreamy sort of way, 

“I wanted to tell you look how  beautiful you look,” he added like it was perfectly normal to drive out to find your wave for to hell her something like this. 

Prerna was speechless. 

“You should get back to the party” he said casually his eyes about to look for his daughter.

“..Mr Bajaj.... “ she said to draw his attention back to her” 

Putting her hand to the collar of his coat spoke softly, lovingly

“Lets go home”...

She demanded wanting to be with him and the girls. 


Hi all - sorry I've been very busy this week with lots of work stuff going on smiley23 but I finally got a little time to myself and whilst I was on my walk yesterday this mini moment came to mind.

Hopefully this will keep you going until I write more this week I hope. 

Hope you are all well, stay safe..be merry seen as its December

let me know what you think...like and comment to tell me how I did!

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Comments (11)

He made up for it . A complement after driving over to see her.

1 months ago

George complemented her. Rishab needed to do that. He failed there, big time. Why is he so upset anyway?

1 months ago

You have to update the next chapter

3 years ago

Aww such a darlings both Rishabh and Kukki.....they were missing Prerna so much that they both went to gate crash her party.....rofl....but really I found RB adorable in this one....just like Kukki....

3 years ago

So wonderful ❤️ ❣️ ❣️ I have had all emotions while reading the book it's amazing💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

3 years ago

Updaaaaaaaate uhu I am waiting since long

3 years ago

And we're here as well! Continue soooon ❤️

3 years ago

Mr bajaj compliment to prerna is lovely

3 years ago