Betrayal 1 Sharda Bajaj

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Note: Thank you for all your comments and likes or the last one,  again I dont update quick enough I know. - sorry! 

Now then I hope everyones had a good week and is in for a even better weekend.

I’m a massive fan of anything with a little bit of suspense and so as a one off I’m going to write a set of 4 moments that you have to read in order  hope they’ll go down well. 

Betrayal 1 : Sharda Bajaj

Rishabh looked out into the night sky, reflected on what it had been like to have his family with him over the last couple of days. Although it was to acquaint them with Sneha Rishabh wondered if Prerna had more than one agenda. 

A failed agenda even if so, Neither did Sneha take to any of them and any of them whole heartedly to him anymore.  Hearing a soft trundling inside his room, Rishabh walked in to find Sneha stood in the middle of the room looking for her da it seemed.

smiling he picked her up propped her on his shoulder and then walked to the side table to fetch a photo frame from within the side drawer.

"Both of us need to do better at this" he said softly making conversation with his daughter whilst carrying her to his chair.

Once they were comfortably seated Rishabh pointed out the different members of his family to Sneha. 

Ever since the Bajaj’s had arrived Sneha had shun away, a lot of it because they were new faces some of it her need for her Ma and Da over others.

Rishabh pointed out different faces in the picture.

“Tanvi bua ” he said pointing her out.. Sneha watched him.

“Masi ba..” He said pointing out his aunt Sharada Masi

and after a pause decided he shouldn't leave one of out because of his personal differences “….Mahesh ..uncle” he said with a bit of a weight in his voice.

Non of which were blood relatives but he’d considered them no less regardless of their differences. 

After a few minutes of light conversation between father and daughter, Rishabh describing the good things about each of the Bajaj’s and Sneha saying what she could when she liked there was a sudden silence from her Da sneha was clever enough to know was unusual

“Da..Da..” she repeated to try get the attention of a unconscious Rishabh 

Later on that night Prerna looks on in distress at the doctor. 

“There are signs of fowl play Mrs Bajaj.” A chill ran through Prerna as she looked at the doctor and Rishabh unconscious but in recovery. “A lethal toxin was found In Rishabhs blood”

As Rishabh lay in bed monitored by the doctor Prerna had reached out to Mr Mehra who sat out in the porch with her. 

“You can’t think one of them is responsible?” Said Mr Mehra. Prerna looked rather uncertain as she reflected on the last few days describing her doubts to Shekhar & her mother over  the phone.


“You don’t talk about your family…” she said circling her fingers lightly on his bare his chest whilst staying comfortable against it. 

“You are my family”, He said softly knowing his wife used these chats in the middle of the night to understand his inner most feelings and thoughts. He allowed her to explore his heart and mind. Some things he was willing to share whilst others not.

“I mean the Bajaj’s”..smiled Prerna at Rishabhs way around her question

“There isn’t much to say” He replied after a moment of silence.

Prerna didn’t believe that for a moment, she’d met his Masi and his cousin briefly.

“Invite them over..” She said propping her head up just enough to look at him that more to get his attention. 

He gave a “I’m thinking about it sort of silence.”

“They’d want to meet Sneha, I want them to meet Sneha.” She said when resting back on his chest. 

Although Rishabh didn’t say much he did reach for his phone on the beside which was a sign he’d agreed and it was done.

Leaving Prerna with a little smile of triumph. 


Prernas wishes had materialised Rishabh’s family were due to visit.

“Where’s my Kuki?” Asked Rishabhs Masi as she walked into Bajaj house with her arm intwined in Rishabhs who’d picked up his Masi up from the airport. They seemed to have a lovely relationship thought Prerna as she approached them watching Mr Bajaj and Masi’s connect. No could never replace the absence of his mother but Prerna could see that Masi was closer than anyone would be. 

“She’ll be causing trouble somewhere no doubt, Rishabh said in response to his Masi” with whilst Prerna greeted her.

Hiding behind Prerna was Little Sneha, who popped her head around out from behind her saari for a second seeing a unfamiliar face she  hid back again.

“Sneha .. “ - called out her father who had caught her

And she stepped out .. 

“this is Masi ..” he introduced them after picking her up in his arms  although Masi carried a smile and pulled Snehas cheeks seeming lovingly Prerna didn’t seem the same love for Sneha as she did for Kuki all those years ago. Maybe this was to be expected ?

Handing Sneha back to her Ma Prerna watched Mr Bajaj and Masi walk away together and Rishabhs eyes silently compliment her traditional avatar today which made her smile.


Rishabh perched on the side of the guest room bed where Masi had her suitcase open

There was something she wanted to give him and straight away.

As soon as Rishabh saw the container he knew it was his favourite homemade treats. 

Thank you - he said with a smile and Masi smiled back.

“Rishabh do you trust her?” She said after moment of moving to sit beside him.” 

He assumed she was talking about Prerna “Don’t you?” He said. 

Kya meri rai koi maiyne rakhti hai“Does my opinion matter?”  She said in a motherly sort of protest

Rishabh Bajaj was as ever shrewd whether it would be family life or business . “is this about Prerna or about  me choosing her mother to be Kukis godmother ?”

He knew his aunt well and  Masi’s expression told him it was both.

Prerna who walked past had heard her name been spoken of and sensed some tension but didn’t want to intrude.


That evening as Prerna chose her outfit for the following day in the office Sneha sat right in the centre of their bed helping her mother choose between two outfits.

“I think you like the Blue” said a voice from at the entrance of the room.

It was masi, prerna smiled which acted as a welcome into the room. 

“Mr Bajaj prefers the white as does his princess” replied Prerna possibly having impressed masi with the way she put Rishabh at the centre of such a minor matter and yet sat on her side table was business woman of the year. 

Prerna wasn’t quite sure if she had masis approval or not. Something told her it was the latter.


Mr Mehra looked at Prerna with a look of doubt did she really think Sharda Bajaj would  have wanted a fate such as this for Rishabh?

Next: Betrayal 2 : Tanvi Bajaj

jagrutid2020-10-23 21:32:46

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Comments (7)

A family member did this? Why would they want to do that? What's their plan?

1 months ago

You need to update the next chapter. (。・ω・。)ノ♡

3 years ago

So the intro of Bajajs,huh....well looks like it could have gone a lil bit more good....loved RB-Sneha moment....such a sweet moment but then RB falling unconscious is a real deal-breaker here....Can Masi really do something like this just b'coz she doesn't approve either Prerna or Sneha??I doubt it but let's see...

3 years ago

Hello r u??I've finally caught up to you here....I can't believe I'm behind 9 chapters now....OMG!!!I'll read one chapter a day.....sorry for the delay....I've been taking a break....been busy with house and my kid's school....I hope you are doing good.....Has there been a new PreRish baby here yet??loll...

3 years ago