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Hi all - thanks for waiting on me, just a small moment from me but I hope you enjoy it non the less.

Will try to update sooner and more frequently this week.

Also I realise the show is ending, please let me know if you'd still be around to read or think it would be better if I concluded this thread. 

I could happily write more but not sure what will be of this forum post October time.


“The ideal thing would be to come to a settlement with Mr Basu”. Says Mr Mehra sat on the sofa opposite Mr Bajaj in his arm chair and Mrs Bajaj perched by his side on the arm of the chair listening to him carefully on the matter of Snehas custody.

Prerna stirred the palm of her hand over Mr Bajajs shoulder from the height she was sat at beside him Mehra continued. 


“If he takes this to court we’ll certainly win it might not be pleasant that’s all for both sides.” Rishabh didn’t want his wife to have to open up old wounds he looked up to his side at Prerna.

“Is this what you want?” he asks again, she was the centre of all this as far as he was concerned.

“She’s Sneha Rishabh Bajaj , whatever it takes for it to stay that way.” She replied confidently.

A bid for full custody it was 

Mehra pointed out where Prerna ought to sign and she did.

“ I’ll talk to Mr Basu first thing tomorrow morning if he doesn’t reason then court it is.” Concluded Mr Mehra  and Rishabh  nodded. Mehra Closed his file ready to leave when Prerna stopped him.”

“Mr Mehra one more thing” 

Mehra turns back to see Prerna walk away and come back with an enverlope and a smile yes he says gently always his helpful self.

Shekhar watched Prerna pause for a second look towards Mr Bajaj and then back at him.

“Myself and Mr Bajaj would like to ask  if  you’d have Sneha and Kuki as your god children?

Mr Mehra not having expected this can’t help but show his surprise and happiness all in his smile taking the envelope more overwhelmed by the request than anything.

“Of Course it would be a honour” he said humbly and Prerna along with Rishabh smiled.

“Thank you” replied Prerna.


“Mehra will do anything to win this now it’s about his God Daughter” he said in a very business like way.

“Mr Bajaj that’s not why you suggested Mr Mehra is it” Prernas tone of voice sounded disapproving. She tried to make out those lucid eyes of his that were grinning at her as she walked back to perch  by his chair this time he bought her closer taking her hand In his and placing it at his chest.

“He’s one of the few I trust.” He said softly. Prerna smiled her mother alongside Mr Mehra were the perfect god parents. 

“Mr Bajaj .. waha dekhiye” said Prerna when something at a distance caught her eye.

Both now looking out in unison at Kuki and Sneha at a distance.

Whilst Sneha could trundle along she hadn’t yet mastered climbing a step. 

Her little feet stood every time she got a staircase!  That was until now when Kuki had taken Snehas little hand into hers and put one foot in front of the other to show her baby sister how it was done. 

Sneha watched and then copied, climbing her very first step with her Ma and Da watching.


When Mr Mehra arrived home sometime later he couldn’t wait to tell his wife about his new relationship with Sneha but before he got the chance  “there’s a gentleman waiting to see you Shekar’ said Mrs Mehra.

Mr Mehra took a look towards his office and saw a silhouette of a man who looked much like Anurag Basu.

“I can’t help you..I won’t help you.. “ said Mr Mehra hearing Anurag’s request for help mixed with a bribe of sorts.

if shes Sneha I’m her father.

Maybe so but an unfit one Mr Basu, your wife gave her away to an orphanage, not to mention you have no money to raise her..and if I’m not wrong that is Alcohol I smell on you. Anurag looked restless although Mr Mehra felt for him he wanted the best for Sneha and the best at this time but aside his bias’s seemed to be Prerna and Rishabh.

“You will get to See your daughter Mr Basu and you’ll see how happy she is.”  Said Mehra to end the conversation and see Anurag out. 

Returning to his office Mr Mehra takes a sigh catching sight of the envelop Prerna had handed him Mr Meha takes a seat behind his desk and tears it open to find a picture of him with Kuki and Sneha. 

With a warm heart Mehra smiles and decides but the picture up on his desk right beside the one of him and his wife. God parent stood for Guardian, protector, carer and today marked another instance where Mr Mehra had carried out his duty.


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Comments (3)

Why does Anurag want Sneha? He never cared before. The kid was given away for god's sake.

1 months ago

You have to update the next chapter. (✿ ♡‿♡)

3 years ago