For Sneha

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Thank you all for you lovely messages on the last chapter and every other on this thread. Really nice to see these are liked appreciated.

I tried to send pms but it just wasn't working for me! hope you all enjoy this anyway.

For Sneha 

Rishabh carefully tiptoed into Snehas room where Prerna had been with her thoughout the night, she whispered on seeing him walk closer  “She didn’t get much sleep”

 “and you?”He asked worried about them both

“mein theekh hoon” she said tiredly with her back propped up to the bed and Sneha in her lap.

Rishabh passed the back of his fingers against Snehas cheek lovingly later looking up at Prerna beginning to think he should work from home although he was all set for a day in the office.

“You should go, you have  an important day in the office” she said Like he’d heard the voice in his mind. 

Kissing her forehead he leaves, promising to make himself at the drop of a hat if needed.


Later that morning the moment Prerna left Sneha for the shortest of moments she cried. Not her Grandma, not George, or not anyone for that matter could calm her. Seeing a very irritable Sneha Kuki took it on herself to make her baby sister feel better.

Walking into her room she looked around at all her toys. Non of them were good enough for her baby sister but then she spotted her favourite pebble. A pebble she’d pained with the help of her Pa, a bright yellow it was and every time  she looked at it, it  made her smile. She’d make one just like that for Sneha. 

Walking outside into the garden Kuki looked for the best one she could find. 

When she’d found one that was just perfect she walked back in to the house to look for her paints. 

The only problem with that was the paints were on a very high shelf and she needed help to get them now.

“Not now Miss Kuki said George as he frantically tried to head Snehas milk for her.

“In a minute beta” said Veena when Kuki approached her she was too busy trying to find something for Sneha 

No one would help her

Kuki with the most annoyed of faces stomps loudly into the playroom, Makes a big pile of books to climb but even with this clever attempt of hers didnt allow her to reach the paints.

On the other hand Prerna decides to call Mr Bajaj. “Its Sneha she won’t settle, she cries the moment I’m out of sigh, 

“I’m on my way” replies Rishabh looking on Mehra to take care of things whilst he made his way home.


Kuki had given up that was until she heard her Pa’s voice. If there was one person that would do anything for her it was her Pa. She smiled almost from ear to ear after hearing his voice and trundled out to the lounge.

"Pa" she said .. walking toward him as he entered the house but he didn’t stop to give her a big hug or pick her up infact he rushed passed her.. "one second sweetheart" he said running his hand over her head as he walked past towards straight towards Snehas room. 

““Theres nothing to be worried about Mrs Bajaj” smiled the doctor. “Snehas never had her Ma before and now she knows who you are and recognises you she doesn’t want to let you go that’s all, Its common in children who have been distant from their parents . They carry fear of being abandoned. She’ll soon settle.. you just have to remind her that you’re both close by."

Wasn’t life strange thought both Prerna and Rishabh for the past few days since being  home Sneha  only ever wanted her Da and now she wanted her Ma too and both of them equally as much. "Thank you doctor said Rishabh relieved that Sneha was okay."

Once the doctor had left Rishabh took a seat next to both Prerna and his daughter who for now was happy.  He smiled Tapping her nose to get her attention.

“Da! “- she replied and looked up at him with her adorable eyes.

“Don’t you Da me!!!” He said sternly “no more troubling your Mom do you understand!”  Sneha looked on like she understood what was being said and nodded.

Nodding a yes and climbing her Da’s lap, it was his turn to be stuck to this child it seemed. 

That evening as Prerna stepped into bed not having to worry about Sneha because she was with her father either his scolding or him, one of the things had worked it’s magic.  

She picked up her book by the bedside but before she could  turn a page Kuki climbed into her bed putting her head into her moms lap. 

“Kya hua Beta, is Pa not reading you your bedtime story”? Asked Prerna, Moms just knew when something was wrong.

“Pa's with Sneha” said Kuki quietly with Prerna catching on to what seemed to be going on here.

A little later there is a knock on door of the room where Rishabh has Sneha in his lap and is reading to her.

Both Sneha and Rishabh look over to the door to see Prerna first “You have a visitor” Says Prerna referring to Kuki who was stood beside her.

Kuki seemed a little bit hesitant to walk into the room and Prerna walked in whilst Kuki stood at the entrance.

Prerna approached Rishabh’s chair and whispered into his ear whilst Kuki watched and Sneha went on to stay snuggled in her fathers lap.

Rishabh having heard from his wife moved his eyes to Kuki at the door and looked at her with a fatherly sort of glow, kind, cotton like  “Come here” he said to her and Kuki walked in hesitantly and climbed his lap. Prerna smiled leaving the girls with their father.

"I Love you"..said Rishabh putting his arm around Kuki and then the other Around Sneha "and you too" he said to Sneha kissing them both on the forehead to make them both smile. 

After a moment Kuki reached into the pocket of her dungaree’s and pulled out a bright pink coloured pebble. 

“For Sneha” she said holding it out to her sister, it would go alongside hers in the playroom.

jagrutid2020-10-11 19:22:20

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Comments (3)

Kuki is such a sweet big sister to Sneha. These two have formed such a nice bond.

1 months ago

You have to update the next chapter ( ◜‿◝ )♡

3 years ago